States for DIY Spot and Stalk Whitetail hunts


Jun 1, 2017
Hey guys, Im thinking about planning a DIY Whitetail trip. I would like to do it spot and stalk and am leaning more torwards rifle instead of bow since this will be my first out of state DIY trip. Looking around looks like North and South Dakota, and Nebraska are my best options. I was wondering if anyone had done one of these hunts and have any useful info. Like I said I’m in the early stages of planning and am trying to get some general areas figured out to plan for. Thanks guys.
Aug 20, 2019
FYI: North Dakota is draw only for rifle tags. Odds of drawing an either sex or antlered tag are not good! Can buy an OTC Whitetail bow tag though if you decide to try the stick n string.


Jun 20, 2019
I've done several successful spot and stalk(s) on whitetails in Michigan. There are a lot of deer in the lower peninsula. The only possible issue is that you'll probably have to spend a long time looking to find a mature buck on public land.


Apr 17, 2020
Hey guys, Im thinking about planning a DIY Whitetail trip. I would like to do it spot and stalk and am leaning more torwards rifle instead of bow since this will be my first out of state DIY trip. Looking around looks like North and South Dakota, and Nebraska are my best options. I was wondering if anyone had done one of these hunts and have any useful info. Like I said I’m in the early stages of planning and am trying to get some general areas figured out to plan for. Thanks guys.
Unless you have private land, I wouldn't recommend Nebraska. Rifle season is a zoo on public. I think Kansas or South Dakota would be your best options.
Jul 30, 2015
Lenexa, KS
Unless you have private land, I wouldn't recommend Nebraska. Rifle season is a zoo on public. I think Kansas or South Dakota would be your best options.

I think Kansas has achieved zoo status as well. It was a circus in 2019 and I feel like it's gotten 20% worse each year since, COVID impacts. It's a 'manage your expectations' kind of situation.

We do have some nice archery opportunities where the competition isn't near as stiff.

Not knowing where the OP is coming from, I think MT might be a good option, maybe Colorado eastern plains (but I'm not sure about their rifle seasons).

FWIW I've been hunting KS for 10 years or so and the biggest whitetail I've killed is 120" or so, maybe smaller. All DIY public.

Rich M

Jun 14, 2017
There some places down here in FL you can spot & stalk. Wide open grassy river bottom. Need to have pref points to draw tho - and we don't sell points, You have to apply and not draw, then you get a point.
Aug 28, 2017
South Dakota
If you are a nonresident to SD, you more than likely need points to guarantee to draw depending on what county you pick. The EHD was bad last year for whitetails so tag numbers could possibly be lower this year also.


Jun 12, 2019
Nebraska would be your best bet to just get a tag and go. last time I looked at S.D. some units for Whitetail only rifle tags were 2-3 years for NRs but I haven't checked in a couple years. ND I am going on year 8 applying and "should" draw. A couple units you may be able to draw in 2-3 years Most units are 5-infinity. If you look into the units that are either Antlered Whitetail or Any Antlered and you can draw almost immediately or within 2-3 years...very little public (or at least public that will hold deer) and very little chance of getting on private.


Aug 15, 2020
Myself or my hunting buddies have gone to Nebraska the last 7 years and EHD really hammered the deer populations in parts of Nebraska, SD and ND in 2021. It’s going to be a few years before things bounce back to where they were.

Nebraska is the easiest state to get a deer tag in the northern Great Plains and the pressure matches it. That said “pressure” is pretty relative if you are coming from Eastern public land deer hunting. Even Nebraska isn’t bad after a couple of days seeing how people hunt certain areas and planning accordingly.

I refer to these hunts as “western lite” hunting but they are absolutely awesome to learn on. You figure out how to glass, how to evaluate landscapes and how animals use them and can go every year if you have a few extra vacation days.


Jan 30, 2021
As noted by Kurts, parts of NE have been hammered by EHD due to the drought. My brother's in-laws farm has really taken a beating. Have heard that there will be a reduction in non-resident tags for this year.


Jun 1, 2017
Hey guys sorry for the long lull in posts its been a crazy few weeks and I just got back in the groove on planning this trip.
FYI: North Dakota is draw only for rifle tags. Odds of drawing an either sex or antlered tag are not good! Can buy an OTC Whitetail bow tag though if you decide to try the stick n string.
Well I think me and the guy that is going to go with me have just decided to go ahead and do OTC archery for ease of getting tags
I think Kansas has achieved zoo status as well. It was a circus in 2019 and I feel like it's gotten 20% worse each year since, COVID impacts. It's a 'manage your expectations' kind of situation.

