Texas school shooting

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Jun 30, 2020
I have been reading several well known people are pulling out of NRA meeting about to take place. I think it might be a good idea for the NRA to cancel the meeting. Before you go ballistic on me, I only say this because, you can be assured if the meeting takes place there will be an over whelming protest outside. this will be closely watch by all the liberal media and only feed the anti gun message they are preaching. I am a life long NRA member.


May 27, 2022
No. They. Are. Not.

You cannot show me a long list of times a single man with a knife killing large groups of people.

There is a VERY long list of times it happens with a gun though.
Lol, yes you absolutely can. It's happened several times in the UK. The numer of fatalities involving knives or sharp instruments is staggering.


Jun 12, 2019
Again, focusing on the what.

No one seems to give a shit about why these people kill. The how becomes secondary.

Prevent the killer, prevent the killing.

People saying lock school up are tacitly admitting the physical object is related to the event - the same way some will blame a murder on the gun.

Prevent the killer, prevent the killing.

Keep saying it over and over until it sinks in.

If you want a place to start: fathers.
Well a locked door more than likely would have kept the shooter out of the school so....along with other things...yes the standard procedure at schools should be no unlocked access to the school. You will NEVER stop this from happening again but you can take multiple layered steps to help prevent it.

I agree with your preventing the killer thing and you may catch or prevent a few but not all...so what do you do when the ones that get by strike? You have procedures in place that must be followed.


Oct 28, 2015
So does anyone else find it a bit ironic and hypocritical that members and attendees at NRA convention will not be allowed to carry firearms during certain times of the convention (Trump/Pence), and at certain hotels and sponsored venues. They feel that they need to ban guns to protect themselves, but schools are fine, just give guns to the teachers. Why are NRA members ok with this clear and atrocious 2nd amendment right infringement?
I don't think it's any secret that the NRA is no longer a 2A rights group. They are more or less a PAC for the GOP using firearms as their messaging tool. Gun Owners of America or the Firearms Policy Coalition are actual 2A rights orgs.

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May 27, 2022
Want to stop school shootings?

The only way I see it is lock our schools up like a prison. 12 foot high fencing with rolled razor wire on top. Armed guards in towers on watch. One entry point for traffic with armed guards and K9 units.

But you'll have plenty of people push back against this idea, the same people screaming to protect our children and stop gun violence.
Or get them out of government schools altogether. I mean, how many homeschool fatalities result from mass shootings?


Oct 28, 2015
Or get them out of government schools altogether. I mean, how many homeschool fatalities result from mass shootings?
Dong ding ding! We have a winner. Privatize education. In fact, we can privatize just about everything and see improvements. The government is good at one thing and one thing only: screwing stuff up.

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Oct 4, 2018
If you're into lists and all...don't cherry pick

Well congrats Buzz, you have managed to cite a data source that you dont understand. Look at the data. It is not comparable, historically speaking. This is a favorite statistics trick of the gun control crowd. Goes something like this: "with the assault weapons ban of 1994 there was a huge reduction in mass shootings". Sounds awesome. Until you remember that anything you are told by a politician is BS aimed at buying a vote. Any politician.

If you look at what they did, they changed the definition of "mass shooting". It was changed from the previously accepted definition of 4 fatalities to a new handy definition of 4 injuries. Conveniently changed when the AWB expired. So since the expiration of the ban, we are counting all incidents with 4 injuries. You, Buzz, by citing data that has been manipulated without critically evaluating it are producing disinformation. I believe I will report you to the disinformation board that we have apparently decided we need.

99% of statistics can be manipulated to support whatever opinion you hold. Make sure you know how data was collected, how it was compared, and how the conclusion was achieved before you make decisions based on it. In this case, the case reports cited by others of successfully stopped mass shootings carry more weight than your manipulated data.


May 27, 2022
Dong ding ding! We have a winner. Privatize education. In fact, we can privatize just about everything and see improvements. The government is good at one thing and one thing only: screwing stuff up.

Sent from my Pixel 6 Pro using Tapatalk
100% agreed, my man. As a market anarchist/transitioning agorist, it's my fundamental belief, or really just awareness because at this point it's irrefutable, that anything the government does, can and would be done better by market actors interacting voluntarily. The government is nothing if not a class of parasites granting itself a territorial monopoly of expropriation, adjudication, and force. It produces nothing of value; all it has and gives is that which has been stolen from those whole actually produce surplus by adding value to the lives of others.


Mar 24, 2016
Well a locked door more than likely would have kept the shooter out of the school so....along with other things...yes the standard procedure at schools should be no unlocked access to the school. You will NEVER stop this from happening again but you can take multiple layered steps to help prevent it.

I agree with your preventing the killer thing and you may catch or prevent a few but not all...so what do you do when the ones that get by strike? You have procedures in place that must be followed.

I think the point is that the ones that have caused the most damage, upon research, could have been predicted to do stuff like this.

