Tenzing packs....anybody put any mileage on one yet?


Mar 4, 2012
Delta Junction, AK
I've been looking at theTenzing packs and wondered if anyone has put any mileage on one yet.

I need another pack like an additional hole in my skull, but I'm always looking at new packs....specifically interested in how one could pack meat in it, especially bone-in quarters.
I have a Tz 2220. It is a very nice day pack. It holds quite a bit of gear is comfortable. A couple of things i wish they had done is make the shoulder straps a little wider and have the padding extend farther down the straps. An adjustable strap ssystem such as some of the eberlestocks have making it a more custom fit.Also having 2 frame stays 1 on each side vs a single 1in the middle would have been nice but i am sure would have added to the price. All in all it is a very nice pack .