Team Rokslide Les Welch & James Petker WI Turkey Hunt

Feb 28, 2012
Bellingham, WA
As many of you know I am stuck in the Windy City (Chicago) on a temporary job assignment for BP oil company! Well the adventurer I am, tend to take advantage of every situation Im in and this one is no different... Tommorrow I will be leaving Illinois around noon from work and making the 6 hour Bonsai road trip to Les Welch's house in Wisconsin. We will Chase Gobbling Long beards for the next few days all the while trying to take you guys and gals along the way!! Les, his wife and myself all have Turkey tags so with any luck we will put some beautiful birds on the ground!
Today was a Successful day for Les and his boy hunter taking his first wild game animal at the young age of 10... Ill let Les elaborate on the hunt in this thread with pictures and all the details! Cant wait to get the Hell out of Chicago for a weekend and regroup in the woods with some friends!!!! Stay tuned...
We're used to banging out 6-8 Longbeards a season. With this crazy spring we have had, coupled with this being my son's first ever season to hunt anything we hadn't drawn blood......until this morning. He hammered a nice longbeard with his first ever shot from a shotgun. I've done in a few animals over the years, and been in on a ton more....that said this was a hunt for the ages...I'll take it to the grave with me for sure. I hate the word epic, but guys this was it for me. I'll post up the bird and some pics later.....James feel free to post that pic if you want. I have to head to the gym to get some training in with some clients, but I'll be back later......
Here is Hunter and his first Long Beard! Way to go guys!!! Headed to Les in 4 hours, chomping at the bit!!


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Here's what a Midwest Turkey tag looks like!!!
So I was out this morning, and it was SLOW, not a single gobble. I hunt turkeys like I hunt elk, fast and hard. I hate to sit, I do that enough for deer. I have a bunch of areas and I keep moving through them looking for birds that are making noise. When I find one I get in tight, and then give'm hell. There has been a lot of mornings of 3 am of late and not hearing anything in 3 spots this morning I headed back home. Got in an hour nap before work. I know the next few days will be up early and working hard to find some birds. The reality of this hunt, we've had 3 hard winters back to back to back. Our turkey population is at its lowest in a number of years, and its tough.......oh yeah, these are public land birds that everyone else is chasing. We got our work cut out for us, but stay tuned. :)
Only 255 more miles to go according to the iPhone! I forgot to mention that a package is awaiting myself and Les at Les's house from Jason Phelps with Phelps game calls. I'm proud to be part of Phelps game calls but have yet to use his turkey diaphragms so excited to give them a Run for their money on this trip! Jason is one hell of a guy and makes one hell of a quality product for the price! This drive is going to kill me we should go locate birds tonight Les!!!!
Getting the new Go Pro setup and trying out the new Phelps calls for in the morning! Les made some bomb deep fried King Salmon and homemade tarter sauce the best I've ever had! Nothing like a home cooked meal!!! Meat Mode!
James made it and we had some Salmon for supper. Getting ready to crash, morning hunt will come quick.
Well 3:30 came a little early but we are up and after it, hitting the road to find a gobbling Tom! It's a bit windy today, but we shall make it work.....
Good luck guys
I'm doing a Pa live hunt today also. Warmest morning so far and it's raining here.
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First set had a heavy bearded Tom at 45yards but wanted him closer for phone Footage Lol... He mad a big loop around me and then came into Les at 45 yards as well but Les passed for a closer shot also... The wind is bad this morning so birds are tough to here but we have another flock spotted that we are working now.....