Stone Sheep Outfitter

Jun 15, 2016
Looking for one that uses supercubs or helos to get you into the backcountry. Seems like everyone I have reached out to uses horses.

Feel free to PM. Thanks

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I could be wrong, but I don't think any use helicopters, and I don't personally know of any using planes either. I'm interested to see if anyone else knows of one.
I think there are a few that do backpack hunts. Check out Dustin Roe with Backcountry BC and beyond. I have spoken with him a few times and he was very helpful answering a lot of stone sheep hunting questions I had.
i wouldn't let use of horses limit you on outfitters. A lot of the top stone outfitters I'm researching use them. Not a deal breaker even though horses really try my patience. They are good to get you from camp to the base of a mountain and can cover a lot of ground compared to being on foot. Yee-haw.
Helos are legal in the NWT only. IMO, if you are looking to hunt a "true & dark" Stone' need to be looking in BC. As for transportation "to get you to the base of the mountain so that the hiking begins"...the reputable Stone's outfitters such as:
Big Nine
Tuchodi RIver
Spatsizi/Collingwood Bros.
Stone Mountain
Scoop Lake
Prophet Muskwa
Wicked RIver
...they all use horses...and yes, I hate horses as one end kicks and the other end bites and they can test your patience, yet they are invaluable in some of the toughest terrain to get you in/out no matter how bad the that you're not stuck on a mountain waiting for the weather to clear so your helo can pick you up...or finding that gravel bar or bench so the SuperCub can fly in...or some rare outfitters use 8-wheel Argo's but they are booked 3-4 years out and the only ones I know are in the Yukon or if you're looking to find a Fannin's or "Light Stone's" typical of the Southern Yukon...gorgeous animals for might find an outfitter such as Bonnet Plume to fly you in...but that's some seriously nasty terrain and mostly Dall's with some light Fannin's...or Tombstone with Clint... or Blackstone with Jim/Adrienne...or Yukon Stone...or Deuling Stone...again beautiful light Fannin's or "Light Stone's"...the Yukon hunts are typically a little less expensive than those such as Big Nine (no longer run by Barry but seems the new owners are legit and serious-spoke with them at the WSF convention), Prophet Muskwa, and/or Reg Collingwood-all great/awesome areas but be ready to spend as much as La Palmosa or some other well-run ranch for Desert rams in Old Mexico.
Just be ready to be in your best sheep shape and if you have a knowledgeable guide...follow them closely, listen to them, and hit your target.
I can't wait til this August as it will have been since 2016 since I was in the Yukon, and will be back again at it next year. Do it while your knees and hips can handle the training and the real hiking.
Just a comment if you look at Big 9. As mentioned, the previous owner sold out. There's a thread on Long Range Hunting about the new operation you might want to review.
Big 9 does not appear to be shy about setting a new price for Stone Sheep! wholly...

I hunted with Leif at Stone Mountain and had a great hunt. (horseback hunt) I've also hunted Fannin's with Tombstone and had a great hunt. (you can do horseback or back pack with Tombstone)

Sheep hunt pricing is getting INSANE. Go while you can...Glad I've gone on about 15 sheep hunts while I could...It is almost getting to be out of reach for me.
Yah, the $70k for Big 9 pricetag for 2021 kinda made my eyes pop out of my head when I saw that at the sheep show!!
WyoSteve and Jack88,
Yup, I had a good conversation with the guys at the booth at the Sheep Show. However, I personally know one of the initial investors (Russ MacLennan) from Colorado, and his cousin Lance is one of my best buds...I haven't had time to, but need to call those boys and see why Russ dropped out. I plan to hunt whitetails with Lance in Kansas this year or next so I can work into that conversation easy enough.
Yup, when I saw the price I about passed out. I hunted with Barry in 2014 and paid $34,500 and then next year he went to $39,900 up front or "option 2" of $25,000 up front and $25,000 trophy fee when you tagged out. It was an educational experience, for sure, some interesting dynamics, and we managed to whack a 160-plus ram day 11 of 12.
But with La Palmosa down in Mexico averaging 178 gross B&C and with the right conversation you can go for $60K and be treated like kings for 8 days and look over mule deer, whitetails, pronghorn, elk, AND scores of rams on 115,000 acres free-range across the Sierra San Marco Y Pinos...and Renee' and Emilio and his dad are buying up adjoining ranches as I write this...the $70k price currently for Big Nine is way out of my range and I can go to AK "almost" 3 times, and definitely the Yukon twice-plus airfare and tips, and $$ left over.
Thanks for the tip and I will check the Long Range link.
Yah, the $70k for Big 9 pricetag for 2021 kinda made my eyes pop out of my head when I saw that at the sheep show!!

$70k!!! They sure are proud. Did they elaborate why a guy should pay nearly double to go with them? I find that ridiculously over priced and almost insulting. I guess there is an ass made for every seat and that’s their target clientele .

So glad I got my stone competed a few years ago at 1/2 the price with a fantastic experience included.
Sheep hunt pricing is getting INSANE. Go while you can...Glad I've gone on about 15 sheep hunts while I could...It is almost getting to be out of reach for me.

It is getting insane. Its also becoming out my reach for me as well and I make a good living to support my sheep fever habit. I’m glad I have most of my sheep hunts around the world checked off already as with current price trends, it wouldn't be possible.
Yeah, I couldnt believe some of the prices at Reno this year, glad I booked one last year. I admit I'm not excited about the horse thing, but to get a Stone, I'll do it. Heading up to Kawdy this summer. I'll post how it goes after.
Talked with all them at the sheep show and safari club, Prophet 110k, booked till 2025, Big 9 booked same won’t quote exact price, Stone Mountain same on bookings but will lock in todays 75k price with a deposit. Prophet does have a hunt on the Iowa FNAWS dinner later this month, last year it sold for 85 or 88k if I remember.
Doc did you ever find what you were looking for?
Last year I was a bit stunned when the Stone prices were averaging $55-60k. Don’t want to be diming-out specific folks but the same folks that quoted me $55k last year were now $75k. As others have pointed out, the folks with the known best areas are now nearing $100k. The funny thing is even with those prices the next openings are in 2026 and beyond.

Also, it isn’t just Stones. All premium North America species of sheep, goats, moose, great bears, etc are all spiking. At the same time numerous quality outfitters I‘ve chatted with are fully-booked through 2025. Part of this is pent up demand from lockdowns and rescheduled hunts jamming the calendar. But with supply super tight and extremely high demand, it’s bound to get even uglier in the short term.