My buddy mentioned that the deer like to move west to east in the morning, and there was a slight north/westerly breeze, so I focused my attention in that direction.
At 6:35am the shooting started. There were a few shots back where I saw the headlamps on my way in.
For some unknown reason, I happened to turn and look directly behind me - right where the wind was blowing - there stood 2 deer about 60yds away
Both were bucks!
Headed my way
A quick glance and I saw the one on the right was a smaller buck, and the one on the left was a bigger buck - looked big enough for me.
I leaned my CVA Accura against the tree and eared back the hammer.
The bucks drifted a bit left in the taller weeds and I had to wait until the bigger buck cleared a tree for a shot
He cleared and BOOM - the shot was 40yds
I quickly sidestepped the smoke plume to watch him take about 2 bounds and down he went.
I reloaded and walked over to him.
For once, the ground didnt shrink him! lol
I had no idea he was a 10 point