Swarovski NL Pure Binocular

Definitely 12x, so I can take advantage of the new field of view and get 12 power to see antlers. No reason to consider any other power.

No, wait - 12x needs a tripod. What if it's windy? Also might be tougher to find game. No good having so much power if you're shaking at all. Don't blow all my money on 12x and be sorry.

8x would have an AMAZING field of view, and quicker acquisition. Much better in the wind and for spotting game you otherwise miss. Yes, definitely 8x. Definitely!

Hang on, let's think this through - 10x gets me the best of both. Still good for hand glassing and purty good field of view from a tripod. Better field judging than 8x . . . OK, 10x it is - for sure.

Wait, no . . . 10x is just a compromise! It doesn't give me both - it gives me neither. No way am I gonna get 10x . . . 8x or 12x have to be better.

Yep - 8x for sure. OK done . . . order now.

Except - maybe I would be happier with higher power - after all, with this new field-of-view, I don't need weaker glasses to get a wide view any more.

Ya, gotta have more than 8x. 8x is for pussies. I need magnums, man! Need to be sure I can see enough detail to judge the animal. Be a man, go for 12's!

Ack no, 12x is just too much without a tripod.

They do make a 10x . . . .
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If you glass from a tripod a lot I think you’ll be fine. It’s the longer distance handholding that I found frustrating when on my hunt, I could not glass very effectively. Which kind of sucks because I don’t always like lugging the tripod around. I really wish I had a pair of 10 NLs to compare. I think I’m going to buy the headrest in hopes that it will help stabilize the image. I hate to sell the 12s, get the 10s, then have regret. I just get tired of the BS people put out in these reviews (not talking about the Rokslide review, he gives the most honest review IMO) if you read other reviews on the 12 like I did, they’ll leave you to believe they are stable enough to handhold with one hand, will replace 15s, etc... lol. But, hard to give you my opinion without trying the 10s first.

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Ben... I realize you already decided on the 12's, but that's what we do! You can rent 10's and 12's from us, compare them side by side, and keep the ones you decide on. We'll apply 100% of both rentals toward the purchase for up to 3 days for 2 items or 2 days for 3 items if you'd like to try all three! If you decide your old glass is good enough, just send them all back with the pre-paid shipping label. Why guess when you can actually take them hunting, mount them on tripods with the included mount so you can make the right decision AND get a better deal on a lightly used NL. 8's, 10's and 12's in stock at www.RgunsNgear.com
Ben... I realize you already decided on the 12's, but that's what we do! You can rent 10's and 12's from us, compare them side by side, and keep the ones you decide on. We'll apply 100% of both rentals toward the purchase for up to 3 days for 2 items or 2 days for 3 items if you'd like to try all three! If you decide your old glass is good enough, just send them all back with the pre-paid shipping label. Why guess when you can actually take them hunting, mount them on tripods with the included mount so you can make the right decision AND get a better deal on a lightly used NL. 8's, 10's and 12's in stock at www.RgunsNgear.com
I had no idea you existed until just now! I have wanted a rental option for years and never knew about you. Rokslide comes through again. I'll be contacting you . . .
I had no idea you existed until just now! I have wanted a rental option for years and never knew about you. Rokslide comes through again. I'll be contacting you . . .
Awesome zog, glad I ran across here today. Check us out! We carry a lot of the high end glass from Swarovski, Vortex, Leica, and Zeiss. Adding more all the time. Tons of other backcountry gear on tap as well.
Awesome zog, glad I ran across here today. Check us out! We carry a lot of the high end glass from Swarovski, Vortex, Leica, and Zeiss. Adding more all the time. Tons of other backcountry gear on tap as well.
Wish you could rent high end custom rifles too! Would save a lot of us a pile of money! Ha
Wish you could rent high end custom rifles too! Would save a lot of us a pile of money! Ha

Surprise!!! yeah, we do that too... I thought the name might be a give away. Custom LR rifles, mostly titanium actions, Proof carbon barrels chambered in a variety of excellent long range hunting cartridges. We ship to your FFL, you do the paperwork and walk out with a complete shooting system that’s ready to hunt. Ship it back to us directly with the included label from UPS or FedEx after you notch your tag.

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Surprise!!! yeah, we do that too... I thought the name might be a give away. Custom LR rifles, mostly titanium actions, Proof carbon barrels chambered in a variety of excellent long range hunting cartridges. We ship to your FFL, you do the paperwork and walk out with a complete shooting system that’s ready to hunt. Ship it back to us directly with the included label from UPS or FedEx after you notch your tag.

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Yeah I figured that out now. I've been to your dam site already :mad:. Won't be able to resist.

Apologies to the OP and everybody for departing from the subject a bit.
Definitely 12x, so I can take advantage of the new field of view and get 12 power to see antlers. No reason to consider any other power.

