Synthetic Pants

Feb 25, 2012
Anyone know if those pants are fire-rated? I have to wear cotton at the very least and those pesky flashburns don't mix with synthetics. I know the military's polypro is for explosions from demo. I'd like to try them out at work because I am too lazy to untie my boots and change my britches.
Brandon Pattison
Feb 25, 2012
I don't know squat about it or them but I see a lot of guys wearing them. I would guess UA, Sitka and the like but I am quite traditional. I have been using OLD school clothing until last year when I got a pile of First Lite stuff. But, it is traditional in a sense. I like the idea of how fast they dry since I like to canoe and do other things near, in and around water (as you know I am an amphibious monster from the sea). I wear double knee canvas Carhartts most of the time for two reasons; one they wear like iron on the jobsite and in the pucker brush and second they have seven belt loops so my Blackhawk! belt doesn't end up looking like a f***ing shower curtain rod like the stupid cheap 5-loop pants I am damned with for having a 33" waist and no ass. My wife has all but given up trying to dress me due to all of this. She's like, "What about these cool Iron Cross on the back pockets that make your butt look tasty pants?" I reply with an 'unappreciative and insensitive', "Junk, there's only 5 loops." She's like, "You don't need a drop-leg pistol holster and gas mask hanging off of them." I am like, "Well now I do maintenance and have to have a set of keys that would make a janitor blush, ID badge, work phone, personal phone, personal keys, wallet, Griz, Benchmade, Leatherman, MiniMag LED hanging off of them now." I have to tie the free end of my belt off just to take a crap or rewipe otherwise it all hits the nasty head (latrine for you Army guys) floor. Am I on the verge of suspenders? HELP!