Testing MTN OPS Phenix Performance Recovery


Jan 28, 2016
Matt21418 - day 2

So no real soreness or tightness to speak of in my legs, and compared to the typical leg day feeling I feel amazing!!! I can feel some soreness and tightness in my back from the deadlifts, but none in the quads or hamstrings.

Today I am traveling all day so I woke up early and busted out a quick routine in the living room to just get the blood flowing but this is gonna be a bleh day.

I did these all as fast as I could probably 15 mins total of workout time.

10 sets of 10

4 sets of 25
Leg in and outs/leg raise from flat on the floor

25/15/10 reps of feet raised push-ups

Upon completion of the routine I took the AM Supplements and Phenix.

While I am traveling I will be working to get some runs in and see how it helps the legs feel after running and possibly some HIIT with body weight exercises and Jump rope.


Aug 15, 2013
I've been steadily increasing intensity and volume in both my lifts and cardio for the last few months and with that have been taking my recovery pretty serious by getting the sleep I need, eating right, and taking supplements such as fish oil. For this test, I stopped the fish oil, but everything will remain pretty much the same. Also, I'm playing around with a heart rate monitor in the morning to capture RHR and HRV. It's been pretty interesting looking at some of those numbers a few days leading up to this Monday when I received the Phenix.


Sleep: 7 hours (restful)
RHR & HRV: My notes say that I was off my normal morning routine and think this was a bad read (I remember feeling good), but here is what I got Monday morning.

Lunchtime Workout: (~1 hour)
-Low Intensity Interval Run (Treadmill) -- 4min run / 2min walk -- 2.08mi @ 24:00
-Back Squat (Wendler 5/3/1) Week 2 @ 410# max
-Weighted Pullups -- 3x9 @ 25#
-Weighted Planks -- 3 x 1:00 @ 45# (plate on back)

Afternoon Workout: (~1 hour)
--1x3 @ 95#
--2x3 @ 120#
--2x3 @ 140#
--2x2 @ 160#
-Snatch Pulls
--2x2 @ 185#
--2x2 @ 205#
--2x1 @ 215#
-EMOM (10 minutes)
Rd. 1 - 2 Hang Cleans @ 185#
Rd. 2 - 10 Kettle Bell Swings @ 70#

Took first dose of Phenix after I got home from work, before my second workout.


Aug 15, 2013

Sleep: 8 hours (not restful at all, had a slight fever and tossed all night)
RHR & HRV: Interesting that my RHR was elevated compared to normal, but I still had a good HRV and "readiness" rating...still trying to figure out how this is calculated.

Morning: 20 minute ROMWOD

Afternoon Workout: (~1 hour)
-Overhead Press (Wendler 5/3/1) Week 2 @ 185# max
-Overhead Holds (Clean Grip) -- 2 x 1:00 @ 135#
-Supinated Bent Over Row -- 135/185/205 x 5 reps
-Row Machine Intervals -- 30 sec sprint + 30 sec recovery row (only did three 2 minute cycles due to time)

Feel: Felt sluggish in the morning, but that was most likely due to the bad nights' sleep the night before. Felt better through the day and didn't have any real soreness to speak of.

*For future reference, I'll be taking Phenix after my lunch everyday going forward...This way, I get the Phenix in my system between my first and second session on days that I have two sessions.
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Aug 15, 2013

Sleep: 7.75 hours (very restful, especially after the previous night)
RHR & HRV: RHR back down closer to normal and HRV number was better, but with a lower "readiness" level. Whatever, I felt great, and already had in my mind that I was PRing my Clean this afternoon!

Morning: 20 minute ROMWOD

Lunchtime Workout: (~1 hour)
-High Intensity Interval Run (Treadmill) -- 1min run/sprint / 2min walk -- 1.76mi @ 21:00
-Deadlift (Wendler 5/3/1) Week 2 @ 450# max
-Decline DB Bench -- 60/70/80 x 8/7/6 (respectively)
-Side plank holds (3 x 45 sec on each side)

Afternoon Workout: (~30 mins)
--1x3 @ 135#
--2x2 @ 165#
--1x2 @ 185#
--1x2 @ 205#
--1 @ 225#
--1 @ 235#
--1 @ 245# (PR)
--1 @ 255# (PR!)

