Suppressor cover complaints/wish list


Rokslide Sponsor
Dec 21, 2016
I am working on a few “outside the box” designs for suppressor cover. Specifically suppressor covers for hunting.

What are your biggest complaints?

What’s on your wish list for a suppressor cover?
This, I was really anti cover for years. Last fall while shooting a big magnum at coyotes I couldn't see through the mirage after two quick shots.
If you been there you know.

Maybe for me it’s cause a bare suppressor in the AZ sun starts off hot before any shots. Especially if it is dark colored.
I have your cover and really like it. Seems to be one of the best imo. If anything, on a hunting gun, i go for lightest possible, while still functioning.
Not sure Id use one hunting, but if I did it would need to be thin, light, non-absorbent, and stay put and not slide.

Im thinking a coyote tan color, out of similar material to the tent stove jack stuff, maybe sanded to reduce shine.
Just a thought of mine.

The only wrap I have is a thick one for long strings of fire. Think its Armageddon gear or similar.
If I’m at the range shooting a couple boxes, I just throw on an Armageddon gear cover for mirage…I think it weighs 2 oz.

Hunting…I cover the can with the UM Jimmy, essentially a neoprene beer can coozie. It pads it, seals it, and it slips off in half a second straight into my jacket pocket.

No complaints about this system so far…
My complaints pertain to unintentional movement/shifting and thickness. Use mine on an Omega 300, is rated for high temps and is velcro secured. Currently don’t use it for hunting, only range.

They probably make models more suitable for hunting, just haven’t looked into it.
I’ve shot my cover off a couple times when not paying attention. I think all that is necessary is a strap that goes around the barrel instead of trying to grip the can.

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I currently have a Velcro attachment style cover. It deflects heat well and is easy to install and remove, however, I take it off while hunting. It adds too much thickness, especially where the Velcro wraps around. I only use it at the range.

I would like a cover that resembles a Magpul cover. One that is fairly rigid, without seams, minimal thickness, just to protect the suppressor while hunting. The Magpul is difficult to install and remove, only fits a certain size, and can scratch the suppressor finish if not careful. Would gladly sacrifice some functionality for a cover designed to primarily protect the finish.

There may be such an animal, but haven’t seen one on line or in person. If anyone knows of one, pls post a link.
As minimalist as possible as long it keeps mirage at relative minimum for a 3rd string in dead calm conditions. Dead calm is rare, and a light breeze will likely make the system mirage free for 5 rds. I tried the T&K wrap, it was a loose fitting unit even when using tools to cynch buckles down.

Burn proof gear uses a woven in strand of cord, this is used to suck the cover on tight, also prevents can from coming forward as it's designed to make a synch at the rear taper profile of the can. I really like their can wraps, but they're more tactical for mirage mitigation of 10-12rd strings, and weight is 3-5oz depending on materail chosen and length. That being said there is one on every can I own, the ones I take hunting as well.
No wish list or complaints. But, if a person were an Armageddon user, what would you sell me on? And I’m not meaning to be an ass I’m just curious as I need to buy a handful of new covers soon
No wish list or complaints. But, if a person were an Armageddon user, what would you sell me on? And I’m not meaning to be an ass I’m just curious as I need to buy a handful of new covers soon
Not sure what Id sell you on. Its a cordura cover with some type of glass felt inside and a bungi cord fastener weaved around it. All the cool kids have them.
It works, but Im not sure its much different from many others. Its maybe half price of a Burn proof gear one.
I also have the WEKA silicone one. It doesn't look as cool and would probably crumble from a long string of fire. But you get to do arts and crafts and cut it to fit.
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Here is a prototype out in the wild for testing. Here are pics of the prototype. It’s useful for hunting purposes to reduce mirage and protection to the extent it matters.

Watch for them to be available before the end of April. I am hoping for March.
