Testing MTN OPS Phenix Performance Recovery

robby denning

Staff member
Feb 25, 2012
SE Idaho

Now that we're wrapping up the Enduro and Yeti testing (actually a few more days to go on the Yeti for elkyinzer), we want five members who weren't part of the previous two projects to test the Phenix.

More info here:

We need guys/gals who will be working out 4-6 times in a 7 day period starting approximately Monday April 4th depending on shipping

Research the product. You're responsible to make sure you're healthy enough to do this test.

In no way do you have to like this stuff and we expect you to share your real experiences. I want this totally transparent so please don't PM the other testers behind the scenes , just post your thoughts on this thread. I want this thread to be as independent as possible.

Post up on the thread (don't PM me to apply) and I'll start making selections no later than Monday. You can use the "Thread Tools" at top of post to subscribe to this thread so you don't have to keep checking back. I'll need all those selected to quickly respond with their shipping address in a PM once I ask you to so we can get the Phenix on it's way.

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Aug 27, 2013
Need Five Members to Test MTN OPS Phenix Performance Recovery

I'd love to test. At 38, I'm being more and more conscious of how I recover. I try to bike to work 16 miles round trip 4x a week, and probably 4 trips to the gym on top of it so tend to have a fairly heavy volume and really notice it in my legs especially if I'm doing too much. Right now, using Yeti daily when I work out, but have never used Phenix.


Jan 28, 2016
I would love to test this product as well, I am 35, I have been up and down on the fitness roller coaster going from great to horrible. I was at my heaviest about 210 lbs at the beginning of February and have currently dropped 14 lbs through diet and exercise. I vary my workouts between weights and cardio with anything from gym to trails with biking, running and hiking. I am currently working to get into the best elk hunting shape I can for September and liking. To maintain this time instead of dropping off the train like I do each time after hitting the goal. I have been looking at mountain ops as a new supplement to start taking after I use up what I have of my optimum nutrition branded supplements. Currently I am taking a pre workout called amino energy, and a protein shake which is the pro complex, typically these are taken once daily.


Dec 8, 2013
Loveland, CO
I'd be happy to give it a shot. I typically run 25 miles a week to stay in ELK shape. I've taken an Advocare recovery product but never the MTN OPS stuff.
Nov 13, 2013
Uncle Sam's Cabin
I would be thrilled to participate. I am 42 years old, currently Active Duty, stationed in New Mexico. My hunting partner and I are both on a quest to better prepare ourselves for our next elk season. I will be doing crossfit 3 times a week, and looking at two hikes a week in the mountains here in Alamogordo, along with one to two mornings a week on the stairclimber at the gym on base with my Kifaru nomad loaded. I would be honored to provide a detailed review. I have a shipment of some Mtn Ops products being delivered Monday. I just had my right knee redone last june, and am looking forwrd to putting the repair to the test. Thanks, Jason
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Mar 5, 2014
New Mexico
Testing this product would be fantastic. Hardcore Hunter is my hunting buddy, and we are doing whatever it takes to be in the best possible condition we can be in for this coming elk season. I am very dedicated to my workouts, and wake every morning at 0330 for some sort of training, whether it be going for a trail run at 7000 feet or heading to the gym on base for weights. I do not do that crazy crossfit stuff like him, but I do get to it. Testing this product side by side with him would be a great way to compare the differences in our training styles. While we do hikes together the rest of our training is quite different. Thank you for the possibility at an opportunity to test this product.


Apr 23, 2012
I would also be willing to test it. Probably buy some anyways it's getting harder to get to the gym was going 3 days a week now going everyday definitely a lot more sore and tired.
Feb 29, 2012
I would be willing to test the product. I am 37, 5'9" and 190 lbs. I run or lift 5 to 6 days per week. I have three kids (6yr old daughter and twin 2yr old boys) who give me a run for my money with their energy every day! I need to work out to just keep up with them. I have been hunting elk and deer in the west since age 22, all with my bow. It is in my blood.



Jun 4, 2012
Depending on if you've decided on your 5 people or not, I'll throw my name in.

I am a Crossfitter who usually hits a WOD first thing in the morning 0600 before a 12 hour shift at work and occasionally mixes in a WOD on days off in the mid-day. I'm 34 with 2 kids and have been crossfitting for about 2 years now. I usually lift about 4-5 days in a week. I have used several pre-workouts and other supplements but haven't used a recovery supplement yet.

