Suppressor Opinion: Meh, It’s Ok

It definitely does change the balance, and I for sure get annoyed with the added length.

I do a lot of tree hunting and 24+ a can becomes frustrating to move around.

My solution was to chop it back to a 16” and now I’m about to buy a ti can to fix the balance.

It’s a lot of money and changing shit but man it’s worth it when you shoot. I never plan to shoot an unsuppressed rifle without war pro ever again.

I even use a can on my comp gun now because I hate brakes/blast so much. Just a nicer experience for me.
Can’t say my mind was blown and if these things did blow your mind, you didn’t do much research or give it much thought before buying one.
I have a 18" FC in 308. IMO a gun built for a supressor. It fells unbalanced shooting it without a can. Couple big factors for me when hunting...I can see my impact thru the scope, I can here my impact on the animal, you don't get the 1st shot spook of everything within a half mile radius. I won't hunt without one. Like stated above I not fan a shooting without one...I would love to have one for my 12 guage but I haven't seen anything interesting on the market yet.
I came to the same conclusion after going down the supressor route. I guess I expected something life changing, but meh. I will use on couple rifles but nothing that makes me want to thread or alter anything I already use to make more suppressor friendly

I’m about to explode some heads when I say after owning a suppressor since October and hunting with it, it’s kinda cool but has its drawbacks on a hunting rifle.

1) adds weight to the muzzle and changes the balance of the rifle.

2) adds length to the rifle and can make it not as maneuverable/compact
So you’re saying it took you a whole month and a half of hunting with a suppressor to figure out why there’s so many threads about titanium suppressors and people chopping their barrels to 16-18”?
Do you continue to shoot suppressed or did you stick it in the back of the safe and forget about it?
Don’t have one.

If I was in OPs shoes, I would chop the barrel and use it. I see the benefits to one but I own 4 rifles and each would have to be chopped and threaded to make it work and I don’t want to spend the money to get one and make it work on my guns.
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I’m with the OP, hunted with cans for a few years and it didn’t make any difference other than I carried more weight and still killed the same game one and done.

I much prefer just running a brake as the rifle is shorter and better balanced and recoil reduction is better. I save the cans for the range but for serious hunting it’s entirely unnecessary.
So you’re saying it took you a whole month and a half of hunting with a suppressor to figure out why there’s so many threads about titanium suppressors and people chopping their barrels to 16-18”?

I’ve got a Tikka T3 308 that’s in the back of the safe that will be a great candidate for a barrel chop. My Banish Backcountry is a 5/8 x 24 so not sure if there is enough meat on the sporter barrel to cut back enough for a direct thread or an adapter will be needed.
Partly yes. I also hunt from tree stands.

Man, you’d think hunters for the past 300 years were plain miserable until they started hunter suppressed.

Hey I’m not saying I won’t hunt with the suppressor, I guess it just blow me away like some folks.
I know more than a few whose wives are pretty miserable with how loud the tv is
I’m with the OP, hunted with cans for a few years and it didn’t make any difference other than I carried more weight and still killed the same game one and done.

I much prefer just running a brake as the rifle is shorter and better balanced and recoil reduction is better. I save the cans for the range but for serious hunting it’s entirely unnecessary.
So if you hunt with a can you're not "seriously" hunting? Brakes suck, IME.
I felt much the same as @General RE LEE after my first season with one on a 22” barrel. I made one shot on a bull from 100 yards and then his buddies stayed around for a while which offered my buddy an opportunity at one of them. Even then it was enough of a nuisance for the type of hunting we were doing that I never used it on that gun again for hunting. Sucks to have a flagpole sticking out from a treestand or blind too.

I’ve come around with time. After I accepted the lesser performance of short barrels I’m now trending back towards putting a can on everything but with smaller cartridges and shorter barrels. 20” even is too long for most cans to me.
I’ve got a Tikka T3 308 that’s in the back of the safe that will be a great candidate for a barrel chop. My Banish Backcountry is a 5/8 x 24 so not sure if there is enough meat on the sporter barrel to cut back enough for a direct thread or an adapter will be needed.
This has been covered too.


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