Suppressed vs Non-Suppressed Hunting


Oct 4, 2024
New here and new to suppressors also. Now that I have one to use the next thing was to shorten my barrels a little on a couple of host to off set the added length from the suppressor. My hearing is degraded and tinnitus is there also so I do everything I can to keep what I still have.


Jun 17, 2023
I never bought into the hunting suppressor marketing. I've shot a couple and felt like it was 75% gimmick, except on a 22, thats fun.

Here's what i do. I wear those ear pro on my neck with the hard plastic connecting them. Then I'm never without ear pro.

Plusses: weight, barrel length, still better sound protection than just with just a can.

Negatives: Dont get to take pictures that make me look Instagram cool. Am I missing something else?
Had ear pro around my neck the first time I shot with a brake. Now my kids sound like robots when it gets too loud in the car.

I shoot suppressed now... I still wear ear pro, too, but I avoid further descent into robot voice territory if I accidentally leave them hanging around my neck.


Feb 15, 2018
Had ear pro around my neck the first time I shot with a brake. Now my kids sound like robots when it gets too loud in the car.

I shoot suppressed now... I still wear ear pro, too, but I avoid further descent into robot voice territory if I accidentally leave them hanging around my neck.
Went shooting ars (unsupressed) a while ago, with 3 other guys, for a day... forgot HP.... ears hurt for a week or 2, couldnt hear shit for those cpl weeks... hearing never fully from that.
Life goes on.


Oct 20, 2023
I honestly don't care if people don't want to use a suppressor. Its your choice.

But what's with the hate towards them? "Instagram cool" "tacticool" etc...I don't really get it?

i don't care what it looks like or whether or not it's cool. It's going to keep me from going deaf.

Like I stated earlier, my rifle with suppressor is 8.5lbs and has a effectively a 25" barrel (18" barrel plus 7" can). There are people that shoot magnum rifles that have longer barrel length. I don't see the downside of using a suppressor.


Jan 25, 2023
I honestly don't care if people don't want to use a suppressor. Its your choice.

But what's with the hate towards them? "Instagram cool" "tacticool" etc...I don't really get it?

i don't care what it looks like or whether or not it's cool. It's going to keep me from going deaf.
I think some of it is a little trolling, the suppressor crowd can get a little preachy and condescending, myself included. It's understandable to poke back.

Some of it is pride/ego defense, justifying the choice to be anti-suppressor. I think it's gotten easier to get a suppressor so its becoming more and more of a choice not to buy in than when it was shrouded in paperwork and unknown approval times. Some of it is internet bravado, i.e., "So I went a little deaf, no big deal. Life goes on."

What if the muzzle flash hurt your eyesight every time you shot without a muzzle device, and you went a little bit blind. Would it still be "no big deal, life goes on"?

I don't care about what people choose to do if they understand the choice. Unfortunately most people don't understand hearing loss at some point in their life, usually in the young and bulletproof phase (for me at least). I just post in these in case someone who is new to this is reading.
Jun 15, 2017
San Antonio
I honestly don't care if people don't want to use a suppressor. Its your choice.

But what's with the hate towards them? "Instagram cool" "tacticool" etc...I don't really get it?

i don't care what it looks like or whether or not it's cool. It's going to keep me from going deaf.

Like I stated earlier, my rifle with suppressor is 8.5lbs and has a effectively a 25" barrel (18" barrel plus 7" can). There are people that shoot magnum rifles that have longer barrel length. I don't see the downside of using a suppressor.
Because they were hard to get for a while and expensive a lot of guys thought they were cool because they had one and couldn't resist flaunting it to everyone they knew. That's finally starting to wane but still constantly see people making sure you know they're shooting suppressed when it's completely irrelevant to the conversation. Hell I had a local in Wyoming jump out of his truck and chase us down on foot 100 yards off the road to ask us where we were going, somehow he even made sure we knew he had a suppressor. Then you got the tacticool mall cop types, you know the drill. Most of us here are much more practical and doesn't apply so much here, but there have been a lot of bafoons running their mouth for years. Then they turn around and accuse others of being "macho" for choosing not to haul a hunk of metal attached to their barrel all over the mountains.