SWFA website updated; More to come in 2024


Sep 28, 2022
I don't get it... You are all really bitching that they added features to the 10X (fantastic scope all around, hunting included) that they were lacking before and didn't change the price much at all? I will order 1-2 of them and then patiently wait for the 6X or 3-9X. Sucks to wait so long, sucks they aren't reaching out or providing information, but believe it or not this is progress. I can almost guarantee 90% of the people complaining about it will order them when they are released regardless.
I'll reserve judgement till I have one in hand, but I fear they are going in the wrong direction with some of these choices. How many really want taller turrets for example? Or their planned tree reticles?


Sep 28, 2022
Of course- their lack of response and information is comically stupid. However, it doesn’t help to add misinformation into the issue.

I am less upset at SWFA for their lack of openness than I am that there is no other company willing to fill the void. The other companies just think that people that want SWFA type scopes- reliable, durable, simple, and designed correctly, and affordable- are stupid or ignorant. They don’t care to service that market, or they are so ignorant they believe the market doesn’t exist. They would all rather chase each wizzing in the PRS pool.

Yes, it is ridiculous that SWFA isn’t being more open- it’s also the markets only option.
I think the market could really use a slimmed down, but still durable 6x scope. Shorter elevation turret, capped windage, simple mil-based reticle, etc.


Aug 31, 2018
I think the market could really use a slimmed down, but still durable 6x scope. Shorter elevation turret, capped windage, simple mil-based reticle, etc.
I don’t disagree with the sentiment, but I recognize that the market for an updated fixed 6 that is durable and allows for reliable dialing is narrow. You are also unlikely to see such a scope bringing high purchase costs. That means little funding for investment and design. We’ve seen what sort of updating SWFA is focused on and what we can expect for future models. It is simple cosmetic stuff. No changes in tube or erector design or changes in glass. While I’d love to see more, I would not want to see the durability affected. I also like the SWFA 6x enough as is to buy their new model when it comes out.


Jun 9, 2021
South Carolina
"I recognize that the market for an updated fixed 6 that is durable and allows for reliable dialing is narrow."
Very narrow in the Southeast. I'd love to see a 6x50 Klassic or Trijicon come out however.


Classified Approved
Sep 6, 2024
For what it’s worth, I’m sure people have already notified everyone on this thread, I sent an email and asked if the 6x was ever going to be in stock again, I got an email back saying they will be in stock again just no ETA on the shipment. Lmao


May 28, 2017
North Idaho
When you ask them if they have any idea of when the 3-9 will be available, hopefully you get a better response than what I got a few months ago which was.

"No, I don't know."

Not a, "sorry" "unfortunately" or "thanks for your interest as an existing SWFA customer"

It's like SWFA is trying not to sell scopes.

Imagine if they paid some kid that liked shooting to be their social media wing, and he/she could come on forums and answer questions and generally spread good will to the customer base. It would probably go a long way.
Nov 16, 2017
Central Oregon
When you ask them if they have any idea of when the 3-9 will be available, hopefully you get a better response than what I got a few months ago which was.

"No, I don't know."

Not a, "sorry" "unfortunately" or "thanks for your interest as an existing SWFA customer"

It's like SWFA is trying not to sell scopes.

Imagine if they paid some kid that liked shooting to be their social media wing, and he/she could come on forums and answer questions and generally spread good will to the customer base. It would probably go a long way.
Why do they need to pay someone.
They should have plenty of time to do it themselves.

Since they only have a few scopes to sell occasionally they should have plenty of time.
There shipping scopes out like what 3 days twice a year?


Aug 31, 2018
It had to show an option to back order.
Then they charged your card, then refunded it and u got it back a few days later.
The one scope I had backordered from them (3-9x) was not charged to my card until it was shipped. The company has historically been a straight dealer for me. They just stopped communicating during the pandemic and never restarted.


May 26, 2018
When you ask them if they have any idea of when the 3-9 will be available, hopefully you get a better response than what I got a few months ago which was.

"No, I don't know."

Not a, "sorry" "unfortunately" or "thanks for your interest as an existing SWFA customer"

It's like SWFA is trying not to sell scopes.

Imagine if they paid some kid that liked shooting to be their social media wing, and he/she could come on forums and answer questions and generally spread good will to the customer base. It would probably go a long way.

I worked big box store during the Obama shortages.
After the 30,000 call asking for primers or powder you stop giving the whole customer service response.
2 years of providing no info

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Jan 14, 2019
may look into cutting the windage down and shortening and re threading the cap

I think this will be the move. Making either a shorter cap to go over windage with no turret installed, or better yet cut brass flush as allowed, and make an even shorter cap.

Certainly someone around here has the machining capabilities to fill this gap in demand...


May 28, 2017
North Idaho
Yeah but SWFA ain't getting that many emails.

Anyway, how hard is it to copy/paste a more polite response if the question had been asked a hundred times?


Aug 31, 2018
I think the one thing we should all keep in mind about SWFA is that they were going through, and may still be going through, a financial restructuring. I have admittedly been openly pissy about their lack of communication during this time. But have any of you ever seen a company communicate freely and openly during financial restructuring?


Mar 16, 2016
And I’ve never worked in customer service, but I would assume that relaying difficult information to paying customers is part of the deal. IMO.
I worked customer service for nearly 10 years. Dealing directly with the general public nearly daily. Its really a lose lose situation for most customer service representatives. Short of being able to pull off a miracle and magically pull something out of your ass, people will not be happy with the information you give them.

I cant count the number of times I got yelled out, told I was stupid, too dumb to know what I was talking about, etc because I couldnt do what someone wanted. I ruined more hunts, camping trips, hikes, etc than one could shake stick at.

Relaying difficult information is part of the deal but as the customer service rep, you learn that no matter what, people wont be happy so just give them the most vague information and move on. Right or wrong, if you have done the job long enough, its what you learn to do.

If SWFA gave the time line of "you will get your 6X in two years" the same people bitching they havent been given a timeline, would all be bitching it was two year out. Then they direct that bitching at the person on the phone, who is probably one of the lowest paid, most replaceable position and has zero ability to actually change anything in the company.

Like I said, right or wrong, its lose/lose and people always seem to be surprised when people take the easy option.
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Aug 15, 2020
As a project manager during COVID shortages we started describing estimated delivery dates as “the most recent lie.” There is some honesty in silence or saying we don’t know at times.

Everything I’ve seen from the outside of SWFA’s HD scope delays it looks like a good old fashioned commercial payment dispute on the edge of arbitration/stopping business relationships. It looks like when payments go from net 120 day terms to prepay cash ahead of the production run.