Tent and heater buddy


Sep 7, 2020
Anybody with a tent like a hilleberg with a large vestibule, use a heater buddy to warm it during cold weather? Thx Pete
How cold.

We had a buddy heater on a 20# propane innan 8x10 or 12 canvas tent. Worked great til it went sub zero. We had good bags but subzero made the heat dissepate less than 3 feet above the heater.

Took my 80+ father to a hotel for the next night. Just us 50-somethings could handle it.
Only used one in my Kodiak Canvas 10x10. Vented the top corner of each window and only ran it until I was tucked into my sleeping bag. A few times I got up in the middle of the night and turned it on long enough to warm up, then turned it off again and went back to sleep. That was in the single digits. Most nights above 15 or so, it's enough to run it before I go to bed and then again when I wake up in the morning.
i will boil water in vestibule in the AM for coffee and it heats my 2 man BA pretty fast. Only running it a few minutes while I dress.
We used ours in the vestibule of our Alaskan Guide 4-man, our Kodiak wall tent, and now our pop-up camper with a 30# bottle.

We are in a dry environment so never had issues with condensation, and for this November season we will carry a generator to run a fan so we are sure to dry out everything and get rid of moisture.

It's a good tool for us.
How many hours of runtime on high do you think you could get out of a 20lb cylinder?
We used ours in the vestibule of our Alaskan Guide 4-man, our Kodiak wall tent, and now our pop-up camper with a 30# bottle.

We are in a dry environment so never had issues with condensation, and for this November season we will carry a generator to run a fan so we are sure to dry out everything and get rid of moisture.

It's a good tool for us.
How many hours of runtime on high do you think you could get out of a 20lb cylinder?
We used ours in the vestibule of our Alaskan Guide 4-man, our Kodiak wall tent, and now our pop-up camper with a 30# bottle.

We are in a dry environment so never had issues with condensation, and for this November season we will carry a generator to run a fan so we are sure to dry out everything and get rid of moisture.

It's a good tool for us.
How many hours of runtime on high do you think you could get out of a 20lb cylinder?

IDK. We have used small bottles up until our last trip, but I would think a long time. I'm gonna pull our 30# and replace it with a full one, but we barely used it our last trip.

Maybe others have better input.
The mr heater site has propane consumption rates for the different models @ different settings, I believe.....in a small tent you can burn candle (UCO?) or small propane lamp for heat....I have both.
I have a big Mr heater with 2 burners and a 15# bottle lasted us about 2 or 3 days. Turned it on high until are 20' cargo trailer heated up then ran it on low all night and turned it back up in the morning. Temp in the low 20's
How many hours of runtime on high do you think you could get out of a 20lb cylinder?
Just one experience with a Big Buddy….. several years ago early January at a primitive, uninsulated, one room, tin roof log cabin along the Flint River in middle Georgia. Camping with the guys, brothers, boys, etc long weekend. Temps got down to upper 20’s at night. We ran Big Buddy heater early evening & overnight on a fresh 20lb. exchange tank. High setting. No chance of CO issues because plenty of ventilation, crisp air, wind going in/out around door frame, old windows, & tin roof eaves. Probably lit it around 8pm, went to bed just after bourbon midnight…..whatever time that is , & by time I got up about 7AM to start the coffee Big Buddy was out. Not impressed. Definitely less than 12 hours. Of course, it was an exchange cylinder & likely they don’t fill them to full capacity anyway.
Use one with the small propane tanks that you can buy at any camping store or cabelas. Used it in the tent before we crawled out of sleeping bags in the morning and never had any issues. Heated a hilleberg up quick.
I’ve had one of these Mr Heaters for over 25 and use it yearly.

I’ve found that it will run on Low for approx 40 hrs on a 20lb propane tank

I run a big mr buddy in my vw high top bus occasionally. Use a big tank and it lasts my whole hunt. Ran it on low all night with the windows cracked.