Stupid poll: Which rifle?

Which rifle?

  • 6.5 PRC

  • 300 WSM

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The 300 WSM is not more terminally effective than the 6.5 PRC. It's more recoil to do the same thing. I hunted with a lightweight, unbraked 300 WSM for the last 3 years. Killed deer, elk, and bear from 200-1170 yards and it works great, but I never saw a wound channel distinguishably larger than what my previous 6.5 CMs made. Both were shooting heavy for caliber ELD M. That led me back to a lighter recoiling caliber that will do everything the 300 WSM does, but I get to watch my hits.
Shoot the one you shoot best in the field. 1 lb of rifle weight isn't that big of a deal.

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I voted .300 but either will do, I am actually debating between the same rifles for this years elk hunt! I’m going with 300 as it’s a branched antler bull hunt. I would take the 6.5 for spikes or cows if a regular season.
Bull I'd definitely take the WSM, that's what I got it for. I just kinda had a hankering for the PRC and figured it may actually be more optimal for a cow hunt.
Yeah same here, I dont hunt with my 300 as much any more and this year with a Quality tag I’ve worked up a new load for it and hope to put it to use again!
It seemed real odd that a deer shot near the hip with a 147 ELDm would just be standing in the open looking fine a couple hours after. No idea if what he said was true, but it’s suspect! A video about terminal performance with three dead animals and not a single image of what the bullet actually did inside the fur.

Then the dude refers to what a hornady rep who wasn’t there told him what probably happened. Did he not cut up the deer and see what happened (maybe that’s a dumb question..)?

My first exposure to backfire was a video blaming liberals for ruining hunting with limited entry permits, blaze orange, primitive weapon seasons, etc it told me all I needed to know. Another stereotypical Utahn that’s good at getting YouTube views.
Barf. I also hope he’s doing the doe whacking somewhere in Southern Ut. Give those deer up north a brake!
@PathFinder, that's some good theater right there. Blazing away at big game out to 1170 yards and getting wound channels with match bullets albeit undistinguishable wound channels.

I tip my hat to Screaming Potato for choosing the better tool (300 WSM) for the elk hunting trip. Cool stuff!
@ScreamingPotato, I'm not sure where you are going elk hunting and if you intend to road hunt, use field/tree stands, hike the hills around camp, backpack hunt or pack into the wilderness with horses and mules but do yourself some favors. First, start working out now. Trying to get in shape while elk hunting (other than road hunting and using tree/field stands) is a total No Go which increases the odds against you not killing an elk. Second, take your 300 WSM. Your 300 WSM is not overkill for a cow elk. It is also lighter weight than your 6.5 PRC and the 300 WSM packs a bigger punch too. Elk are tough. Use ammo with 180 grain or 200 grain bullets. Something like Barnes TTSX/TSX, Nosler AccuBond/Partition, or Swift A-Frame/Scirocco II. Leave the match grade bullets at home. Finally, go to the range and out in the hills a few times to practice your craft. I wish you the best of luck on your elk hunt, much fun and good memories.
So you want a smaller wound channel with more recoil... because elk are "tough".

How many elk have you shot with a 6.5 with match bullets to draw these conclusions?
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No vote from me. I still carry a factory browning 300 wsm probably the most on elk hunts despite having much more expensive custom 6.5 SAUM, 7 SAUM, and 300 WM. Solely for the fact a lot of my hunting is in thicker stuff with lots of walking and I prefer how the xbolt carries to how my customs do. When I hunt in more open glassing situations, I lean more towards my other rifles. Between those rifles, cartridge is secondary to how it carries and how well I shoot it. They'll all kill an elk just fine.
No vote from me. I still carry a factory browning 300 wsm probably the most on elk hunts despite having much more expensive custom 6.5 SAUM, 7 SAUM, and 300 WM. Solely for the fact a lot of my hunting is in thicker stuff with lots of walking and I prefer how the xbolt carries to how my customs do. When I hunt in more open glassing situations, I lean more towards my other rifles. Between those rifles, cartridge is secondary to how it carries and how well I shoot it. They'll all kill an elk just fine.
I'm counting that as a vote for the WSM since it's lighter and scope smaller (carries better against the pack).

That brings us to 64 votes 300 WSM and 52 votes 6.5 PRC.
Hey Colby, to be one of the cool kids on this forum, you have to say you used MATCH grade bullets. And don't forget the infamous, "bang flop" part. :)
I always listen to the guy that shoots them in the guts and tells you how the bullet sucks....... That guy is a YouTube expert, he's not a killing(Terminal ballistic) expert... big difference.

The ELD-M is a very efficient killer.
Do you think the ELD-M is superior to the ELD-X? I will be using a 7PRC this year so I’m curious about your thoughts on the 175 eldx Vs 180eldm.