Suppressor Use by Minor


Mar 9, 2020
My 16yo son is an avid hunter and we hunt together all the time. He is obviously old enough to sit by himself. Is it legal for him to hunt with a suppressor that is mine? I am planning to add him to my trust when he turns 18, but am curious about how that works now.
Check your State regulations. Some state that a person under 18 cannot be alone with a firearm and require an adult to accompany them (either visually present or within normal hearing distances).
My 16yo son is an avid hunter and we hunt together all the time. He is obviously old enough to sit by himself. Is it legal for him to hunt with a suppressor that is mine? I am planning to add him to my trust when he turns 18, but am curious about how that works now.
He cannot be in possession of the silencer, so he cannot be solo, away from you with it.
That’s what I figured. Am I correct that I can add him to the trust at 18 and he can use it solo then?
If he is on your trust, then he can be in possession, as long as your laws allow a person under 21 to have one. I don't think he can buy one on his own until 21 though, or at least not via a dealer. The laws are dumb, the NFA is dumb, etc.
If he is on your trust, then he can be in possession, as long as your laws allow a person under 21 to have one. I don't think he can buy one on his own until 21 though, or at least not via a dealer. The laws are dumb, the NFA is dumb, etc.

Don't forget that the ATF is the biggest waste of public funding too...