The 1 Thing You Learned- Suppressors

This is really helpful to read right now. I have a Thunderbeast Ultra 9 somewhere in the ATF ether now. (Silencer Shop won't return multiple emails either...) Was planning on putting it on my Tikka 300 WM, but now having doubts when I add up the length.
Tikka + Ultra 9 is 54 inches, or 4.5 feet. That's a lot of gun to be taking up and down mountains.

Beginning to think I should have included physical dimensions more in my buying criteria.
I keep dreaming up of having a Blaser R8 with a 22" barrel. With the shorter action of that particular rifle, overall length would only be 26"
Much bigger in dia and it will be in your sight picture a lot more..I can already see mine in the scope at lowest power on a few of my rifles...chop that barrel!
I haven't had my suppressor show up in the scope yet, but maybe that's because my scopes are relatively higher power. Thanks for explaining that point though 👍
I thought the same thing until recently. While NFA requires that you notify law enforcement for transport of short barreled firearms and machine guns across state lines, there is no similar requirement for suppressors. You can legally take them across any state line where it is legal to possess them. I believe there are five states that currently don’t allow them, and frankly they aren’t big destinations for me.
Thank you for explaining this!
I have built several suppressors(all legally using the Form1 route) larger diameter and shorter isn't as effective. The purpose of a suppressor is to slow the gasses down when exiting. Because of the type of flow and at the speed it's traveling its hard to strip the gasses off of the linear gas colum. (Think water coming out of a fire hose) there's alot that more goes into the effectiveness of a suppressor than just volume of the can. It's a little hard to explain in text and if I tried this would be a novel.

1 thing I learned. It is so nice not having to worry about Ep's when hunting.
I appreciate you sharing your experiences 👍
I totally love the idea for varmint shooting out of a short barrel... but damn, they take forever to get the stamp and I thought they'd get down some in price (by now).

But the great market "run-up" is in full swing now, so I don't see an "affordable to me" option at this time.

And... lucky I live rural and so nobody blinks an eye when a gun goes off around here ;)
It has been said already already but remember to consider length and weight when choosing one for hunting. 22" is about the max I think you want for a barrel that will have a suppressor on the end. I also believe in buy once cry once and to buy one that will fit on multiple guns - usually a 30 cal or 33 cal.
This year is going to go by, and at the end of it you can either be a year older, or you can be a year older and have a silencer.

There are three distinct silencer groups to cover everything: Centerfire rifle, centerfire pistol, and rimfire.
Overbore is fine, .45 can works for 9mm, .308 can works for .223, .22 can works for .17
But you don't want to mix between the categories much.
I guess four since shotgun silencers exist now.

A centerfire rifle silencer can get too hot to grab in as little as one shot.

For me, the "balance issue" I found was the rifle being muzzle heavy while shoulder slung and wanting to pull down backwards. I got a really long shotgun sling, and ziptied it closer to the muzzle to fix that.

Some people think that you need to use subsonic ammo for a silencer to be worth it, and therefore centerfire rifle cans are stupid. IMO that's wrong. Making a .30-06 sound like a .22LR, while not Hollywood Quiet, is absolutely an improvement.

Individual opinions may vary on whether or not you still need earplugs with a silenced rifle.
With a long bolt action out in the open I say no, with a short AR under a shelter or in the trees I say yes. In between is in between.
We're all still waiting to see how they're going to go for the eForm 4s. eForm 1's seem to have bumped back a little. I've got a 1 ready to submit hopefully this week, so the clock will start.
With all the supply chain issues and staff shortages, I could see this getting pushed back further and further. I am happy they're thinking about it though