States with most remote backcountry

Swap Wy for Co and that list is probably correct. Co has 6 million residents and over 87 million tourists annually. Most of which come for the mountains in some form or another. We are far from “remote”
No I'm good with Colorado considering it's where I'm originally from and I have first hand experience there as well as the other states I listed.
No I'm good with Colorado considering it's where I'm originally from and I have first hand experience there as well as the other states I listed.
It is simply my answer to his specific question based on my own experience. I've not done any hunting in the WY wilderness if you'd like to add it to your own list feel free.
In Wyoming, you will often hear “sled.” That’s a little something the movie “Wind River” got correct.
Idaho they are called sleds too. I have to remind myself that people dont understand what I am talking about when I say sled.