Suburban Deer


Classified Approved
May 20, 2020
I used to work at a small grocery store when I was in high school. I ran a register most of the time and since it was a small local store, most of our customers were the same older folks.

One summer, the same lady came in a few times over the course of a week or two buying tomato plants. I made a comment about how massive her garden must be and she replied with a comment about how she can’t have one because the deer keep eating it. I got her phone number and hunted over there a couple years under the promise that I would kill every deer I saw. It was archery only in a pretty busy neighborhood. First deer I killed was a small buck in velvet and of course it ran right across the road. As soon as I stepped onto the road a cop came over the hill and I got to explain what I was doing. He didn’t give me any trouble. Had another doe on a death run go about 5 houses down and slowly die in someone’s back yard. After I got out of the army I tried to get back in touch with her but the number has been disconnected and I left it alone. I would’ve loved to see what kind of quality deer I could’ve killed out of her yard.

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Jun 25, 2024
I have deer around my house that i watch and feed. I could legally shoot one with a bow but havnt yet. If one like you have pictured shows i will be hanging a lock on

Swamp Fox

Oct 20, 2022
Awesome bucks but it's just not the same shooting them in your back yard. It's like shooting them over a feeder.

Suburban hunting isn't usually 'shooting them in your backyard' and not all feeder situations are what you think.

That said, suburban hunting is not for me.

I'm 98 percent sure if suburban hunting were all that was open to me, I'd hang it up.