(All that I had time for...I'll have to make up for the EMOM I missed on Friday)

Felt great all day and through my workouts. Still reserving judgment until I have at least a week, but I will say that it looks good so far. Last week I forgot to take my fish oils for most of the week and felt some soreness/sluggishness on the back half of the week, so we'll see what happens the next few days.
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Mar 5, 2014
New Mexico
Yesterday, 13 April, was my first dose of Phenix. I work out early morning, up at 0330 to the gym by 0430, so that I don't have a time crunch and can do whatever I want. So I normally start with a few minutes of cardio to get the blood pumping and joints lubed. Yesterday was my third workout of the week so the majority of my body was sore. As a workout gap fill I'll do arms when my body sore, so that is what I did yesterday. I hammered biceps, triceps and forearms immediately followed by MTN OPS Magnum, Multi-V and Phenix. Then I completed 30 minutes of high incline treadmill/stair climber. After work I was also able to get in a 2.5 mile trail run at ~7,000'. My arms were definitely sore during the day yesterday with cramps and tightness. Today they feel great with only slight soreness when touched nothing while moving around. With my work schedule today I got to "sleep in" until 0430 and I'm just now(early afternoon) about to hit leg day. More to follow.


Jan 28, 2016
Matt21418 - Day 3

Today was a little slow, I went for a 3 mile run with my Dad, it was more of a 3 mile jog/walk, good to get out and get some steps in during vacation but not much of a workout. Afterwards I put together a quick circuit/core workout consisting of 30 sec amraps for 10 sets of each of the following, totaling 20 mins:

mountain climbers
hanging leg raises

Definitely felt this in the core and felt like a good workout. During the workout legs felt a little tight, maybe lingering from the previous leg day on day 1, but nothing that would make me stop just could tell that I had done something. Upon completing the workout I took the Phenix along with my normal AM Supplements minus the protein shake and amino energy supplements. As a follow-up to yesterdays workout muscle groups worked back and chest and abs all muscles feel great. Overall body feels good, will work to continue to push it with workouts.
Nov 13, 2013
Uncle Sam's Cabin
So, the legs were perfectly fine today after the bike ride, which surprised me, I thought they would be at least a little tender, but they weren't. What I did experience was a case of DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness). It was in my upper abs, a result of the T2B's on Tuesday. While they were tender, it did not stop me from hitting the box tonight. The following workout was a short one, but a doozy.

Spiderman Crawl
Cop Lat Walk
Knee Hug
Toe Tuck
Lat X Band Walk
Inch Worm
Plank Position Walks

For Time:
30 Clean and Jerks, 100#
5:06 was my time.

GHD sit-up
Cool down

The sit ups were quite interesting, but it was what I need to get them loosened up. We will see how tomorrow goes.


Jun 4, 2012
Sorry all....I've recorded the first couple days but just sitting down to write them down now.

First, a bit about me and my supplement use. I use a Pre-Workout most days as often I workout at 6AM before work. I supplement with a Creatine that I find helps my muscles feel better if I drink sufficient water during and after a workout. I take a scoop or two of ON Gold Standard Whey depending on what I'm eating that day, and when I'm eating clean I am usually around 75-80% Paleo or at least as 'clean' as possible. I just recently finished a strength program where I didnt eat as restrictive and watched my 1RM's go up significantly while putting on a bit of weight, so now am continuing on with the strength program to see where it gets me.

I'm going to go BACK to Day 1 - which is WITHOUT using the Phoenix recovery, as I feel its important to list my "Monday" workout of the week and compare it to my Wed/Fri workouts this week.

Day 1:

Row 750m to warm up
Bench Press @ 185 5/5/AMRAP (5/5/7)
Curls @ 65 12/12/12
Shrugs @ 85 each arm 12/12/12
Strict Pull Ups throughout workout (AMRAP) 8/8/7
Squats at 225 5/5/AMRAP (5/5/9)

Monday was a good workout, and my first 'strength' session after hitting CF workouts for a month straight. I felt it in my pecs and legs the following day and was tighter than usual in my shoulders than I usually would be. Not in a bad way, but I did feel sore from lifting that day. I took a Pre-workout and followed the workout with a ON Gold Standard scoop and 5mg of Creatine in a shake.

Day 2 - First day using Phoenix (Wed)

Shoulder Press @ 115 5/5/AMRAP (5/5/9)
Pull Ups 5/6/4
Power Cleans @ 135/155/175 (Warm up and then 5 at each weight)
Deadlift 275 x 5 (after RDL to warm up and PC to warm up)
Farmers Carry @ 100 each arm for about 20 feet x 5
Dips 10x3

Following this workout (6AM workout before work) I took a scoop of ON protein and Creatine, and popped two Phoenix pills. I worked this day and my work is law enforcement (border services) where I am up and down throughout the day, sitting for periods of time, searching vehicles, etc). I ate well that day and ate clean.

