I totally f’d that one up and I do apologize.
My failed attempt was that despite ever increasing bears and folks in the woods, people are not being slaughtered like lambs by the bears.
While there is risk, the actual threat is pretty damn low.
No you didn't mess it up, I got what you were saying.
I haven't hunted a ton in grizzly country, but here's how I think about it (and, this is my experience):
1) The elk densities are typically lower than other places, perhaps because grizzly areas also have wolves, and we know wolves put a hurt on elk
2) The trophy potential may or may not be there compared to other areas; I don't perceive it to be any better
3) There is less hunting pressure. Is it enough to overcome points 1) and 2)? Maybe.
4) I perceive more risk. We follow bear protocols, the cooking and eating and hanging food, it's a pain in the ass
5) I sleep like shit.
6) Killing something is extremely stressful. And the stress doesn't go away until the last load is to the truck and you're bouncing down the road.
7) Based on 4) through 6), the hunting (to me) is just less fun. Sure, I might bag a bull which is always the goal, but of course the process is part of the experience. Tough to explain, but the fun is a big part of it. I don't really look forward to my next hunt in real grizzly country. But I'll still go.