TandK Turkey rig

For most of my life I used an inexpensive turkey vest and it did just fine, but certainly had its flaws. Many of the pockets and pouches required two hands to operate, box calls weren’t secured and would squawk at inopportune moments, and the fit wasn’t great. Again, it worked but I’ve come to appreciate quality products for those subtle differences. And comfort has become a much bigger priority.

I’ve not used a chest rig for turkey hunting. Looks like it can accommodate most of what you need, but I do value a bird tote (works good for a decoy too) and the attached padded seat of many vests. It’s all personal preference and you likely won’t know until you give it a try.
I just use a cheap turkey vest that has a ton of pockets, a bird pocket on the back. It also has zip off sleeves for those cold mountain mornings. I carry one box call, one slate, and maybe two diaphragm calls. Almost every bird I have called in has been with that one box call. I use a rubber band over it to keep it from squeaking in the pocket.
I just use my regular bino harness. Binos in their regular spot, couple mouth calls in one rangefinder pocket, couple snacks in the other. I’ve never seen the need for these vests that have room for 15 different calls. I can’t imagine feeling the need to use more than 2-3 and all I use is mouth calls.
Their chest rig looks nice. I haven't carried a box call in years. I bring one slate with striker and a couple of reeds in the little plastic case.

I bring my backpack with a little folding H.S. seat and the usual day trip stuff. Water, snacks, foam pad to sit on, binoculars and extra layers.

It's the same stuff I bring for deer or elk, plus the seat and minus game bags (maybe one bag).
Depends. Now I’ll usually get by with a chest pack and a nut ruck, one water bottle, if it’s really gonna be a haul or really variable weather I have a little day pack I take. Like being as light as possible Turkey hunting, lots of the mountain birds have such big ranges that I may make a 4-7 mile loop trying to figure out which drainage they are in that day. Hardest part of mountain birds is trying to pattern them, once you do they typical aren’t too hard to kill
I really like the idea of a chest rig, but how do you deal with carrying sufficient water? A 12oz bottle stuffed in there just doesn't cut it for me. I think the optimum setup is a chest pouch and some sort of hydration pack...