SWFA Wait Times

A company like SWFA that does not charge your card until shipped is a pretty huge difference from a one man drop ship operation.

Optics are also not the issue, it could happen with any product, so to be logically consistent, no back orders on anything.

The better way, don't do business with people who charge months prior to delivery, that is a sign of poor business practices.
I appreciate you posting this. I'm clearly wrong and willing to admit it. I didn't realize they didn't charge your card when you ordered. I haven't backordered anything through them directly in years.
Another month down, anyone get a shipment? No dice for me on my March backorder
Hi Ian

See screenshot of my order confirmation (ordered 1 qty 3-9x). I think I remember correctly that orders made on JAN 3 received scopes, then there was a small batch sent later during Q1 of 2023.

Screenshot showing order date and time:
Screen Shot 2023-11-22 at 3.18.38 PM.png

Anyway, seems I'm on the bubble for the next batch to go out. Will post when it happens.
Have a 3-9 on backorder. Was spoiled with my first 3-9 and 6x order they shipped within a month of ordering.
Any updates on shipments? Anxiously waiting.

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I talked to Wendy a few wks back and she said something about a shipment of non HD end of this yr but no eta on HD models.

Was hoping someone had maybe confirmed this or was more in the know.

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For anyone wondering about the customer service side of things, I sent in a SWFA 3-15 that was damaged when the rifle fell and working 24 hours of receiving it they gave me a store credit to purchase anything I wanted. Email and phone communication was prompt and easy. I ordered the exact same scope and it shipped the next day. I think the issues are all due to inventory as the business itself has great service.
It just boggles my mind that if you’re revamping your entire business to be about your optics company you can’t even get the damn things to sell to people.

11 months of backorder and they have no clue when the products they sell will show up? It’s just wild.

I’m gonna keep my order until it comes or is cancelled but it is very odd that they can’t get the things that they are trying to sell when the demand is begging for them. I have to believe they do in fact know themselves what an eta is because otherwise that’s even weirder to me
yeah, running a business where you sell stuff, but you don't actually have anything to sell is really strange. I love the swfa's I already have, and look forward to getting my backordered 3-9, but it will be the last time i backorder from them. Depending on Maven's evolution it may be the last SWFA I buy period.
I run a periodical publishing company and have for over 15 years. Multiple times I have moved presses when they start getting wishy washy on delivery times. That tells me immediately they have internal issues that I don’t want to be a part of. So we bail ASAP. The whole back order forever thing is just bizarre to me. If a supplier can’t meet production needs, you find another supplier.

But I do wish I could get my back ordered Mil 6x to replace the MOA one I have. Hopes are low as they get though.

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Is there anyone in Texas who might know one of the owners or upper level employees who could find out some more information?