Tent suggestions for 3 in alaska


Jun 18, 2018
I need advice for a tent with a stove that will fit 3 for a fly out caribou hunt in Alaska. We will be paying for an extra gear flight so i would sacrifice a little weight for more space/comfort. I like the look of the seek outside courthouse but not sure how it would handle high winds. Thanks in advance!
Cabelas instinct outfitter. The outfitter has a stove jack and they have two different sizes. The 10x10 would work well. They are a little heavier but in your situation thats not an issue.
2 of us are going moose hunting this September in AK and taking our Seek Outside 8 man tipi with liners and stove.
What area are you hunting? This will determine what gear most locals would recommend. Much of the caribou habitat here has very few trees that would provide much fuel for a stove.
We humbly encourage you to check out a Tentipi, if weight isn't as much of a factor as you suggest you might really appreciate some of the unique features. It's designed in the Arctic for Arctic conditions. Please don't hesitate to give us a call if you like, sometimes a real conversation can cover a lot more ground.[video=youtube_share;v66jY_aRiKc]https://youtu.be/v66jY_aRiKc[/video]
Tipi is a no brainer.
My home made tipi that easily sleeps 3 is about 7# all in vs 28# for the Cabelas 6 man outfitter tent.

Wood was a challenge for us in Alaska last year...especially dry wood....but you don't need much to dry stuff out or just take the edge off.
i would not be able to add any important info to the above-except to say that all the comments are spot on.

well maybe add that a 6 man will leave you cramped and unhappy.