No, wait - 12x needs a tripod. What if it's windy? Also might be tougher to find game. No good having so much power if you're shaking at all. Don't blow all my money on 12x and be sorry.

8x would have an AMAZING field of view, and quicker acquisition. Much better in the wind and for spotting game you otherwise miss. Yes, definitely 8x. Definitely!

Hang on, let's think this through - 10x gets me the best of both. Still good for hand glassing and purty good field of view from a tripod. Better field judging than 8x . . . OK, 10x it is - for sure.

Wait, no . . . 10x is just a compromise! It doesn't give me both - it gives me neither. No way am I gonna get 10x . . . 8x or 12x have to be better.

Yep - 8x for sure. OK done . . . order now.

Except - maybe I would be happier with higher power - after all, with this new field-of-view, I don't need weaker glasses to get a wide view any more.

Yep, it's gotta be more than 8x. 8x is for pussies. I need magnums, man! Just to be sure I can see enough detail to judge the animal.

But not 12x, that's just too much.

They do make a 10x . . . .

This line of thinking is so spot on, haha!!
I procured the NL 8X42, it is a very nice glass, I already am set at 10X42 and higher. It is not bad under dark skies either.

Andy W.

I did like your previous post regarding decisions on choosing the 8X 10X and 12X formats, it was funny.

I have a few 10X42s and 10X50s, the 8X42 NL provides that nice wide view as an all around glass for different uses.

Andy W.
Got my NL 12s yesterday and took them hunting today.

My quick takeaways:
1)The ergonomics are so good they have to be experienced to be believed. The perfect shape - natural and comfortable in your hand. Because of this, I can hold these noticeably more steady than my EL 10x42s.
2)The light weight was a very pleasant surprise. They also seem smaller. They are much less clunky/cumbersome than the ELs. In short, they feel like an extension of you.
3)Follow the owner’s manual to get the right diopter setting for you. It’s not intuitive but it works perfectly. I experimented with other settings but the original setting I got using the instructions was perfect.
4)The eyecup setting is key to the best viewing experience. Again, try them until you hit the sweet spot for you. This is paramount, as not having the eyecups properly set keeps you from getting the most out of these binoculars.
5)Optically the large field of view, contrast, and edge to edge clarity are what really stands out with the NLs. The overall image quality doesn’t blow the ELs away by any means, but the combination of the other factors mentioned above does provide a very noticeably enhanced viewing experience over my ELs. And that’s saying something.

I can fully understand the rave reviews for this binocular. It’s amazing.
For those that have had a chance to look through these, any thoughts on 8's vs 10's? I know Robby is still a fan of the 8's and I am leaning that way, just wanted to see if there was any feedback. This will be my only pair of glass (for the time being anyway), coming from a 10x42 Razor. Primarily archery hunter, with occasional mule deer rifle.
Some may think this is stupid but I think it works really well for steadiness on the 12s and thought I would share. I found that wearing a ball cap and placing my hands on the top of the bill of the cap with thumbs on the bottom of the binocular securing the bino. I can handhold them now using that method without the forehead rest. By doing this a lot of the weight gets transferred to your head and neck. This makes it incredibly more stable. To me it’s comparable to glassing sitting down using your knees for braces.

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For those that have had a chance to look through these, any thoughts on 8's vs 10's? I know Robby is still a fan of the 8's and I am leaning that way, just wanted to see if there was any feedback. This will be my only pair of glass (for the time being anyway), coming from a 10x42 Razor. Primarily archery hunter, with occasional mule deer rifle.

As much as the 8x provide FOV “wow factor”, I couldn’t give up 10x for times I’m viewing over 400yds away. If everything you’re glassing is inside of that range, I’d think the 8x would be the way to go. For me, personally, anything beyond that range I felt like a 10x gave me a significant improvement when glassing whitetail trying to count points and judge antler size.

I was comparing NL 8x to EL 10x, but in the end I decided NL 10x will likely suit my interests the best.
For those that have had a chance to look through these, any thoughts on 8's vs 10's? I know Robby is still a fan of the 8's and I am leaning that way, just wanted to see if there was any feedback. This will be my only pair of glass (for the time being anyway), coming from a 10x42 Razor. Primarily archery hunter, with occasional mule deer rifle.
I elk and mule deer hunt in CO and deer hunt in south TX, so I seem to need to cover 50 to over 700 yards. And I am also coming from a Vortex Razor HD set of binos (10x42).

I have struggled at times with my Vortex in low light conditions, so I am looking forward to the upgrade to the NL's 10x42.
Scott you will not be disappointed. I can see and evaluate deer long after legal shooting light with my NLs. One evening I just kept watching deer drift into my food plot for over an hour after dark - using the light of the full moon.
With the NLs I can see deer long after my scope can pick them up well enough too make a confident shot. It’s a Swarovski Z5.
I wonder if Swarovski will come out with a new 15x56. It's been quite some time since they've developed a new one. The 12 NL pure seem like they're significantly better than everything else