Swarovski warranty on used gear

Not saying when you run it over with a truck. A 10 year warranty is not that good. Most rifles stay in a gun safe for most of the year. That is probably 90 percent so that means the actual use warranty is crap. One year of use or less and it is not covered. Also you might want to actually talk to a Swar rep at a show about profit margin. It is not no 10 percent.
Even though they had past CS issues, today Leica has the most comprehensive written warranty (Big 3) = 10 year no fault + 30 year manufacture/defects transferable warranty on new optics purchased through an authorized dealer (doubters can verify). Not certain how they’ll be on used items. Swarovski is 10 years with some additional time if ownership transfers. Zeiss has a 5 year no fault + lifetime manufacture/defects transferable warranty on their Victory Series. Truth is most of us aren’t overly focused on warranty until something breaks. If the company stands behind their product we’re thrilled, and if not it leaves a mark.

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You're all pulling this "10 years" stuff from the Swarovski International site.

The US and Canada warranty is limited lifetime against mfg defects for the optical system, parts and labor.

OK - even if Swarovski offers a limited lifetime warranty in North America, it still does not match the additional 10 year no-fault/30 year limited warranty offered by Leica or the additional 5-year no-fault/lifetime limited warranty offered by Zeiss. As far as written warranties go Swarovski’s is the least comprehensive of the Big 3.
The warranty explanation on the website seems less confusing and says to contact Swarovski North America for more information. Upon closer review, the one Svivian posted does suggest the optical system has a lifetime warranty to the original owner. I see no reference to whether the warranty is transferable. One question apparently defined by the manufacturers is what lifetime means. My 2005 SLC manual says its 30 years. It further states to contact Swarovski North America for more information. Perhaps someone with a new optic could check their manual and advise how "lifetime" is defined. Thanks for all the efforts to help us understand these warranties.
My pair of ELs were bought pre owned. Swarovski just sent me a new pair of eye cups no problem. Transfered the warranty to my name and sent them out. They are great to deal with.
Back up just to confirm this is still true in 2025.

I called Swaro and was able to transfer warranty/registration to me by providing the previous owner's name and serial number