Stone Sheep Outfitter

Sadly, in my well over 30 years of out of state and country hunting, I’ve never seen prices ever come down after “short term” going up.

Any of you remember getting the exchange rate for paying in US dollars? I sure do miss that!
When I saw Stones at $100k in Reno I knew I missed the boat. Best of luck those who are fortunate enough to hunt them!
What's crazy in the operations are setting the price. I've talked to a few that had prices late last year in the 70's and were approached by other operations asking what in the heck they were doing undercutting prices so much and they need to increase them. Greedy outfitting operations? Opportunity? New standard or temp inflation?
There is probably an argument for each but no matter your view the hunt is gonna be 90-100K if you wanna play.
It’s pretty obvious that the demand is there. It probably has been for a long time but the outfitters just didn’t see it for what it was until they began to jump prices up so much to make up for lost Covid hunts. When folks paid their prices that sealed it. IDK where the “top” is but there are a lot of very wealthy guys out there who like to hunt sheep. 70 vs. 90 vs. 110 vs. 150 K is no big deal to them.

The sad result is that (for the first time) anyone not super well off will simply be out of the game completely.
Heard three reasons for the steep increase in Reno:

1. Obviously, some inflation pressure
2. Huge demand just keeps increasing (only approx 200 stone harvested per year), and
3. Turnover in outfitters. Old timers had all or a lot of their stuff paid off. New owners have large bank debt to make payments for.
For $100k, they can fly me to the top, put me in a wall tent, and I'll shot downwards.
and then have 2 personal guides. 1 to carry my pack, and the other to carry my rifle and tripod.