Straight wall vs slug gun vs inline muzzleloader poll

Here in IL we’re going to be able to use a 350 and 450 next season. We have to keep them single shot however. Without having any experience with the straight walls, I much prefer carrying my inline muzzleloader over my 12ga. My T/C has much less recoil and significantly more accurate. Killed a fine doe at 191yards this year with it. If I had the chance to carry a semi or bolt action 350 I would probably take that over the other options.
I grew up in Ohio and used a knight disc rifle for deer gun season. I hunted southern Ohio where you can get pretty far shots, I killed a lot of deer with that gun out to 200 yards mostly during drives and still hunting. Today I'd probably take a hard lok at straight walled rifles.
Inline muzzleloader is accurate enough for my needs. I just don’t enjoy taking it to the range or the cleanup afterwards, a lot more farting around than the other two options.
I went to a smokeless inline- have upgraded a couple times. Have similar limitations in states I hunt (inc ohio) but IF I take a gun, that in-line is it and my safe has a lot of nice rifles… most of which are near new.

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I have all three. I have killed deer in Ohio with all three. I much prefer hunting with my bolt action Winchester in 350 legend by a long shot. I shot this buck last year from 185 yards with it and killed a doe in the same spot the next morning. Made a believer out of me as I shoot a 7mm08 and 270 in AL where my primary hunting spot is. IMG_0908.jpegIMG_0905.jpegIMG_3387.jpeg
I live in Illinois, similar regs to you it seems. Since you already have a CVA that you say work well I'd stick with that. When I looked at the ballistics of the 350 legend I didn't see something that would make me want to spend the time/money to get a 350 legend set up opposed to my Savage 220. To me, if you have an inline or a good 20 gauge slug gun I don't see the gain in the straight wall.
I also grew up in a shotgun only area in WI. We used rifled barrels on our 12s and 20s. Both worked great. However, if you can put a scope on your CVA, that's where I might go.
Thanks for all of the replies. I've been looking at the new 400 Legend that just came out, ballistic data is slightly better than a 30-30. Definitely something to consider, not sure what other manufacturers are building rifles in 400L yet besides Winchester.
Growing up in Iowa through the years I have killed them with the 12 gauge, muzzy, and now straight wall. Last year was the first year I never brought the shotgun even as a backup. I shoot a 444, it has a cult following for a reason. My dad shoots a 350 Leg. and has not needed a follow up shot yet. Personally I would stay away from the 400 legend due to bullet availability. The 360 looks nice, but the low recoil of the 350 has everything going for it. If you like a bit of recoil and want something you can take out west, get a 45-70 or a 444 lever gun and have some fun.
I don't live in Ohio but keep firearms there. I have had a shotgun and muzzle loader there, but recently bought a rifle chambered for a straight wall cartridge. That's what I'll use.