The following day, I can honestly say I was surprised that I wasnt feeling much for sore muscles. I know thats going to sound like BS, but I actually noticed how good my body was feeling. I told myself I need to push harder for Friday's workout, to see if I could somehow really test to see if Mtn OPS had anything at all to do with my muscles not being sore or tight. I will say that I felt good the entire rest day.

Stay tuned for more.....


Mar 5, 2014
New Mexico
Thursday was leg day. After the normal cardio warm up I proceeded to smash my legs. I've always been more a heavy weight, light reps guy. But this year I have switched it up to light weights and tons of reps. But by the end of squats, leg extensions, leg curls, calf raises, more calf raises, more squats, hack squats, it was a challenge to walk up the stairs in the gym to do some cardio. Normally I wouldn't even dream of doing cardio after leg day but recently I've really started to enjoy the "agony" of just making it hurt. Maybe the old saying "pain is just weakness leaving the body" sticks in my mind these days a lot. Basically just remembering how last September ended with charlie horses in both legs. I am determined to not let that happen this year. My legs are a tiny bit sore today but it didn't stop me from my normal morning cardio/back/cardio for today. I also will be leaving work for a quick sheep hunt. So planning on a few miles under a decently heavy pack with tripod/spotter and other gear.


Jun 4, 2012
Day 3 (My "Friday" workout even though it didnt land on a Friday)

I ended up hitting my Friday workout the day after my Wednesday one, only due to scheduling. This was another 6AM workout and I fit it in before work. I have to say, I woke up feeling fresh and muscles were not hurting me. I may be slowly becoming a believer when it comes to MTN Ops Phoenix and its results on muscle recovery. Surprising as I thought that I had found good muscle recovery by taking creatine alone and was pretty pleased with my recovery so far. I am starting to feel like Phoenix may be a real good thing for heavy lifting days for sure!

Day 3
Bench Press 185 5/5/8
EZ Curls @ 60 12x3
Pull-Ups 6/6/5
Squats at 225 5/5
Bottom-Up squats (Negatives) @ 135-185 5/5/5/5/5

ON Protein shake after workout with Creatine and 2 MTN Ops Phoenix. Off to work for a 12 hour shift plus an hour of commuting on each end of the day. Drank good water today and ate well throughout the day. Was a hungry day after the negative squat work.
Nov 13, 2013
Uncle Sam's Cabin
April 16th, 2016 (4th workout of the week)

Burgener Warm-up
1. Down and "Finish"
2. Elbows High and Outside
3. Muscle Snatch
4. Snatch Lands at 2", 4", 6"
5. Snatch Drops

1. Snatch Push Press
2. Overhead Squat
3. Heaving Snatch Balance
4. Snatch Balance without a dip
5. Snatch Balance with a dip

Jerk Complex 1
1. Jerk Balance - 115# x 3
2. Power Jerk + Split Jerk - 135# x (2+1) x 2, 145 x (2+1) x 2

Weighted Push Ups (9x4) @ 90#

1) Handstand Walk
2) Handstand Push-up

Metcon (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)
Death by Wall Walk 4 Rounds 2 reps

Took the Phenix immediately after the workout, and I will edit this post tomorrow in regards to how I feel. I may go to the gym for a 2nd workout this evening, will see based upon the Mrs. reaction.


Jan 28, 2016
Matt21418 - Day 4

After yesterday there was absolutely no soreness and I feel great.

Today was another 3.5 mile run with my Dad, working on spending time together and getting out and running together, this was an easy pace but put some miles in. After this we went out to the forest and selected a couple of trees to take down to cleanup the grandparents property while we are in town, We worked out there for a few hours and I used this time to focus on pushing myself on carrying wood and working up a good sweat. I could feel it throughout my body and felt like a good workout. When we completed this definitely felt like a good workout through the upper body and core.

Upon completing the work I took my Phenix and proceeded with the rest of the day.


Jan 28, 2016
Matt21418- Day 5

Today woke up not feeling great, not sure if it's allergies or a cold setting in took it easy most of the day. The muscles feel good just head not feelings so good. Went for a 2.2 mile walk with the family on the beach and then went out and ran some errands. Before dinner went for a jog with my Dad again and got in 3.5 miles before dinner. Just not feeling 100% due to being semi sick, upon completing the run I took the Phenix. Being away from the normal routine is tough and trying to get in my normal diet and exercise is tough. The goal for this week continues to be to try and get something in everyday and be active, when I return home I will get back to the normal routine. for the last week of the test.