Would be happy to test and share results.
Mar 29, 2013
Robby, will throw my name in as well. 40 yrs old, been treadmill training with 45-70-95 pound pack, running, lifting. Shooting everyday.
Only thing is I live in Alberta, Canada.
Thanks for the chance. Take care, rob
Mar 25, 2016
I'll throw my name in the hat. One of the few mtn ops products I havent used. Im 20 and lift 6-7 days a week. Run almost everyday as well as hike with packs on. I shoot a round of vegas every day as well. I use pre workout, creatine, whey, and a multi vitamin as well as diet rather healthy for being a college student. New to the forums here, no stranger to hunting

slick trick

Sep 9, 2015
I would like to give it a try, age 46 was working about about 2 months ago but had to stop due to planters fasciitis. I have recovered enough I think to start back up and I know I will be a sore sucker for awhile. I take other supplements for recovery but I could hold off and try these only to see if there a change. Rex


Aug 15, 2013

I'd like to test Phenix. I'm currently training pretty heavy to be competitive in Crossfit and can use all the recovery help I can get :)

I'm 28, 5'8, 198# (and pretty lean) working out 6 days a week (twice a day on M/W/F) as follows:

Every morning starts with a 20 min. "Romwod" (company that puts out yoga-ish stretching routines every day)

Monday, Wednesday and Friday - Usually split up into two sessions
- 5/3/1 Strength Cycle (Back Squat, Deadlift, Front Squat -respectively-)
- Strength Accessory (ex: pullups, bent over row, ect.)
- Core Work (ex: Planks, Hollow Holds, ect.)
- Olympic Lifting (ex: Clean & Jerk or Snatch - Some in EMOM format)
- Aerobic (ex: Low or High Intensity Interval Runs or Row Machine)

- 5/3/1 Strength Cycle (Press)
- Strength Accessory (ex: pullups, bent over row, ect.)
- Aerobic (ex: Low or High Intensity Interval Runs or Row Machine)

- Active Recovery (2-3 mile run)

- Heavy Ruck in Morning
- Two Metcons/EMOMs (one 5-7 minutes long, the other closer to 15 minutes long)

- Thou Shalt Rest

5/3/1 Max Lift Numbers
Back Squat - 410
Press - 185
Deadlift - 450
Front Squat - 310

A little more about me:

I have a pretty long training history with college baseball and just a general drive to be strong/fit and have always done things as natural as possible. The supps I usually take are whey protein, creatine, beta alanine, glutamine, and fish oil...along with a multi-vitamin and D3. I have tried Yeti, but prefer to take straight creatine and beta alanine due to dosing amounts. I am typically skeptical about supplements other than the handful I've mentioned, but am curious about this Phenix after looking into it. Along the lines of being skeptical, I also feel that I'm sometimes in-sensitive to supplement effects...like, back in college, when I doubled the serving size of NO Explode and didn't feel a thing...while others were bouncing off the wall from a half scoop! :)

One more thing, I'm definitely game to try this, but I do think this should be a 2+ week test being that we're testing recovery. Sometimes that's harder to track in a short timeframe. Just a thought.
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robby denning

robby denning

Staff member
Feb 25, 2012
SE Idaho
All right fellow fitness junkies, I carefully read all the entries. Thanks to everyone for taking the time to enter, it was hard to decide. I'll need shipping info PM'd to me from the following

let's use this opportunity to "stay on the wagon" for life.

I have a heart for 40+ year-old military guys pounding the hills months before elk season with a Kifaru. Plus with my next selection, they'll be some good comparison/contrast.

Pierceje- Ok, here's you chance to see if you need to be on HardcoreHunter's program or he on yours. Thanks for your service

Anyone who's doing a WOD at 0600 before a 12 hour shift with twins needs some help.

Ironman8- the screen name is begging for this plus with 4+ big lifts per week and and active rest considered a 3 miler, let's give this a shot.
Also, I'll ask MTN OPs about extending this to two weeks as you've got a point about trying to test something that takes days (recovery) not hour (performance) will take longer. Maybe we'll just ask testers to post about 7 times, though, if time is an issue. Trust me, posting daily for two weeks is major PIA!

I'm locking this thread until everyone receives their Phenix. PM when you do. If you receive yours earlier and just want to start a paper journal to track results then post when we go live, we've made that work on the previous two threads. Up to you, but once we start posting, we want to keep the days clustered fairly close together, if possible.