We have kind of crossed Kansas off the list.

Myself or my hunting buddies have gone to Nebraska the last 7
I refer to these hunts as “western lite” hunting but they are absolutely awesome to learn on. You figure out how to glass, how to evaluate landscapes and how animals use them and can go every year if you have a few extra vacation days.
I really like the idea/term of “western lite”. This is the main reason for doing this trip. We are on the east coast in NC so this would be a trip we could drive to and camp. Our main goals would be A) gain expierance with spot and stalk and B) kind of have a gear test/ shake out. Neither of us are going with any expectations on killing but hope to great a few stalks in.

Out of ND/SD/NE I have a few questions:
1. Are these state wide tags?
2. Are these buck only tags or is their an antlerless/ buck combo option
3. How many hunting days would y’all recommend for a hunt like this
4. What time of year would you recommend going/ Are the archery tags only good during archery season?

Thanks for the info guys I really appreciate all the help.


Jan 25, 2014
The Sooner State
OK public lands during rifle are a mad house. But definitely do-able. I tend to stay off of them or go to bow only WMA's. If you have any questions feel free to PM me. I'll help with what I can.

wind gypsy

Dec 30, 2014
I think Kansas has achieved zoo status as well. It was a circus in 2019 and I feel like it's gotten 20% worse each year since, COVID impacts. It's a 'manage your expectations' kind of situation.

We do have some nice archery opportunities where the competition isn't near as stiff.

Not knowing where the OP is coming from, I think MT might be a good option, maybe Colorado eastern plains (but I'm not sure about their rifle seasons).

FWIW I've been hunting KS for 10 years or so and the biggest whitetail I've killed is 120" or so, maybe smaller. All DIY public.

Certainly a lot of hype on KS lately..
Feb 5, 2014
Tulsa Ok
OK has a lot of public out west but as Sooner said, they get hit hard during rifle. Bow, spot and stalk would be a better option as the pressure is lower. All OK tags are OTC....

As far as SD, rifle tags are unit specific. Lots of public and walk in in the western side of the state. Already too late for an archery tag unless you are hunting private land only. It will take pp to draw a decent unit for rifle.


Apr 17, 2020
Hey guys sorry for the long lull in posts its been a crazy few weeks and I just got back in the groove on planning this trip.

Well I think me and the guy that is going to go with me have just decided to go ahead and do OTC archery for ease of getting tags

We have kind of crossed Kansas off the list.

I really like the idea/term of “western lite”. This is the main reason for doing this trip. We are on the east coast in NC so this would be a trip we could drive to and camp. Our main goals would be A) gain expierance with spot and stalk and B) kind of have a gear test/ shake out. Neither of us are going with any expectations on killing but hope to great a few stalks in.

Out of ND/SD/NE I have a few questions:
1. Are these state wide tags?
2. Are these buck only tags or is their an antlerless/ buck combo option
3. How many hunting days would y’all recommend for a hunt like this
4. What time of year would you recommend going/ Are the archery tags only good during archery season?

Thanks for the info guys I really appreciate all the help.
In Nebraska, for whitetail, the archery tag is statewide. Plan on competition but to me the best time to bow hunt is the week leading up to rifle season. The rifle always opens on the Saturday closest to November 13th so this year it open on November 12th. The tags change yearly but have always been either sex tags. Does are managed by specific areas so in some areas you might be able to pick up an antelerless tag. Some of those tags have had bonus antelerless tags attached so you get two deer with one permit.

You may have some luck finding private ground for archery whitetail if you ask nice. If you do, I think 5 days would get you multiple opportunities. I personally wouldn't make the drive to hunt the public. I really think you would be disappointed in the hunt.
Feb 13, 2017
Tulsa, ok
As previously mentioned Oklahoma’s public can be pretty busy during rifle season. Oklahoma has a 16 day rifle season, most people only hunt the first two weeks. The further west you go the less people and the better terrain for spot and stalk. Tags are OTC but kinda high for whitetail. I Definitely wouldn’t mark Oklahoma off your list.


Jul 11, 2013
You can cross off NW NEbraska as far as access. It is my understanding the NR tags were reduced to 180 this year and the statewide buck tag will not be valid. Way overdue. And im a NR