This shooter went to school one day with his face intentionally cut up. He had major, known, problems. Our society has no holistic method of addressing it. Mental illness is being considered a “right” now, and in our postmodern world, having a mental illness is like having a new tattoo or hairstyle. I see this in my kids school especially with girls. People seem to think mental illness is simply an affectation. But it’s deadly.

Let’s look at this inductively: why, when guns were more easily obtainable, schools were unlocked, and students would literally take guns to school for use after for shooting teams or pleasure, didn’t lids murder their schoolmates?

Something changed - what was it?

Here’s the thing…even if you lock schools down, put in cops, whatever…our society will STILL not have addressed what is causing kids to want to kill other kids: they will still be out there.

It’s hard to say, but that killer deserved better in his life. He couldn’t get it from his dad, his mother, his grandmother, or his community. I don’t have to like people to want them to live a healthy life so they don’t kill people.

This is a tragedy without end - that is being politicized out of hatred. Pathetic.

Shit like this really makes me question our “First World” status.
May 26, 2022
I have been reading several well known people are pulling out of NRA meeting about to take place. I think it might be a good idea for the NRA to cancel the meeting. Before you go ballistic on me, I only say this because, you can be assured if the meeting takes place there will be an over whelming protest outside. this will be closely watch by all the liberal media and only feed the anti gun message they are preaching. I am a life long NRA member.
The media is 100% leveraging this against the NRA event and especially Trump being there. I agree, they should cancel the event or face 24/7 news coverage on how the NRA is having their 'party' after a horrific school shooting. Especially with mid-terms going on right now they are going to politicize the hell out of this.


Jan 12, 2022
Context, dummy. They're more deadly *to a large andor noisy crowd of unsuspecting civilians.
The context doesn’t help your argument; the military kills unsuspecting civilians all the time, and not with knives.

Do you truly believe that knives are somehow deadlier than firearms because they’re quieter? What about a suppressed .300 Blackout, or even a .22 with subsonics?
Apr 1, 2013
I would not be surprised to find out the Texas shooter had some sort of these same connections

You will know if it’s real/true if by COB today if he gets Clinton’ed


Oct 4, 2018
Not at all I always thought churches wanted to help their communities with more than words?

Putting your money where your mouth is doesn't seem inappropriate. Guards don't work for free, training isn't free, and buying handguns for teachers isn't free either.

I guess it's someone else's problem to fund all that.

Maybe a bake sale will work?
HOLY CRAP. We have migrated from the separation of church and state (which I am gathering that you wholeheartedly support) and now suggest taxing churches to fund government functions? Do you even think about the things that you are saying? Listen, this is an emotionally charged subject for sure. But Im betting we can have a more productive conversation than "ban guns, tax churches, and buy caskets".


May 27, 2022
The context doesn’t help your argument; the military kills unsuspecting civilians all the time, and not with knives.

Do you truly believe that knives are somehow deadlier than firearms because they’re quieter? What about a suppressed .300 Blackout, or even a .22 with subsonics?
If I'm in a huge crowd, say at a protest where people are standing shoulder to shoulder, I guarantee you I can puncture more lungs with my Mora Garberg before the crowd disperses than you can with inflict killshots with those. You'll probably run out of ammo well before anyone would even know what's happening in my scenario.
May 26, 2022
I think the point is that the ones that have caused the most damage, upon research, could have been predicted to do stuff like this.

This shooter went to school one day with his face intentionally cut up. He had major, known, problems. Our society has no holistic method of addressing it. Mental illness is being considered a “right” now, and in our postmodern world, having a mental illness is like having a new tattoo or hairstyle. I see this in my kids school especially with girls. People seem to think mental illness is simply an affectation. But it’s deadly.

Let’s look at this inductively: why, when guns were more easily obtainable, schools were unlocked, and students would literally take guns to school for use after for shooting teams or pleasure, didn’t lids murder their schoolmates?

Something changed - what was it?

Here’s the thing…even if you lock schools down, put in cops, whatever…our society will STILL not have addressed what is causing kids to want to kill other kids: they will still be out there.

It’s hard to say, but that killer deserved better in his life. He couldn’t get it from his dad, his mother, his grandmother, or his community. I don’t have to like people to want them to live a healthy life so they don’t kill people.

This is a tragedy without end - that is being politicized out of hatred. Pathetic.

Shit like this really makes me question our “First World” status.
I think Social Media plays a huge part in this as well. Back in the day if you were bullied at school you could go home, play with your friends on the block and shrug off the crap you deal with at school. But now every kid is hooked 24/7 into their iphone where they can be bullied every minute of the day. Even worse, kids get addicted to the dopamine hit from getting views and likes and the jealousy in their face of classmates having more popular accounts. Combine that with a modern culture that practically worships Nihilism and you have a kid that thinks their phone is reality and cant escape the bullying, has no real purpose in life beyond that and knows there is one thing he can do that will 100% get him more attention than anyone on TikTok.

We have always had guns in America but if you look at the rise of Social Media in the USA it closely follows the trends of mass shootings.
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