The do it all self-defense pistol

Glocks,glocks,glocks, I have 4 different glocks but I don't see what is so special about them. I have other pistols I like much better and fit me better. I bought into the cool-aid too and now into them to deep to get out.
I can’t believe I didn’t see any Staccato votes 🤷🏻‍♂️

If it’s something to carry all the time it’d have to be a 365 Macro, if I can only have one period probably my 19
Lots of great options and it's too subjective to know what is most important, but I'd have to say Sig P365 because to me easily carrying it with enough rounds is what I value.
I have a Glock 20 that I carry hunting sometimes and it's in the nightstand, but I carry my Sig P365 everyday. The trigger, factory night sights and the size but still having the ability to carry a good amount of ammo make it hard to beat.
I can’t believe I didn’t see any Staccato votes 🤷🏻‍♂️

If it’s something to carry all the time it’d have to be a 365 Macro, if I can only have one period probably my 19
My Staccato P isn’t a whole lot more than a “range toy.” Kind of stupid based on how much it cost, but oh well. The thing is just so heavy compared to the same capacity as one of my G17s or a G19 with a +2 (or a 17/34 mag).

If I only had to choose one for everything, I’d also choose a G19. I have a 43X and do carry it, but there are just more options with a G19. I have a XC1 on my EDC 19 and x300s on other ones. Full size RMR instead of the RMRcc or similar that you’re stuck with on the single stack 43/48.
Glocks,glocks,glocks, I have 4 different glocks but I don't see what is so special about them. I have other pistols I like much better and fit me better. I bought into the cool-aid too and now into them to deep to get out.
Maybe I just have weird hands, but I don’t think I’ve found anything that works better for me than a standard Glock frame with no backstrap or finger grooves. Most of mine are Gen 4s, so I grind the finger grooves off and will undercut the trigger guard a bit for some more room on compact frames.

That being said, it may just be a function of my round count with Glocks, a 17 was my first pistol after all.

ETA I have tried many others but just keep coming back to the tried and true for me.
Check out the new FN Reflex. I have a pile of 9s, 19, 43x, VP9, Ruger, etc. The internal hammer makes for a much better trigger pull. Sweet gun, I like it better than the 43x and p365.
You Glock guys what pushed you towards the 19 vs 43x for a carry weapon ? Obviously more rounds . Was at a gun shop the other day and quite surprised picking up a 43x how much i liked it
The Glock 43X and Glock 48 both feel VERY nice.
Tough question!

My all-time favorite handgun is the G17 Gen 4. I am convinced that Glock somehow used a model of my hand when they were developing the finger grooves for that model. It really is a perfect fit, although way too large for most carry duties I'd require. Helluva nightstand pistol, though.

In terms of Glocks, I really like the G48 M.O.S. It feels great in the hand, is easy to shoot well and conceals better than the G19. It also is great with a red dot. However, I'd probably end up picking my G43 just because of the ease of concealment. I can pretty much take it anywhere any time of year and not worry about it printing.

All this being said, I spend some 60-80 days every spring/summer/fall actively moving through the prime mountain Grizzly country of Montana, Wyoming and Idaho and I feel far more unsafe doing this than anything else. I have had two extremely close calls with mama Grizz and one very close call with a big boar and I can assure you that during all of these encounters there was no time at all when I would have felt adequately armed with any of the 9mm Glocks. At these distances, I would wish for a 5-shot semi-auto shotgun loaded with buckshot. But, alas, I cannot carry a long gun while doing what I do.

Because of the fear the grizzly bear has instilled in me, I now would (and do) choose the Smith & Wesson M&P 10MM M2.0 with 4" barrel as my only handgun if limited to just one. I carry it in a chest rig while hiking, bushwhacking and fishing and the thumb safety provides an extra level of protection, especially while bushwhacking. The gun fits me quite well and the slightly shorter barrel helps with all-day carry.

I'd only choose this big ol' gun because it is the most appropriate choice for the greatest threats I face. I'd pretty much not want to carry it for anything else.
As of the other day, I safe Queened all my Glocks , 21,23,19,43 and M&P's and pick up a Springfield Echelon for my HD pistol and a Hellcat Pro for my EDC. For me,thoes are as good as it gets.
If you were going to buy one pistol for self-defense from in your home, to in the woods for the lower 48, what would be your your caliber and action choice?
I own P365XL, Delta Elite 10mm, CZ P-10C and Buckmark 22lr. All have similar felt grip angle.

If forced to have one do it all though it woul be a Glock 23 40 S&W. My redneck mountain dwelling
acquaintances all have em. They load them with whatever. Mountain lions, feral pigs that need dispatching after shot with rifle, and roaming dogs encountered. Striker fired polymer has way less egress points for dirt to get into. Light weight and easily maintained. It would be like marrying a broad shouldered homely amish woman though.
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Been stated here before, Glock 29SF/Gen4/Gen5. Works on people, bears, and can be concealed easily. Real comfortable to shoot (pinky extension on 10rd magazines), easy to manage.

If you're open carrying or using at home, 15 round magazines work too with the slide on grip extensions.