States for DIY Spot and Stalk Whitetail hunts

In Oklahoma, don't overlook small pieces of COE land. You'll be surprised what will hold deer, and you don't need to head out west. Also, I seldom see other bow hunters (and almost always see deer) on the COE that I frequent...

Certainly a lot of hype on KS lately..

Your post motivated me to do some Googlin and clickin. Found some hunter comments from 2019-2020 season. They are a good read for anyone wanting to get a look into our deer hunting. I'm going to cherry pick some comments I thought were salient or entertaining below.

Too many hunters in Unit 2

Dramatic drop in deer population over the last 5-7 years in my hunting region. Some of this was likely due to disease 3-4 years ago, but out of state hunting services are increasing and pressuring local numbers. Also, poaching is perennially a moderately severe issue with VERY limited fish and game surveillance.

The amount of outfitters and land competition for locals is frustrating

Just scouted the properties that I can hunt. Did not observe anything of a higher quality to justify hunting. I do firmly believe through observation over the years that the department better realize that baiting needs to cease for the betterment of the herd!!! Let's get back to hunting and not just killing! And especially killing for money! It is all getting out of control!!

Saw alot of deer, but not any mature trophy bucks. It seems like there are more out of state hunters every year. While I live out of state, I grew up in Kansas and own over 700 acres. I think Kansas needs to start a more selective drawing for out of state hunters.

I have private ground in Unit 3 that has been in my family for many years. I have given up on even trying to hunt it as the deer numbers continue to decline. I don't know why they continue to decline but it's been frustrating to see the numbers to continue to drop and still the number of tags being issued. There needs to be more regulation on the number of tags issued deer hunting used to be something I looked forward to but I have considered not hunting all together and just start hunting out of state. To offset the lower number of tags increase the out of state and in state tag cost.

Deer tested positive for CWD. Tossed entire deer.

Hunting is getting worse all the time. It’s a pay to play system anymore. I’m still lucky enough to have a few Good places to hunt left. Probably won’t be long and I won’t have anywhere to go though.

It goes on...
OK public lands during rifle are a mad house. But definitely do-able. I tend to stay off of them or go to bow only WMA's. If you have any questions feel free to PM me. I'll help with what I can.

@Sooner ill send you a pm with some specific questions

As previously mentioned Oklahoma’s public can be pretty busy during rifle season. Oklahoma has a 16 day rifle season, most people only hunt the first two weeks. The further west you go the less people and the better terrain for spot and stalk. Tags are OTC but kinda high for whitetail. I Definitely wouldn’t mark Oklahoma off your list.

In Oklahoma, don't overlook small pieces of COE land. You'll be surprised what will hold deer, and you don't need to head out west. Also, I seldom see other bow hunters (and almost always see deer) on the COE that I frequent...

We are probably going to do Oklahoma. Looks like there’s camping opportunities on most WMAs and its only a 20ish hr drive from NC. Anyone got any input on which WMA’s to focus on in the western part of the state? A quick OnX search looks like Beaver River WMA and Optima WMA look good from a spot and stalk aspect. Anyone have any info on these two?
"Spot and stalk" on whitetails as a non res is gonna be extremely difficult in Nebraska. Most of our public lands are small parcels spread out all over the state.

"Nebraska spot and stalk" consists of driving dirt roads and trying to intercept them at the hedge row. You have to know the terrain, public fields, roads and deer patterns.

There are a few larger pieces where you might find the more traditional spot and stalk experience. But expect company...

And it's not the worst place for ambush hunting but I wouldn't spend my vacation days in Nebraska given a choice.
You can cross off NW NEbraska as far as access. It is my understanding the NR tags were reduced to 180 this year and the statewide buck tag will not be valid. Way overdue. And im a NR
I was going to say, there are changes for this year. Parts of the state have been hit hard by EHD. My brother's land as well as is in-laws farm have been hit really hard.
I think Beaver River is draw only for gun. There are two "units" and I believe both are draw for gun season. Black Kettle and Packsaddle would also be conducive to spot and stalk. Lots of open country with rolling hills. Lots of other hunters though. The rifle seasons only last 9 days on public as opposed to the full 16. I'd avoid opening weekend like the plague. But i'd rather have hunts with fewer hunters knowing some of the bigger bucks may have already been killed.
I think I've mentioned in another thread- I've turkey hunted the black kettle area a few times and I've always seen deer. There are hogs too.
So it looks like the only time we are going to be able to go this year is the week between Christmas and new year’s. Im looking at packsaddle, black kettle, and some walk in areas with what looks like wheat fields near by.
I think I've mentioned in another thread- I've turkey hunted the black kettle area a few times and I've always seen deer. There are hogs too.
Can you hunt hogs on public land in OK?
So it looks like the only time we are going to be able to go this year is the week between Christmas and new year’s. Im looking at packsaddle, black kettle, and some walk in areas with what looks like wheat fields near by.

Can you hunt hogs on public land in OK?
You'll need to check the regs for the specific WMA you're thinking about, there are some WMAs that don't allow it.