Switchgrass Plot Questions


Dec 25, 2012
I'm considering adding some more bedding/screen cover to my food plots. Been looking at Real World products, and their tall switchgrass. Considering two acres of SG, surrounded by 12-16 rows of standing corn, with trees nearby. I'm wanting to create a little "secluded" bedding area.

Questions: I will not be in a position to frost seed. I need to mow down standing corn and beans, and work the ground prior to Spring planting. This is least desirable apparently. What can I expect this first year if I do that, in regards to growth/cover?

I don't have a drill. I will need to broadcast and harrow seed. Anybody do this with SG? I've read where you can add lime to the seed to give it some more volume, to make the spreading easier and more accurate. Any recommendations for a GOOD hand spreader? My cheap lawn spreaders will go through 2 acres of seed in about 20 ft.

I’m planning on doing some switchgrass in spring also. Not as much as you’re planning. I’m in the landscape business and found that plugs are available through some of the local nurseries that specialize in native plants. I think I’m going that route.
Some of the Pheasants forever chapters in my area have grass drills they will loan out for projects like this. Might be worth looking in to. You will have a lot better results vs broadcasting.

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I've hand spread about 1/2 acre (so no recommendation on spreader) well after the frost seeding deadline and had about 3ft of growth. That was from standing weeds to, cutting, round up 2x and discing the ground up. Done it with switch grass and also with just general native grasses. You just fall a little behind on first year growth IMO but after that good to go.

Look at renting a drill or contact conservation groups for opinions. Here in MN I went through Prairie Restorations for my seed. They specialize in Native habitats. They were a great resource and if need come out and make recommendations or will even set up a maintenance schedule on your planting (or do the whole thing). I would imagine you could find something similar in your state/area.
I've got approximately 3 acres of Switch planted between shelter belts. I started establishing the Switch 5 or 6 years ago and in the process have made lots of mistakes, but also learned a bunch. The ground my SG is planted on is a gravelly rocky hilltop.....not even close to good fertile soil, so optimal methods are important.
My first go-around I rented the country drill and had limited success.
After that I did a ton of research and by applying that research had much better success the second time around. The two top things I learned during my research were frost seeding and EXTENSIVE vegetation/weed control prior to putting the SG seed down....ie spraying with gly 3 or 4 times during the summer prior to planting.
A big mistake I made with my first frost seeding was putting seed down too early in the season, before it was protected by snow cover. The result was pheasants ate a huge percentage of my seed while it laid on the bare ground. Once I got past those mistakes I had a great stand of SG.
The next big mistake I made was attempting weed control using only Gly in the spring before the SG broke dormancy. This allowed thistles to establish and eventually choke out a lot of the SG. I added a fall application of Duracor to my weed control plan and combined with the spring application of gly and it looks like the thistles are well under control now.
The best hand seeder I have found is the EarthWay Ev-N-Spread.
I found a wealth of SG info on the Iowa Whitetail Forum. There is a lot of info to wade through, but it was worth it.
Hope this helps.

I spent 75.00 on SG seed in upstate SC back in February. Frost seeded and barely had any growth at all. I wont try it again. Seems like my soil is too poor right now. Ph of 5.5. Concentrating on getting my Durana Clover growing well.
If I were in your shoes I would spend the spring prepping the site, spray it as needed through the summer and hold off until you can do a dormant fall planting. The waiting game is hard but you will be way better off properly prepping the site and reducing weed competition. For a carrier, I wouldn't recommend lime because it will just help fertilize any competitive weed growth. Generally any spreader that will spread clover should more or less be able to spread switchgrass because it is a dense, small seed compared to the other fluffy native grass seeds.
So I think I’ve decided that I’m going to start my own plugs. Local fertilizer/seed store has a bag of seed at spring 21 prices. If you want to buy some at a decent price let me know I’ll have plenty extra
Jake ehlinger seems to do some things others say you shouldn’t but I think I might try mixing SG in some sorghum screen next year like this and hopefully avoid need to plant annual screens everywhere every year. Not bedding but if seems to still work ok.

Another good one.
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