It is sad. A young man lost his life but was doing what he enjoyed. He miscalculated his abilities or fell (the broken nose) and could not self evacuate. We all took chances and survived similar incidents whether it be hiking, driving cars too fast, or any number of adrenalin inducing hobbies. My vice was motorcycles, both MX and crotch rockets. RIP.
I posted this comment on the Youtube video:
On one hand I commend the young man for being real. Some Youtube content providers have been known to cheat and not really stay out in their camp all night. This guy was not a faker. He was the real deal. On the other hand, he did not seem to have an escape plan if something went wrong. I call it Plan B. I have had stuff go wrong out in the woods several times in my 61 years but thankfully I have always had a backup plan (except once and I was lucky then). He seemed like a courageous young man. I weep for his family. So sorry for their loss.