The#1 issue affecting hunting?

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Aug 12, 2020
I resent that. I show up. They just don't give a shit what resident sportsman have to say.

Other than you how many other regular guys were there?

I’ll admit, I don’t make meetings in person, I’ve attended a few via their zoom meetings but it always seems like a ghost town.
Jul 17, 2017
Lack of participation in politics, conservation groups, game commissions, 2A support organizations, ect…

I think lack of participation is the #1 issue.
This x1000. At least in Colorado. Hunting is under a full blown attack from the anti-hunting groups and our governor.

Swamp Fox

Oct 20, 2022
What do you think the #1 issue affecting hunting is?
Apr 29, 2023
What do you think the #1 issue affecting hunting is?
The Western European mentality of consuming and throwing away everything they touch with out thinking about the consequences.

We have fishermen who use nets and kill just about everything they catch then complain when restrictions that are designed to prevent total collapse of entire ecosystems are put in place to preserve it for their own children.

I’ve been in very places, both mountain wilderness areas as well as the middle of the ocean. You can find plastic bottles in both places. Disgusting to have to pack out other people’s trash.


Mar 28, 2023
Without a doubt its the liberal woke agenda. Implementation of this agenda is a threat to western society as a whole but especially America. The North American Model of Conservation, 1st Amenment and 2nd Amendment are all things the liberal agenda will directly target for being uniquely American in addition to contrast in philosophies.

Proof? It's everywhere. Every organization that implements equity based policy is thrown into turmoil and collapse. Disney, NFL, nba, bud lite. You pick.

An even more alarming comparison to implementation of the liberal woke dei agenda in hunting and conservation would be to the United States military. Traditionally, the type of individual enrolling in the military would have a high likelihood to be a hunter or have interest in hunting. Since implementation of woke dei policies and advertising, the military has seen a catastrophic drop in recruitment. Hunting and public land agencies are starting down that same path. Catastrophic collapse will follow for hunting, wildlife conservation, and public land recreation.


Mar 1, 2012
Other than you how many other regular guys were there?

I’ll admit, I don’t make meetings in person, I’ve attended a few via their zoom meetings but it always seems like a ghost town.

Ive attended occasional meetings in person over 30 years.
There used to be more in attendance than there is now, but @Huntin_GI is spot on.

Since you attend Zoom meetings, do you make any comments?

If so, have your comments made any difference or do you get the standard 'Head Bob' and thank you?

This next BGSS in Colorado will be real telling on how much the CPW listens - especially with all the surveys and committees they put together.
Apr 9, 2021
I realize that everyone has stated their case unequivocally. However, I really don’t see how anyone can make a case for anything other than habitat (and its protection) being the number one issue.

Have y’all seen the rate of suburban expansion? I realize the west is immune to some of this-but if you think it’s crowded now, wait until all that’s left is public.

The next generation will have some guns. Even if the libs get some concessions.
They will have limited seasons, especially if we don’t show up to the meetings.

But none of that will matter when there’s no place to hunt…

Access to AFFORDABLE hunting ground as well as a place that can SUPPORT animals is the single biggest barrier we’ll have moving forward. In my opinion.

But please be engaged. And please vote pro 2A.
Last edited:
Apr 29, 2023
edit… been in very REMOTE places,
Without a doubt its the liberal woke agenda. Implementation of this agenda is a threat to western society as a whole but especially America. The North American Model of Conservation, 1st Amenment and 2nd Amendment are all things the liberal agenda will directly target for being uniquely American in addition to contrast in philosophies.

Proof? It's everywhere. Every organization that implements equity based policy is thrown into turmoil and collapse. Disney, NFL, nba, bud lite. You pick.

An even more alarming comparison to implementation of the liberal woke dei agenda in hunting and conservation would be to the United States military. Traditionally, the type of individual enrolling in the military would have a high likelihood to be a hunter or have interest in hunting. Since implementation of woke dei policies and advertising, the military has seen a catastrophic drop in recruitment. Hunting and public land agencies are starting down that same path. Catastrophic collapse will follow for hunting, wildlife conservation, and public land recreation.
No woke and liberals aint got nothing to do with it. Stop passively believing what some talking head in NYC is telling you and start thinking for your self.

billionaires are inventing these wedge issues to keep people distracted while they consume everything.

Christ, how many gender changing people you ever encountered?? What have they ever done to you and why NOW is this suddenly an issue?
Answer: it’s an effective BS wedge issue. it’s mentioned every day on media because someone is distracting us from REAL issues.

You see it in transfer of BLM lands to states. States do not have the budget to maintain large tracts of land. The super wealthy know this and intend to use this as a way to buy them, lease them and otherwise lock these lands away from the common man..
You see access to existing PUBLIC BLM lands (and trout streams) being taken away, effectively conserving all the wild game for those wealthy enough to own the surrounding land.

off-point, but still important: BLM land goes across state borders, animals need these large contiguous areas to even survive. I also hear the Wyoming governor is putting different development in the way of an ancient Pronghorn migration path, that’s been used for a millennia.

You keep being distracted, maybe you’ll “beat the libs” (or whatever drivel they are currently feeding you as a fake “accomplishment”) but eventually you’ll find your ability to hunt will have a new $10,000 “land access fee” payable to some private hedge fund one day.
…or be completely locked out of your most prized trout stream.

I’d suggest you go find some of those liberal tree huggers who love to bike, camp hike and find common ground so we can ALL STAND OUR GROUND against those who will sell our common heritage away.
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