Jun 4, 2012
Day 4:

Rowed intervals to 1000m for a warm-up. Trying to keep pace somewhere at 1:30-1:35 in 30 second bursts, then back to a 1:50-2:00 rest row for the next 30 seconds.

185 BP 5/5/8
C+J 135 (Push Press) x 5 / 155 (Push Jerk) x5 / 175 (Split Jerk) x 5 - this one exhausted me pretty good after warming up with 135 PCs
Dips throughout workout 10x3
Deadlift 5 @ 275/ 5 @ 295
Farmers Carry - 100 per side. 20-25 yard 'loop' x 4

This was a mid-afternoon workout on a day off. Hit up a big bottle of water and 2 Mtn OPS Phoenix right before supper, eating a bunch of carbs at supper and a decent sized meal to boot. Muscles feeling good overall with very minimal fatigue or soreness.


Mar 5, 2014
New Mexico
Friday the 15th was back day. But after Thursdays leg workout followed by cardio I was surprised by the lack of soreness in my legs, so after work I decided to do a little scouting for Barbary sheep. My pack had a good amount of weight for just a scouting trip. Large spotting scope/2xtripods, numerous cameras, and 2L of water. I think it was in the mid 80's on Friday. After only 3 miles on the mountain my legs were shot. I think the lack of soreness gave me a bit of over confidence. Saturday morning however they were good to go again even though all I did was set around and watch 2 kids soccer games. I think that was much needed after a long week of workouts/cardio sessions and trail runs. Today, Sunday 17 April, I was able to get out and do 7 miles scouting for sheep.
Nov 13, 2013
Uncle Sam's Cabin
So I went today, and did workout #5 since we started. Yesterdays workout definitely left my upper back sore, surprisingly enough, the phenix provided enough recovery that I was able to go hit the gym, today for a quick 20 minute AMRAP.I say surprisingly because workouts like yesterdays normally require me to take a rest day. I did cindy which is comprised of the following:

As many Rounds and reps as possible. One round consists of;
5 pullups
10 pushups
15 squats

I completed 9 rounds and 13 reps. I was quite surprised as I was pretty sore. Finished and immediately took the Phenix, we shall see how the upper body feels after these last two workouts. Will be a true test.


Jun 4, 2012
Day 5

Shoulder Press 115 5/5/8
Curls @ 60 3x16
Lat Pull-Downs @ 105 3x12
Squats @ 185 to warm up and then 135 20/15/10/5
Shrugs as accessory work

Rowed a good 1000m this morning after a late night last night. Followed up with a protein shake and 2 Mtn Ops PHOENIX. A day of work and feeling great so far this morning. Muscles are feeling well used but no pain and a lot less tender than most heaving lifting days. Will be interesting to see how the higher rep squats feel tomorrow morning.
Nov 13, 2013
Uncle Sam's Cabin
Ok so my upper back was definitely a little tight today, but bearable. Had a long day at work, left and headed to the box. The following was what I did.

Dynamic/Lower 1
Knee Hug
Toe Tuck
Inch Worm
Iron Cross

Snatch (3x 100#, 2x 120#, 1x 135#)
Clean (3x 135#, 2x 145#, 1 x 155#)

12 minute amrap

8 OVH Lunges 35# Plate
10 KBS 53# American
12 full squatting box jumps

Finish with my lower back very sore. Apparently my form on KB swings is incorrect. Going to hit the tub with epsom. Took the Phenix lying on the floor in the box.


Jun 4, 2012
Day 6

No rest day today. Legs felt pretty good but tired after the higher reps of squats yesterday, but were still tired (in a really good way I will add though). I'd say that Phoenix has at least made me enough of a believer as my muscles do feel quite good over the last week even when pushing my training hard or not resting as often as I usually do. Overall, I'm impressed. Will continue with a full month and provide a bit more of a report at the very end, but so far its work as advertised and even though I was skeptical, I cant say much negative about the product! Its been great!

Bench Press 190 5/5/6
C+J 135/155/175
Deadlift 275 -5 295 - 5/5
Dips 3x10
Farmers carry - 85 each side - 5 walks of 25-30 yards.


Jan 28, 2016
Matt21418 day 6

Today I did the Brute Force WOD with some slight modifications

200 M Run - 25 Pushups
200 M run - 10 Pullups - assisted
200 M Run - 45 Pushups
200 M run - 20 Pullups - assisted
200 M run - 45 pushups
200 M run - 30 Pushups

all completed in 13:30 mins

Felt good and strong still feeling the allergies and a slight cold but working through it

no soreness from previous workouts.

Took Phenix immediately following this workout