High School students in Caldwell, Idaho reported another student when they saw him with a handgun. Story from Oct 10:
Got very little press coverage and most likely, only in the Treasure Valley area, and not much at that. Would seem to many as a nothing burger not worth reporting. But suppose the national press adopted a policy to take such stories and run with them? Play up the students as heroes for coming forward and reporting the other student with a handgun? I've got zero evidence to back this up, but if these sorts of successful interventions were more prominently reported nationwide, I think we'd see a positive effect.

Caldwell High placed in lockdown after student found with handgun, safely arrested
Caldwell High School was placed in lockdown this morning after a student was found with a handgun.According to a statement from the Caldwell Police Department,
Got very little press coverage and most likely, only in the Treasure Valley area, and not much at that. Would seem to many as a nothing burger not worth reporting. But suppose the national press adopted a policy to take such stories and run with them? Play up the students as heroes for coming forward and reporting the other student with a handgun? I've got zero evidence to back this up, but if these sorts of successful interventions were more prominently reported nationwide, I think we'd see a positive effect.