Stupid poll: Which rifle?

Which rifle?

  • 6.5 PRC

  • 300 WSM

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lol just dont shoot match grade our of the 6.5, Backfire just did a video hunting with 6.5 match and it wasnt good
I always listen to the guy that shoots them in the guts and tells you how the bullet sucks....... That guy is a YouTube expert, he's not a killing(Terminal ballistic) expert... big difference.

The ELD-M is a very efficient killer.
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I shoot all my big game with match ammo and it has been fantastic 🤷🏻‍♂️. My PRC and the 147gr eldms are devastating on big game.
I actually went and watched the video - his kids are shooting, all one shot kills, one looks like a spine shot, and they other looks like a low gut shot. Imagine what the ELDM would do with a shot in the vitals?! Lol
@ScreamingPotato, I'm not sure where you are going elk hunting and if you intend to road hunt, use field/tree stands, hike the hills around camp, backpack hunt or pack into the wilderness with horses and mules but do yourself some favors. First, start working out now. Trying to get in shape while elk hunting (other than road hunting and using tree/field stands) is a total No Go which increases the odds against you not killing an elk. Second, take your 300 WSM. Your 300 WSM is not overkill for a cow elk. It is also lighter weight than your 6.5 PRC and the 300 WSM packs a bigger punch too. Elk are tough. Use ammo with 180 grain or 200 grain bullets. Something like Barnes TTSX/TSX, Nosler AccuBond/Partition, or Swift A-Frame/Scirocco II. Leave the match grade bullets at home. Finally, go to the range and out in the hills a few times to practice your craft. I wish you the best of luck on your elk hunt, much fun and good memories.
@ScreamingPotato, I'm not sure where you are going elk hunting and if you intend to road hunt, use field/tree stands, hike the hills around camp, backpack hunt or pack into the wilderness with horses and mules but do yourself some favors. First, start working out now. Trying to get in shape while elk hunting (other than road hunting and using tree/field stands) is a total No Go which increases the odds against you not killing an elk.

Second, take your 300 WSM. Your 300 WSM is not overkill for a cow elk. It is also lighter weight than your 6.5 PRC and the 300 WSM packs a bigger punch too. Elk are tough. Use ammo with 180 grain or 200 grain bullets. Something like Barnes TTSX/TSX, Nosler AccuBond/Partition, or Swift A-Frame/Scirocco II. Leave the match grade bullets at home.

Finally, go to the range and out in the hills a few times to practice your craft. I wish you the best of luck on your elk hunt, much fun and good memories.
Your first half is spot on.

Your second half is a bunch of hot garbage.

The last bit is great.
@ScreamingPotato, I'm not sure where you are going elk hunting and if you intend to road hunt, use field/tree stands, hike the hills around camp, backpack hunt or pack into the wilderness with horses and mules but do yourself some favors. First, start working out now. Trying to get in shape while elk hunting (other than road hunting and using tree/field stands) is a total No Go which increases the odds against you not killing an elk. Second, take your 300 WSM. Your 300 WSM is not overkill for a cow elk. It is also lighter weight than your 6.5 PRC and the 300 WSM packs a bigger punch too. Elk are tough. Use ammo with 180 grain or 200 grain bullets. Something like Barnes TTSX/TSX, Nosler AccuBond/Partition, or Swift A-Frame/Scirocco II. Leave the match grade bullets at home. Finally, go to the range and out in the hills a few times to practice your craft. I wish you the best of luck on your elk hunt, much fun and good memories.
We usually base camp and hike from there depending on terrain and the area. I've never been to this area but looking at maps it doesn't seem like we'll be more than several miles from the road no matter which directions we hunt and the pack out will most likely be downhill. Hopefully we can at least get away from the road hunters. Two of my sons lived in Cheyenne for several years so I've run all over the mountains before and always say I'm gonna prep harder and always prep less as each year goes by. I'm still living in my old strength and conditioning as I used to be quite the athlete in the weight room but I know one of these years it's gonna catch up to me... Hopefully not this year!

The WSM is winning the poll so that's probably what I'll do, y'all didn't take the title seriously but I'm literally letting y'all decide which rifle I take. I shoot both rifles pretty equally, probably give a little edge to the 6.5 probably but the 300 is plenty well enough. I did like the idea to upgrade the scope though so I may do that assuming the WSM wins. This rifle shoots 180gr Scirocco pretty good but shoots 180gr Bondstrike better and I stocked up on the Norma so that's what I'll go with. I put some 200gr ELD-X through it and 200gr Terminal Ascent and didn't care for it.
I actually went and watched the video - his kids are shooting, all one shot kills, one looks like a spine shot, and they other looks like a low gut shot. Imagine what the ELDM would do with a shot in the vitals?! Lol
Nevermind the bullets! The dude obviously shoots a doe with fawns, in the guts as it steps forward. Then claims to see the same deer again later and kills it, but says the fawn belonged to another deer?
Nevermind the bullets! The dude obviously shoots a doe with fawns, in the guts as it steps forward. Then claims to see the same deer again later and kills it, but says the fawn belonged to another deer?

It seemed real odd that a deer shot near the hip with a 147 ELDm would just be standing in the open looking fine a couple hours after. No idea if what he said was true, but it’s suspect! A video about terminal performance with three dead animals and not a single image of what the bullet actually did inside the fur.

Then the dude refers to what a hornady rep who wasn’t there told him what probably happened. Did he not cut up the deer and see what happened (maybe that’s a dumb question..)?

My first exposure to backfire was a video blaming liberals for ruining hunting with limited entry permits, blaze orange, primitive weapon seasons, etc it told me all I needed to know. Another stereotypical Utahn that’s good at getting YouTube views.
I voted .300 but either will do, I am actually debating between the same rifles for this years elk hunt! I’m going with 300 as it’s a branched antler bull hunt. I would take the 6.5 for spikes or cows if a regular season.