Taxidermist when is enough enough?


Aug 13, 2016
Ormond beach
So i have a taxidermist thats done excellent work for me in the past including 2 proghorn that went to comptition and won blue ribbons. Id also somewhat call him a friend But and here is the big BUT. Ive now dropped of to him two caribou, a five hundred pound black bear, and here recently (last couple months) a bull elk. The caribou were dropped off and the bear were dropped off over 2 years ago. When i dropped off the elk he said he was still waiting to get back the hides from the caribou from carolina furriers, and preceded to tell me it wasnt his fault. My response as being a marine mechanic is that i was responsible for someones motor i send out just as i hold jim responsible for my cape. I also explained my displeasure at this being hes already mounting whitetail from this years harvest. Now hes also stated that he has my bear back from the tannery for now over 9 months and hasnt started on it nor did he say im sorry your waiting on your caribou so ill get right on the bear. Hes also had the bear for over almost 2 years as well.
Not resting the issue i called carolina furriers and asked them if they had my capes. They did acknowledge they did alot of business with my taxidermist but they didnt have record of the capes ever being sent into them.
Ive gone back and questioned my taxidermist on this issue and his response was that they definatly have them and i should be getting them back soon (over two months ago). At this point i feel as though the capes are gone and i ordered a replacement cape from a company recommended to me from wildlife gallerys.
Would you give the replacement cape to the taxidermist to due the work or take it elsewhere. Ive found another taxidermist Justin Tinsley In ky that said he would love to due them and the elk for me when he does his run of elk in Jan. All the work ive seen from justin looks good aswell. Im going on another bear hunt this November and im inclined to drop the bear off with a taxidermist that specializes in bear their in NC that i also know does a good job.
So would you give the caribou hide to the taxidermist here and continue waiting or would you pull the four jobs and send them off to other taxidermist. Like i said before its now going on 25 months.

Thanks for your input in advance


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The mounted pictures are some of my local taxidermist work hes done for me
Here is a few more


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Nice work but you know something is going on with him now regardless of the work he has done in the past. When things dont seem right or add up
Its time to move on. Since your friends and a regular customer you likely don't complain so might be getting placed on the back burner. Sht happens when you have to count on others but the “it aint my fault” doesn't cut for me. It might not be his fault but it is his problem.
Like the others said, pick all your hides and antlers and take them to the new taxidermist. Hopefully they were not damaged being stored for two years now.

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You've gotten some good advice. Sometimes you have to move on. I had a guy I did business with for years but I had major issues on my last order and never did business with him again.
Depends on how good of friends you are. If you’re legit friends, you tell him your concerns as you’ve presented them to the forum, and give him an opportunity to make it right with the understanding that if it’s not done then n a timely manner, you are moving your business. If he’s just someone you’ve done business with, go get your stuff.

Also, if the capes are really lost, I’d ask him to reimburse you for their replacement regardless.
If you were me you would have moved on already. But...
  1. Don't be friends with business - they are not in business to be your friend, they are in business to make money and can take advantage of the "friendship" as you've experienced.
  2. The easiest course of action would be to tough it out with this guy. But you're learning that it may not be prudent. *IF* you want to try, get a firm date for the various projects. Show up at his door on those dates to collect your completed projects or the items to move on.
  3. If capes are in fact lost he pays for replacements. Period. Regardless of if he completes the projects or they are taken elsewhere.
  4. Quality of previously completed projects has no bearing on the lack of delivery on current projects.
It might not be his fault but it is his problem.
^ Smart. I'd absolutely fit that into a conversation with him.

Stand up for yourself. He won't.
Why is it so hard to find a good taxidermist and a good horologist. I have contacts for both and they both do great work but I have never got anything back from either of them in the duration they stated when I dropped it off. I have talked with buddies in different parts of the country and they have the same experiences with these services. I guess it explains why the really good ones get paid well for their work.
Don’t mix business with friendship. I’m not saying you can’t be friends with the guy but when it comes to business that’s strictly all it is. Approach him with your concerns and make sure he knows you plan on pulling your business. If he doesn’t make it right I would move on.
I think the fact that you are calling suppliers to check up on his story tells you everything you already know.

I would politely take back your critters and head elsewhere. Tell him to call you when he's all caught up and ready for more work. I wouldn't hold my breath for that call.

I love doing business with friends but I acknowledge that it can cost one a friendship.
I would politely take back your critters and head elsewhere. Tell him to call you when he's all caught up and ready for more work. I wouldn't hold my breath for that call.

I believe this is probably the best course at this time.

Thankyou all, it seams preatty unanimous how i should proceed