Stuff going wrong


Staff member
Mar 19, 2016
Stuff always seems to hit the fan while I'm gone. The latest one... drove 5 hours to go bear hunt this morning. As I pull into the last bit of cell service my wife calls. She is currently on her way to the ER, my oldest may have a broken arm...

I've had to go home early from 2 hunts when we had a major breakdown at our business. During a hunt 4 years ago, my daughter fell and hit her head and needed a bunch of stitches.

Anyone else have stuff hit the fan when they're gone?

I will say on my last bear hunt, I was gone 5 days and nothing happened.
Sep 22, 2013
Happens to me all the time. Once while hunting elk in CO, thankfully the call came in as I was driving to the meat processor with my bull on ice. Harsh 17 hour drive home though...same thing, daughter in ER. My brother has a stroke while i was on an Indian reservation in AZ, didn't get the text message for five days due to spotty cell service. Had to pull the plug on him a couple weeks later, brutal. I urge everyone to spell out (in writing) how they want their loved ones to proceed if/when you become unable to speak for yourself. Nobody should ever have to make this decision alone. It sticks with you.


Jun 30, 2020
Well, let's see. Fiends meant at my place at 3 AM to head out for a trip over to AZ. for dove opener. When I went to see why my GSP wasn't going nuts to go hunting he was laying down and would not get up. My wife got up and I told her, Axl won't be going with. As soon as I got over to AZ. I got a call from the wife, Axl needed emergency surgery, his spleen had ruptured and was close to dead. I gathered up the guys and headed home. He is still with us to this day but that was bad. I was planning a trip to same place so I asked my daughter what her DR. said about how close she was, she said don't worry dad, not due for two weeks. Same story got over there and got a call, headed to hospital baby is coming ,packed up and headed home. Three other trips I got calls letting me know, first my father passed away, second time my sister passed away, third time my brother passed away.


Nov 15, 2018
Work emergencies sometimes for me, but more often I get false alarms from my wife. I tell her not to call unless there’s an emergency, I either won’t have service at all or it will be spotty. Get in the mountains and get a call, call drops as soon as I try to answer. Must be an emergency cause she knows the rule, right? Drop off the mountain, trying to call her back as I get into service and she doesn’t answer. After 45 minutes of calling, and me hiking out then driving toward home, she finally picks up. Wants to know if I bought any more ketchup? This BS happens all the time with her.


Jun 30, 2020
Work emergencies sometimes for me, but more often I get false alarms from my wife. I tell her not to call unless there’s an emergency, I either won’t have service at all or it will be spotty. Get in the mountains and get a call, call drops as soon as I try to answer. Must be an emergency cause she knows the rule, right? Drop off the mountain, trying to call her back as I get into service and she doesn’t answer. After 45 minutes of calling, and me hiking out then driving toward home, she finally picks up. Wants to know if I bought any more ketchup? This BS happens all the time with her.
Women have a different definition of emergence. But ketchup, really????

robby denning

Staff member
Feb 25, 2012
SE Idaho
Jody‘s dad died of sudden heart attack while I was on a backcountry hunt and no one could get a hold of me. I had checked in by cell from mountaintop the day before he died. So I wasn’t planning on checking in for a couple more days.

If you’re going hunting, stuffs probably going to fall apart.

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Jan 16, 2018
Not as serious as many of these but my wife has locked herself out of our house (with the help of our young children) 3 different times while I was in the back country. First time I hit cell service an hour into the ordeal and walked her through removing the basement window. . . Second time I left keys in under the gas flap on my pickup and she found them before trying to call me (great minds), third time I had 3 different spare keys around so it wasn't a big deal.

Also at one point while gone she got out to fill up with gas and had our 2.5 year old in his car seat and dog in the car. Gets out to fill up and hears the doors lock. . . Dog standing on the button. I got the message a few days later, but long story short my son after several attempts was able to get unbuckled from his 5pt car seat buckle and push the unlock button.

Times she has been locked out of our house or car when I'm home??? Zero!


Jul 11, 2017
Belews Creek NC
I kicked off a Wyoming hunt trip by airing out a pos rental car 15 min from the trail head. ( had to rent a uhaul for 8 days because it was the only rental thing available) then a Hurricane was bearing down on my area in NC to finish up. Repairs luckily were made on the rental the last day.

Rich M

Jun 14, 2017
Wife and I drove 10 hrs for a vacation, got settled in and got call from biggest client. Need you here at xx in 2 days. spent the night, packed up and headed home.

last year had a 2 wk vacation planned and coworkers kid gets COVID. She got the time off and I got to work.

I get a kick out of the baby things. You don’t plan a hunting trip within a month of a birth. Especially if you want to be there for it. LOL!

it was definitely easier to travel when no cell phones. Folks dealt w stuff and you found out when you got home. Now folks drag they buddies back home for a dog or kids arm. Really?
Aug 31, 2017
Well, get this: two years ago my hunting buddy and I set up an elk hunt in central Idaho. He lives in Colorado and it is a 9 hour drive to the unit from his house. Anyway he somehow forgot his hunting bin with his arrows, binoculars & spotter, knives and other essential items. He got to camp and after setting up, realized he had to drive back home for the bin. It was terrible LOL


Jan 22, 2014
Gulf Coast
Flew to Bozeman with my wife and son, hoping to do some Black Bear hunting.
Spent the first night and then the next morning get a call from a stranger that my mom had been in a bad car wreck. 3 weeks in ICU, 6 weeks in rehab, then find out she has Dementia. That was in 2018. She is in the late stages of the disease and is home with us and on Hospice care.
After 3 years it has taken a toll on me and my wife.


Mar 8, 2015
It’s always the dumb toilet for me. If I’m in a fire assignment or hunting I can pretty much count on a toilet getting clogged and my wife telling me she get it unclogged and it staying clogged til I get home. How many times has the toilet clogged while I’m home in 10 years of marriage? Zero.

Last year got the call that my grandmother passed away while driving to meet up with my brother in NV for mule deer. Thanks to covid they didn’t allow an actual memorial service so we just went hunting.

My lab ran away while I was elk hunting never to be seen again.

This year nearly missed my annual Texas Hunt due to snowmaggedon and no gas being available. Had to bring gas with us to TX.

So ya things seem to go south when hunting is involved.


Jan 22, 2014
Gulf Coast
Oh, another one.
Flew out to Boise, drove over to Ketchum for the one and only Elk tag I've ever drawn. Hunted 1.5 days till I got word that my G-maw was sick and prolly wouldnt make it. Flew back the next day. That was 8 years ago. She's now 94 y/o.
I still havent seen another Elk tag.


Aug 18, 2012
Always for me. Heres whats on the top of my head: Garage door opener shaft broke, hot water line burst under the house, wifes car dies, baby sick, coworker quits, and my wifes grandmother passed away on our honeymoon.

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