Telepathy - truth or science fiction?

I think that’s from the episode where Sheldon was trying to make Leonard’s head explode using his psychic powers. I tried that for a while, then I realized all I have to do to make people’s heads explode is say something like this. “ Pigs are tough, and the only way to kill one is with a magnum cartridge.!!” Then I just sit back and wait for the virtual gray matter to start splattering on the virtual walls.
This thread should be titled “telepathy - truth or don’t tell me that you don’t believe it, or make jokes, or anything I don’t want to be true because it’s not really a question, I just don’t know that the ? symbol is. I just think it’s cool looking.”

Also, OP, before you tell me that what I posted isn’t funny or a failed attempt at humor, no need, I have received your transmission.
Calling a decision informed and educated doesn't make it such. Hours of "research" that lead to easily debunked claims is informed, but not with the correct inputs. Like building a house with a level that is off by 10 degrees.

You can do and say what you want, but I don't have to tell you it is a good idea or let bad arguments stand unchallenged.

You being an RN at one point has no barring on the validity of your decisions nor this discussion. Nor do whatever education and licensure I may or may not have. Nice try though.

Vaccine injuries (the real ones, not imaginary links to autism), are like arguing against seat belts because 1 in 1000 MVC fatalities would have likely survive if rejected from the vehicle, so seatbelts are dangerous and shouldn't be used. Your crystal ball doesn't work, the smart thing is to stack the odds in your favor. In the end, sometimes the advantage is too small or too questionable to be worth the effort, but that should be based on the available data, not phantoms conjured from fear.
Thank you for posting this voice of reason; I had a number of brain cells that were going to commit Seppuku if this thread did not turn around.
This is a completely serious question, honestly.

Does any research show that tin foil on my head will prevent my thoughts from being read?

I don't need people knowing what's going on inside my head, even if they have difficulty with communication to others.

I can line my hats with it, nobody will notice.
This is a completely serious question, honestly.

Does any research show that tin foil on my head will prevent my thoughts from being read?

I don't need people knowing what's going on inside my head, even if they have difficulty with communication to others.

I can line my hats with it, nobody will notice.

Tin foil is completely know why. :-)
I appreciate this thread and conversation. Going back to the initial, I don’t see why anyone would doubt nonverbal communication. Humans have been doing it longer than they have been talking. In fact I think a lot of people need to practice it a bit more. I tell my kids that God gave you two eyes and two ears but one mouth.
I appreciate this thread and conversation. Going back to the initial, I don’t see why anyone would doubt nonverbal communication. Humans have been doing it longer than they have been talking. In fact I think a lot of people need to practice it a bit more. I tell my kids that God gave you two eyes and two ears but one mouth.

I think most of us understand nonverbal coms. It's the confusion of this common form of communication with telepathy, either through simple ignorance or nefarious grifter codswallop mountebankery.
I never said mice tele connect. I said it was observed in studies done at Harvard, Edenburgh, and Melbourne that when rats in one place solved the maze that rats in other areas started solving them more easily. Every pseudo scientific explanation I have heard is totally unsubstantiated though coincidence seems unlikely. I mentioned it as simply an observed phenomenon that we do not have an explanation for.

I am highly skeptical of at least the conclusions drawn in the telepathy tapes if not how they captured what phenomenon they claimed to capture. The simplest explanation is that it was faked.
I paraphrased your comment to crack a joke, i wasn’t questioning your intelligence.

I think we all know, if you look hard enough you will find correlations….but there are so many alternate explanations.

My wife and I were leaving today, looked at each other and sneezed at the same time. TELEPATHY!

Or was it we both got a whiff of pollen from our oak trees at the same time? Or it could have been a coincidence that we are trying to interpret as something else.

Think about it, if it truly was telepathy, then why would we not both sneeze at the same time every time?