SWFA website updated; More to come in 2024

SWFA advised me that they expect a 2025 Q1 restock for the 6x42 and 3-9. Unclear whether there will be any updates on the restocked models. Good news in my books.
Perfect...all swfa needs to do is give a quarter of whatever year different products are expected....simple
Here is SWFA’s response on availability of the 3-9x:

While we do not have a specific date to share at this moment, this product is expected to be back in stock during the first quarter of 2025. We sincerely appreciate your patience and understanding, and please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any further questions or need additional assistance.

Allison Pate
SWFA Outdoors
This is what most people needed to know...not exact dates. Some have been reasonably upset of run arounds. I just went and got a mark4 since it seemed hopeless.
I worked customer service for nearly 10 years. Dealing directly with the general public nearly daily. Its really a lose lose situation for most customer service representatives. Short of being able to pull off a miracle and magically pull something out of your ass, people will not be happy with the information you give them.

I cant count the number of times I got yelled out, told I was stupid, too dumb to know what I was talking about, etc because I couldnt do what someone wanted. I ruined more hunts, camping trips, hikes, etc than one could shake stick at.

Relaying difficult information is part of the deal but as the customer service rep, you learn that no matter what, people wont be happy so just give them the most vague information and move on. Right or wrong, if you have done the job long enough, its what you learn to do.

If SWFA gave the time line of "you will get your 6X in two years" the same people bitching they havent been given a timeline, would all be bitching it was two year out. Then they direct that bitching at the person on the phone, who is probably one of the lowest paid, most replaceable position and has zero ability to actually change anything in the company.

Like I said, right or wrong, its lose/lose and people always seem to be surprised when people take the easy option.
Appreciate the transparency. I will admit that it’s easier for me to have not done it and say I would make the right decision every day than to have actually tried it and saw what it was like. Fair enough.
I do agree that if the message had been “it’s going to be 2 years before you get your scope”everyone would still be just as pissed. Maybe even more so. But at least at that point the customers would have some information and then be able to decide on sticking it out or moving on.
Appreciate the transparency. I will admit that it’s easier for me to have not done it and say I would make the right decision every day than to have actually tried it and saw what it was like. Fair enough.
I do agree that if the message had been “it’s going to be 2 years before you get your scope”everyone would still be just as pissed. Maybe even more so. But at least at that point the customers would have some information and then be able to decide on sticking it out or moving on.

It’s adding fuel to the fire.

Every time you miss a deadline the customer expects a larger prize for their patience.

You also need to remove any logic you might apply to the process. If I told customer your rifle should be here Monday 12/2, I’ll call you when it’s received and let you know it’s ready. They would show up at open and ask for their rifle without calling or receiving my call. They get all pissy and now I’m paying mileage.

Each transgression is exponentially higher. The real problem children figure out the actual decision makers and jump right to them. Then you’re getting a call from your district manager that so and so needs to be taken care of, so now I’m paying to transfer the stupid rifle and giving the customer a gift card and discounted ammo, scope, rings etc. it’s “give a mouse a cookie” but in annoying human form. These folks tell their friends or worse Facebook and now there’s an avalanche of CS complaints

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Appreciate the transparency. I will admit that it’s easier for me to have not done it and say I would make the right decision every day than to have actually tried it and saw what it was like. Fair enough.
I do agree that if the message had been “it’s going to be 2 years before you get your scope”everyone would still be just as pissed. Maybe even more so. But at least at that point the customers would have some information and then be able to decide on sticking it out or moving on.
It really is eye opening to actually deal with people regularly and what you truly can and cannot do for people. I agree that SWFA could and probably should be more honest but they truly may not know when they are going to get them. We have been waiting on a plane simulator that was supposed be here in July, then August, then...well its still not here. So, the honest answer may be exactly what they are telling people.
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Everything I’ve seen from the outside of SWFA’s HD scope delays it looks like a good old fashioned commercial payment dispute on the edge of arbitration/stopping business relationships. It looks like when payments go from net 120 day terms to prepay cash ahead of the production run.
100% this assessment. It sure seems like they are playing catch-up. It sucks for those waiting for warranty claims, but sometimes you got to be thankful there is even a chance you get it. They could have easily walked away from the steaming pile...

I am not sure why there is so much aggressive entitlement from people who "back ordered" a product but haven't paid for it or even made a deposit. I can tell you all feel different, but I am not sure what you think you are owed beyond we hope to have them someday.

I do understand why people are hoping for more information, but it's entirely possible they have no clue when they will have enough money for the next order.
Here is SWFA’s response on availability of the 3-9x:

While we do not have a specific date to share at this moment, this product is expected to be back in stock during the first quarter of 2025. We sincerely appreciate your patience and understanding, and please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any further questions or need additional assistance.

Allison Pate
SWFA Outdoors
I followed up asking about the 6x:

Yes sir, both are expected to be back in stock at about the same time.

Allison Pate
SWFA Outdoors
100% this assessment. It sure seems like they are playing catch-up. It sucks for those waiting for warranty claims, but sometimes you got to be thankful there is even a chance you get it. They could have easily walked away from the steaming pile...

I am not sure why there is so much aggressive entitlement from people who "back ordered" a product but haven't paid for it or even made a deposit. I can tell you all feel different, but I am not sure what you think you are owed beyond we hope to have them someday.

I do understand why people are hoping for more information, but it's entirely possible they have no clue when they will have enough money for the next order.
How many of these warranty claims do people think they had? Seems like I remember about 3 people on here who’ve had issues. A couple were manufacturing issues. I think one was someone who fell on their rifle and broke the the eyepiece off. I could be misremembering, but I’m sure it’s not a Leupold or Vortex situation.
The website indicates they are already down to their last two 3-15s….
Now those are gone. Already out of stock and "backordered"

Well, that was quick. Must've been a small shipment. Pretty soon there'll only be the 20x42 available... for whomever it is that actually wants a fixed 20.
I am getting another 10x, nice to be able to dial to a mile with a 300 dollar scope, capped turrets look great, I may look into cutting the windage down and shortening and re threading the cap
Hey you are in australia yes? Do you know if they ship to here or do you know of a supplier? Iv emailed them a few times about it and never get a response
Now those are gone. Already out of stock and "backordered"

Well, that was quick. Must've been a small shipment. Pretty soon there'll only be the 20x42 available... for whomever it is that actually wants a fixed 20.

I think that was pretty predictable, especially if as someone speculated above they are having to pay cash up front for production. Also wouldn’t rule out them testing the waters to make sure there were still people looking to buy their scopes- they know they’ve disappeared for a couple years, and they probably also know there are other reliable scopes out there without spending Nightforce money.

I find the 20x to be a great scope for a bench gun on a budget. I’ve got two in use, and I don’t think I payed over 100 bucks for either of them. They aren’t great, but they’ll steer a bullet, and I can see the home from a couple hundred yards away (the one I shoot the most is on a 223).

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They could easily end all the speculation with a paragraph or two on any one of these forums. Sorry business model. I’ll save my future orders for everyone else’s benefit.
Hey you are in australia yes? Do you know if they ship to here or do you know of a supplier? Iv emailed them a few times about it and never get a response
They used to export and I got a couple probably 8 years ago, I asked about sending them here a while back and they said they were working on it again and expected it to happen soonIMG_3855.jpegIMG_1390.jpeg