Stuff overheard at the range or local gun shop

"Begara is the best factory rifle money can buy."

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I like mine :)

with that said I am on my second bolt shroud, second firing pin spring, third ejector spring and plunger… it is so much fun when I find out I brought a paperweight to a 60 rounds plus sighters match that’s 3 hours away…. Hurray for being a lefty that didn’t want to get another tikka for a match gun
That brings up another gem, "6.5 Creedmoor is a target round, it wasn't even designed for hunting so it's definitely not ethical to shoot at elk with".
It is amazing what I’ve killed in my life with a bb and a .177 cal pellet…. Not sure how anyone can look at the data and a 6.5 round regardless of projectile type and think, “yup, that should only punch through paper and nothing else”. 🤔
Gun show people are.... crazy. The petitions people want you to sign. The people you see. I saw a guy all camoed out and tacticooled. Not to be mean but he looked like the guy that was picked on by everyone growing up. Which is awful for him. But......
He had an AR over his shoulder.

Getting coffee at a hut in the Bozeman area about a month ago and this kid is walking and at the other window of the hut. He's got like a 45 on his hip, open carry. I hear him telling the girls inside how everyone thinks he's cool for open carrying and especially businesses love having him inside. He even gets free pop at the gas station because they love him carrying so much. I'm in the gas station business and I know the players. I guarantee noone has a policy of giving of giving dudes that open carry free pop. And he added he had like 12 loaded mags in the backpack he had on.
Gun show people are.... crazy. The petitions people want you to sign. The people you see. I saw a guy all camoed out and tacticooled. Not to be mean but he looked like the guy that was picked on by everyone growing up. Which is awful for him. But......
He had an AR over his shoulder.

Getting coffee at a hut in the Bozeman area about a month ago and this kid is walking and at the other window of the hut. He's got like a 45 on his hip, open carry. I hear him telling the girls inside how everyone thinks he's cool for open carrying and especially businesses love having him inside. He even gets free pop at the gas station because they love him carrying so much. I'm in the gas station business and I know the players. I guarantee noone has a policy of giving of giving dudes that open carry free pop. And he added he had like 12 loaded mags in the backpack he had on.
I bet he gets all the ladies. I mean, who could resist him out there serving the community with open carry. Not to mention all those mags!

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Gun show people are.... crazy. The petitions people want you to sign. The people you see. I saw a guy all camoed out and tacticooled. Not to be mean but he looked like the guy that was picked on by everyone growing up. Which is awful for him. But......
He had an AR over his shoulder.

Getting coffee at a hut in the Bozeman area about a month ago and this kid is walking and at the other window of the hut. He's got like a 45 on his hip, open carry. I hear him telling the girls inside how everyone thinks he's cool for open carrying and especially businesses love having him inside. He even gets free pop at the gas station because they love him carrying so much. I'm in the gas station business and I know the players. I guarantee noone has a policy of giving of giving dudes that open carry free pop. And he added he had like 12 loaded mags in the backpack he had on.
All the service he is providing you and you didn’t even buy his coffee for him?
Those guys drive me crazy. Wife and I decided to take our girls to the park last week. There was a family there. Mom, dad, 2 girls and boys. Dad was up and playing with his kids like a normal parent would. But....... he had a full frame glock on his hip. Long enough shirt on the cover it. Didn't have his shirt tucked in, but had it tucked in behind his pistol. 🤦

And those are the type to strut around like people think they are cool. Apparently they don't realize most everyone thinks they are nuts
Those guys drive me crazy. Wife and I decided to take our girls to the park last week. There was a family there. Mom, dad, 2 girls and boys. Dad was up and playing with his kids like a normal parent would. But....... he had a full frame glock on his hip. Long enough shirt on the cover it. Didn't have his shirt tucked in, but had it tucked in behind his pistol. 🤦

And those are the type to strut around like people think they are cool. Apparently they don't realize most everyone thinks they are nuts
They revel in other people thinking they are nuts. It feeds their superiority complex.
The one that noodles around in my head to this day was from a pretty harmless fellow at the range shooting a 6.5CM (or something, not important here) and he was testing loads. Reasonable enough, sure. He kept mentioning his friend loaded the rounds and "worked up the ogive" on each batch. He had little labels on the three cartridge batches with a 3-digit decimal number, all different. I was in the middle of something and didn't have time to more than briefly engage him, but I still have no idea what that number was referencing or what benefit he hoped to get out of changing it. Boggles the mind at some of the things on which people will focus.
The one that noodles around in my head to this day was from a pretty harmless fellow at the range shooting a 6.5CM (or something, not important here) and he was testing loads. Reasonable enough, sure. He kept mentioning his friend loaded the rounds and "worked up the ogive" on each batch. He had little labels on the three cartridge batches with a 3-digit decimal number, all different. I was in the middle of something and didn't have time to more than briefly engage him, but I still have no idea what that number was referencing or what benefit he hoped to get out of changing it. Boggles the mind at some of the things on which people will focus.
Most likely a seating depth test shooting different iterations of Cartridge Base To Ogive measurements. Typically results in a wide variety of group sizes (depending upon actual precision) based on small sample data sets, leading to shooters thinking they identified a "node" (sweet spot) with a small group. Mostly ineffective traditional reloading method that usually isn't repeatable or statistically valid.

