The 6UM


Ryan, I’m curious if you guys considered using the 7mm prc case when you started on this project and if there were reasons for not using it other than initial brass availability? I don’t have the exact numbers but I would guess the 7prc case capacity is similar to the 6mm um without having to AI it. Thanks, love the info coming out on this.
Ackley does a better job of hiding pressure. Who wants their face rubbed in “it” early when you know you’re going to go “too far” from the start? The improved case is an easy-ish way to kick the “too far” can down the road another hundred or two fps. Or at least that’s why I would do it.
Ryan, I’m curious if you guys considered using the 7mm prc case when you started on this project and if there were reasons for not using it other than initial brass availability? I don’t have the exact numbers but I would guess the 7prc case capacity is similar to the 6mm um without having to AI it. Thanks, love the info coming out on this.

7mm PRC case is long action. If anything the question is why not use the 6.5 prc case. I think Ryan associates the PRC too closely to the creedmoor, thus the saum choice due to it's cooler, more niche area of the cartridge world.

Ryan, I’m curious if you guys considered using the 7mm prc case when you started on this project and if there were reasons for not using it other than initial brass availability? I don’t have the exact numbers but I would guess the 7prc case capacity is similar to the 6mm um without having to AI it. Thanks, love the info coming out on this.

We did not but I think TS Customs is making a 6mm on the 7 PRC case. Which is awesome cause FF does suck:) @Nbowlin

If you run the H2O numbers the 7 PRC holds 7 more grains than 6UM. Which is putting it above a 6.5 PRC in recoil in a 6mm configuration. Thats going to change hit efficiency… enough to matter who know have to run the numbers when we see some solid data from the 6mm-7PRC.

Where the 6UM is going to shine is with barrel lengths from 16-20” with suppressors. I would love to see the speed difference between a 6UM and a 6mm-7 PRC in a 18” barrel.

There’s a few 6UMs being built at UMs for customers right now so there should be lots more data coming soon.


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We did not but I think TS Customs is making a 6mm on the 7 PRC case. Which is awesome cause FF does suck:) @Nbowlin

If you run the H2O numbers the 7 PRC holds 7 more grains than 6UM. Which is putting it above a 6.5 PRC in recoil in a 6mm configuration. Thats going to change hit efficiency… enough to matter who know have to run the numbers when we see some solid data from the 6mm-7PRC.

Where the 6UM is going to shine is with barrel lengths from 16-20” with suppressors. I would love to see the speed difference between a 6UM and a 6mm-7 PRC in a 18” barrel.

There’s a few 6UMs being built at UMs for customers right now so there should be lots more data coming soon.


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That makes good sense to me. 7 grains is substantial. Definitely going to degrade the barrel faster and pump up the recoil.

I’ve heard that having a 40 degree shoulder versus the 30 degree on the prc helps protect the throat as well. Supposedly keeps less unburnt powder from slamming into the throat area. I don’t know if this is true or not however.

Will be interesting to see what TS customs comes up with. I’d love to see that 18” barrel comparison.

When you validated trajectory with your 20” barrel how many minutes of drop did you come up with at 1200 yards? I ran a quick chart with an g1 bc of .620 and velocity of 3350 in a 1-7 twist sighted in exactly 1” high at 100 yards and came up with an estimated 22 moa of drop at 1200 yards with a remaining velocity of 1900fps. Curious what you found in real life?
When do we get the terminal ballistics podcast?:D