Stolen Swarovski in Kansas City- recovered!


May 23, 2022
Hey friends. Had a set of Swarovski el 8.5x42 stolen in Kansas City last weekend. I don’t know how many Kansas City folks are here but if y’all happen to see a pair for sale in the area shoot me a pm.
It’s taken a bit to track this down.

But the last 4 digits of the serial number is: 9629
Good news. Just over a year later swaro calls and says they have my stolen binos in hand. I’m not sure of the process but it’s seems like the folks that sent them in had no idea they were stolen and had bought them off eBay. I still had a copy of the police report and swaro requested that. The person who sent them in was informed that they were stolen and they requested they go to the rightful owner.
Swaro said they would service them and send them back. No charge.

Happy ending!
Nice update! I wonder if the eBay buyer will contact eBay and if any investigation can be made to try and punish the criminal.
They sold from a local pawn shop thru eBay.
Swaro asked for the police report and was going to coordinate with the police department. So I would assume if anyone is going to investigate it would be the local pd.
I’m not holding my breath on that one.
Awesome for you, certainly sucks for the buyer and hope they can get some reconciliation as well. Nothing worse than a thief!!! Glad you recovered them and very impressed that someone at Swaro took the time to do the right thing and is continuing to take the time to work the other side as well. It’s a good lesson for all of us that are always looking for that “great deal” on used gear.
I would imagine that the eBay seller would be on the hook to reimburse the payment.

I tell ya I wouldn’t buy a used pair without contacting Swarovski and seeing if they had been reported stolen. Why risk it?

This will make me more careful about buying things online . . . Hmmm.

Swaro is really good. Call them and ask them to run the serial number before purchase. It takes no time and they usually give you a little information on the history.
Swaro is really good. Call them and ask them to run the serial number before purchase. It takes no time and they usually give you a little information on the history.

Agree. This is good practice. Call Swaro before you purchase used items. Have them run the serial #. They'll tell you whether the item has been reported stolen, tell you if it's ever been registered, and give you the service history.