T/M Ranch Eastern Colorado

Dec 2, 2019
Has anyone hunted the TM Ranch in eastern Co near Walsenburg? Have an opportunity on a cancellation hunt for 4 of us opening rifle dates in 2025. Having never hunted east of 25, just trying to do as much research as possible before we send deposits.

Owner says it’s 50k Private land with another 20k leases in 133. Also said they went 5/5 on this hunt last year with 4 killed opening day.
They’re website says: The elk that the ranch produces have large body sizes and carry a lot of mass within their horns.

Elk don’t have horns, buyer beware…
Walsenburg is not really eastern Colorado. I have not heard of the outfit but their website seems like something is off. The area South and West of Walsenburg has some beautiful habitat but it sounds like their land is east of I25, and if so I would be very wary.
I know the place, you'll have a fun time.
Could you PM me with any insight on it please? Just want to get all the information I can before sending deposits…I’ve heard and read a lot on the elk hunting east of 25 not being great. But them having 70k acres has to help a ton
We drive by it on our way in to where we hunt. Always see elk in that area. Know nothing of the operation itself but do know that we elk on the places with their signs.