And I’ve never worked in customer service, but I would assume that relaying difficult information to paying customers is part of the deal. IMO.
I worked customer service for nearly 10 years. Dealing directly with the general public nearly daily. Its really a lose lose situation for most customer service representatives. Short of being able to pull off a miracle and magically pull something out of your ass, people will not be happy with the information you give them.
I cant count the number of times I got yelled out, told I was stupid, too dumb to know what I was talking about, etc because I couldnt do what someone wanted. I ruined more hunts, camping trips, hikes, etc than one could shake stick at.
Relaying difficult information is part of the deal but as the customer service rep, you learn that no matter what, people wont be happy so just give them the most vague information and move on. Right or wrong, if you have done the job long enough, its what you learn to do.
If SWFA gave the time line of "you will get your 6X in two years" the same people bitching they havent been given a timeline, would all be bitching it was two year out. Then they direct that bitching at the person on the phone, who is probably one of the lowest paid, most replaceable position and has zero ability to actually change anything in the company.
Like I said, right or wrong, its lose/lose and people always seem to be surprised when people take the easy option.