Suppressor covers - who's and why

Ha! I run gaiters when it’s dry in some situations, usually bushwhacking. Keeps dirt and sticks out of my shoes, keeps my laces tied and if I’m crossing creeks it makes it nice to keep feet dry!
Ah, so you mean usefulness of a certain item is subjective?
i have never used one but have always heard good things about the liberty defense straightjacket cover. And it looks good too.
I got my first one last week. I’m in Florida, got tired of being at the range and after the first 3-4 shots having awful mirage coming off suppressor. Here once it heats up, it really never cools down. I went with burn proof gear, one range trip so far and it’s a huge improvement.
All that being said, I wouldn’t hunt with it on or if I didn’t live in such a hot environment, probably wouldn’t be needed at all. On an AR I could see them being extremely beneficial.
I shoot LR hunting rifles suppressed exclusively and a cover certainly isn't a basic requirement. I don't own one and it's never stopped me. Gotta get a muffler pretty hot to generate a mirage issue, maybe an issue for comps but I don't compete.
Just shot my 22-250 the other day without a cover. 2-3 shots and their was a mirage already. Could hardly see the target thru it. Not using a cover Makes it a pain if your wanting to shoot more than a couple shots
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Only one I have is the AG one and either i'm stupid or it just doesn't stay put well for me.

The anti cover comments are surprising. Do you guys all spend a ton of time waiting for barrels/cans to cool?
Yea I have an AG one too
Only one I have is the AG one and either i'm stupid or it just doesn't stay put well for me.

The anti cover comments are surprising. Do you guys all spend a ton of time waiting for barrels/cans to cool?
yea I have an AG one too. And it doesn’t take much to slide it down.
Only one I have is the AG one and either i'm stupid or it just doesn't stay put well for me.

The anti cover comments are surprising. Do you guys all spend a ton of time waiting for barrels/cans to cool?
I slide mine over the barrel before putting the suppressor on, so the cinch at the end keeps it from going forward.

The more I learn about shooting, the more I just look at some stuff and scratch my head.
Do you guys all spend a ton of time waiting for barrels/cans to cool?

Yes, unfortunately. AB Raptor 6 stack/5" reflex heats up quickly on my 300 WSM.

I was considering a cover for the can, but this thread has me second guessing that purchase.
Yes, unfortunately. AB Raptor 6 stack/5" reflex heats up quickly on my 300 WSM.

I was considering a cover for the can, but this thread has me second guessing that purchase.

What about this thread changed your mind? If mirage from your can is undesirable to you, a cover helps mitigate it.
I probably don't need it. It's just a hunting rifle. No competitions or long strings at the range for me. The reports of them melting and not fitting or slipping make it seem like more of a hassle than it's worth (for 99% of what I do).

I can see the value for other folks. Especially dealing with heat and mirage.

I do have an issue with glare from the can when the sun is low. Maybe a cover would help that?
Armageddon, mainly because I’m sometimes a flounder and could easily grab it before it’s cooled off. I have put one on my bolt action hunting rifles, but just at the range.
Yes, unfortunately. AB Raptor 6 stack/5" reflex heats up quickly on my 300 WSM.

I was considering a cover for the can, but this thread has me second guessing that purchase.
If mirage is a problem then get one. Most of the responses trashing them seem to be from people who don't shoot much. I currently have an AG one but I'm thinking of trying out one of the covers made by the "Scope Chaps" company.
If mirage is a problem then get one. Most of the responses trashing them seem to be from people who don't shoot much. I currently have an AG one but I'm thinking of trying out one of the covers made by the "Scope Chaps" company.

Did you ever try out the scope chaps company ones? I just ordered one for my Scythe to try. Most standard length options seem like they'd end up hanging into the brake portion of it.

Needing to pick out a cover for my Polonium K that just cleared for the AR and it has the same issue. 4.8" isn't a normal length..
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I have Armageddon gear and the FHF one with that neoprene thing that covers the front. Both are ok. I also have that crappy devour one silencer central sends you but I cut the straps off it and just use it to tighten/loosen the silencer.
I just ordered a couple of the Can Chaps to try them out. I have a couple of the Armageddon Gear ones for my older cans and they are fine, but I like the way the Can Chaps ones attach. Plus free shipping and no tax is nice.
I have 2 Armageddon Gear covers...I haven't had anything else to compare. They slide forward sometimes and I've had to melt back some fuzz, but they are OK. The only time I have mirage is in the summer.