Coincidentally another fallacy I believed before joining Rokslide 🥸
Went to buy a Tikka 6.5 a few years back at a Sportsman’s warehouse. Middle aged guy at the counter asks what I’m going to be shooting with it. I respond with something like “deer, elk, pretty much whatever.”

He proceeds to start muttering under his breath about this answer, so I ask him to repeat himself a little louder. He says “that’s a round that’s only good for punching paper.”

Now at this point I’m only annoyed, so I just tell him that I disagree and that’s fine, just please get the paperwork started, I’ve got stuff to do. Dude proceeds to continue to try to lecture me on the generic fudd stuff about energy, bullet diameter blah blah blah.

At this point I’m pissed, so I look at the other guy behind the counter and tell him that if he doesn’t take the sale over from this idiot that I’m out. Thankfully the second guy just did his job, and didn’t offer any unsolicited advice.

Wonder how many poor souls have listened to this guy and got themselves an Uber magnum and a flinch.
Getting coffee at a hut in the Bozeman area about a month ago and this kid is walking and at the other window of the hut. He's got like a 45 on his hip, open carry. I hear him telling the girls inside how everyone thinks he's cool for open carrying and especially businesses love having him inside. He even gets free pop at the gas station because they love him carrying so much. I'm in the gas station business and I know the players. I guarantee noone has a policy of giving of giving dudes that open carry free pop. And he added he had like 12 loaded mags in the backpack he had on.
These types of guys make me nervous and I HATE when they're out in public with their craziness. You KNOW he's just itching to test his metal...kill one of them there criminals etc. Scary stuff.

Those guys drive me crazy. Wife and I decided to take our girls to the park last week. There was a family there. Mom, dad, 2 girls and boys. Dad was up and playing with his kids like a normal parent would. But....... he had a full frame glock on his hip. Long enough shirt on the cover it. Didn't have his shirt tucked in, but had it tucked in behind his pistol. 🤦

And those are the type to strut around like people think they are cool. Apparently they don't realize most everyone thinks they are nuts
Had a situation like that just this summer with a guy and his family at a local beach. Along with the pistola he also had two large fixed blades on his belt - one on each hip, two "deep carry" pocket knives, and some kind of survival type of knife on his belt in the middle of back. Hits the beach like that after kicking off his duty boots. Along with others, I moved my grandson down the beach a ways. He seemed like a good dad, played in the water with his 2 sons, then had a picnic lunch with his family. I know he's exercising his rights but the optics it presents are disturbing at best.
A guy behind the counter at a local gun store scoffed at my request to check out a compact .243 "hardly enough to shoot a deer."

Then, he said something stupid about 6.5 Creedmoors that "everyone thinks they can shoot elephants with."

The super short fat bastard who couldn't find any .300 RUM ammo...

The guy squeezing the hoochie mamma for twenty minutes.

I did have one humorous interaction recently. A lady had a guy on speaker phone. She was handling a .22 with a thumbhole stock. The guy on the other end asked to confirm it was semi-automatic. She says "how the hell would I know?!" Then, she looked at me for a vote of confidence.
There's a lot of dorks out there, no doubt about that. I do find the comments about folks carrying in a way that yall dont approve of to be a bit odd.
I think the point is that the way some people carry make you wonder if they are even proficient with what they carry.
Most likely a seating depth test shooting different iterations of Cartridge Base To Ogive measurements. Typically results in a wide variety of group sizes (depending upon actual precision) based on small sample data sets, leading to shooters thinking they identified a "node" (sweet spot) with a small group. Mostly ineffective traditional reloading method that usually isn't repeatable or statistically valid.

Coincidentally another fallacy I believed before joining Rokslide 🥸
See? Now it's living rent free in your head! :LOL:

CBTO was my original thought, but the numbers were too small to mean that. I remember them being in "the 2's", like .246, .248, etc. I suppose that could be a reference off of another number, but who the hell knows? He was happy and shooting safely; I was happy and a few benches down from his craziness.

Seating depth has been the absolute LAST thing I've messed with for accuracy's sake. Hell, I'd swap primer types before going down that rabbit hole.
If I hear one more gun store salesman reccomend a 338 Lapua to someone for getting into1 mile elk hunting I'm going to squeal.

Also then general fuddlore and mythology around the 338 Lapua is worse than the 6.5 Creed.
There's a lot of dorks out there, no doubt about that. I do find the comments about folks carrying in a way that yall dont approve of to be a bit odd.
Yea seriously, didn’t realize how many here are anti open carry. Must be adult onset hunters who grew up in a safe gun free zone. Bozeangeles types/transplants for sure.
I think the point is that the way some people carry make you wonder if they are even proficient with what they carry.

I don’t open carry but many do around here. Judging one’s ability to handle a weapon based off looks is lame. The backwoods hippie scary looking people in my town all they do is shoot every single week in their backyards. Sure they look funny but they’re harmless. I’ve yet to see a news story of a Montana/Idaho man open carrying being an issue. But guns are so scary.