Staccato HD


Oct 22, 2018
Littleton, CO
A staccato that takes Glock mags.


Looks like a 1911 grip angle. I am impressed.
I hope this is real. Really want a 2011, but live in a state with new restrictions on magazine capacity. I have a bunch on standard capacity Glock mags. So this would be a great option.
From reading other sites, apparently this has some sort of firing pin safety so it's drop safe. It sounds like they're going to go after LE departments sales with this.
This should be a hot seller in the civilian world, but I don't forsee a $2,600 handgun replacing the Glock in most LEO markets. Will it shoot great, absolutely but a $500 glock shots well enough and has a history that most departments will continue to outfit their standard units with the Glock. Specialized units will go for this as they typically have more of a budget. Although I'd argue that the budget should go towards more training vs a handgun that would make shooters perceive to be marginally better.

This is also coming from someone who has grown more and more annoyed at wasted spending by any .gov agency which local law enforcement is IMO part of that as they are funded by our taxes.
I don’t believe the Leo price is $2600 for the departments. Pretty cool it’s true metal mags and will accept Glock standard mags! I’ll buy someone’s old model!
The Leo price is $800 off.

This kinda turns me off of buying one. I’m sure they are still making a profit but basically saying “because of your chosen profession we would like to arbitrarily make an additional $800 profit off you.”

Not taking anything away from LEO who I have the upmost respect for, it just devalues the gun to me.
The Leo price is $800 off.

This kinda turns me off of buying one. I’m sure they are still making a profit but basically saying “because of your chosen profession we would like to arbitrarily make an additional $800 profit off you.”

Not taking anything away from LEO who I have the upmost respect for, it just devalues the gun to me.

You realize most companies do this, correct?
You realize most companies do this, correct?

Percentages off yes, I am well aware of the blue label and Leo/military pricing for several brands.

But a $800 discount? That tells me they are overpriced for what they produce them for.

Do they want volume? Drop the price by $400 across the board and be done with it.

All I’m saying is that this devalues the overall product imho (I may be off base here and if so I apologize).
Percentages off yes, I am well aware of the blue label and Leo/military pricing for several brands.

But a $800 discount? That tells me they are overpriced for what they produce them for.

Do they want volume? Drop the price by $400 across the board and be done with it.

All I’m saying is that this devalues the overall product imho (I may be off base here and if so I apologize).
Seriously? Almost every sporting goods company offers MIL/LEO discounts. Mostly because they are out there protecting our asses with very little gratitude and shit pay. I wish the discounts were bigger for them.
I get mil/LE/EM discounts from some suppliers. I'm incredibly appreciative to all who extend those discounts.

I would note, though, that these discounts don't really hold a candle to some of the tolls of being on the "thin blue line". In terms of savings, they don't come anywhere near the fact that I could easily earn double my salary in the private sector.

I choose to do the role I do as public service. The discounts I receive are a small acknowledgement of this - actually, for me, they're less about the amount of money saved (perhaps a few hundred dollars a year), but rather the fact that some companies want to recognise us for our work.

And to be clear - I'm not "playing victim" here (as I saw someone recently tried to mud-sling at @Formidilosus on a different issue). I'm also not discrediting the discounts offered by companies. Also not wishing I did something else; I'm proud to serve.

Just pointing out that the "wouldn't it be nice" argument sometimes doesn't have an awareness of the costs of long hours, being on-call, shift work, days or weeks away from family, having people's lives (and possibly deaths) in the balance of your decision-making under extremely high pressure, and so on.
I get mil/LE/EM discounts from some suppliers. I'm incredibly appreciative to all who extend those discounts.

I would note, though, that these discounts don't really hold a candle to some of the tolls of being on the "thin blue line". In terms of savings, they don't come anywhere near the fact that I could easily earn double my salary in the private sector.

I choose to do the role I do as public service. The discounts I receive are a small acknowledgement of this - actually, for me, they're less about the amount of money saved (perhaps a few hundred dollars a year), but rather the fact that some companies want to recognise us for our work.

And to be clear - I'm not "playing victim" here (as I saw someone recently tried to mud-sling at @Formidilosus on a different issue). I'm also not discrediting the discounts offered by companies. Also not wishing I did something else; I'm proud to serve.

Just pointing out that the "wouldn't it be nice" argument sometimes doesn't have an awareness of the costs of long hours, being on-call, shift work, days or weeks away from family, having people's lives (and possibly deaths) in the balance of your decision-making under extremely high pressure, and so on.
Thank you for your service.