Nov 13, 2013
Uncle Sam's Cabin
So Monday Started off very interesting. A very early start at work and a day that never seemed like it was going to end. After work I arrived at the crossfit Gym at 6pm. My initial thought when I saw the workout was, "Wow, what a day to start testing a recovery supplement." The work out called for 6x3 Cleans which I did at 155#, but that wasn't the bad part, the bad part was what came next.

They call it an EMOM, which for those of you whom do not know, means you do the prescribed exercises and reps, if you complete them before the minute expires, you get to rest till the next minute starts. For this EMOM the workout would be 10 minutes, the exercises were 10 kipping handstand pushups (HSPU), followed by 20,20# wallballs. Now that may not seem like much, but let me tell you, this might as well have been an AMRAP for me because there is no way I would complete this in one minute.

So we began, My first round consisted of 10 HSPU, followed by 16 wall balls. The minute expired and it was right back to HSPU in which I achieved 6, followed by 13 wall balls. Well another minute expired and back to it I went. Over all it looked like this......

10 (HSPU), 16 wall balls..1:00
06 (HSPU), 13 wall balls..2:00
05 (HSPU), 14 wall balls..3:00
04 (HSPU), 15 wall balls..4:00
04 (HSPU), 16 wall balls..5:00
04 (HSPU), 16 wall balls..6:00
03 (HSPU), 15 wall balls..7:00
03 (HSPU), 14 wall balls..8:00
01 (HSPU), 16 wall balls..9:00
01 (HSPU), 14 wall balls..10:00

After this we did some stretching/yoga, and I went directly home to the tub. I had my recovery supplement with me, as I ensure I take it immediately upon completion. Took a soak in some Epsom, and worried about how I would be feeling the next day as I knew my arms and shoulders would be toast. Tuesday will be interesting....To Be Continued.
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Nov 13, 2013
Uncle Sam's Cabin
So Tuesday morning arrived quickly, awake at 0430 for a 0530 briefing prior to a scheduled 0700 flight. Well we had a lot of weather move in an my flight was cancelled, so i decided I would go to the morning crossfit class (surely, it would be a leg focus day). Surprisingly enough, I was not too sore that I felt I couldn't do it. So I went to the house to get my gear, mix up some yeti, and to the gym I went. The following workout was a members birthday workout, well, those are never fun.

Coach's Choice!!! ;)

Neil (AMRAP - Reps)
4 min AMRAP
12 Toe to Bars (T2B)
4 Hang Power Cleans 135#

*Rest 2 minutes, then...

4 min AMRAP
12 T2B
4 Hang Squat Clean 135#

*Rest 2 minutes, then...

4 min AMRAP
12 T2B
4 Hang Squat Clean Thruster 135#

Metcon (Time)
38 cal row for 38 years old!

Now I am now youngin' so while it called for 135#, I scaled that down to 95. The workout wasn't too bad. Took my Phenix, and back to work I went. The question is, how will I feel when I wake. To be continued.....
Nov 13, 2013
Uncle Sam's Cabin
Wednesday Morning, and well, yes I'm sore. Not so much that I couldn't go to the gym, but for recovery sake, going to rest this evening and allow the muscles to recover for tomorrow. However, I can't just do nothing, so I decided to throw on the pack that is still loaded from a small overnight hike in the GIla Wilderness this past weekend at 30 lbs. Hopped on the mountain bike and did 5 miles. Took the Phenix and now it's time for some Blues vs. Blackhawks....Let's Go Blues!!!!


Jan 28, 2016
Matt21418 - Day 1

Just wanted to document a few items such as current supplements I am taking that I will be adding the Phenix to, and current workout routine:

AM supplements - Optimum Nutrition Amino Energy pre-workout, Protein Shake, multivitamin, fish oil
PM Supplements - Protein Shake sometimes

AM Workout - Typically weights in the gym, sometimes a HIIT session
Lunch Workout - running, hiking, or quick weight session

Tuesday - legs - 1st day of Phenix supplement

Squats - (x4)
135 - 15
225 - 6
225 - 6
225 - 6, 185 - 10, 135 - 15

Deadlifts - (x4)
145 - 10
195 - 8
245 - 6
245 - 6, 145 - 10, 6

Super set - x3
Leg extensions - 55 per leg - 15, 15, 15
Leg curls - 30 per leg -15, 15, 15

Super set - x3
2 min plank - 1, 1, 1
Lunges w/ 15 - 10 per leg, 15, 20

Lunch - rowing machine for 17 mins with some intervals

Upon completing the morning workout I returned home and took my AM supplements with the added Phenix. My legs felt tired that day like they had lifted, no soreness to speak of, but we all know that comes the day after...