Squirrel Pistol


May 27, 2021
I'm interested in setting up a handgun for opportunistic squirrel hunting while hiking or hunting other game. It has to be manually-operated to meet PA's regs. I'd like one that can be suppressed. I'd also like it to be fairly small. Any suggestions?

Do I need to look into permanently converting a semi to single-shot? Maybe put a barrel chop, red dot, and slimmer stock on a keystone sporting arms chipmunk?
I appreciate the ideas.

I don't think I'd trust a small airgun. 8 grains at 420fps is not likely to get consistent penetration. I gave up shooting garden varmints with my 10m air rifle due to lack of velocity/penetration.

The harder-hitting air pistols are pretty big and heavy:

I really like the minimalist design of the Chiappa, but I can't slip that in and out of a holster that rides easily on my hip or bino harness. I think something like a Ruger Bearcat would be a great size, but I can't suppress a revolver.
Sig has the 322 which comes with a thread adapter and you can get a suppressor that is like 2" long and very light. Depends on the gun shop but there are many brands for suppressors
Yeah, it would be nice if PA allowed hunting with semi-autos. I've considered attempting to permanently convert one to a straight-pull single shot.
Could also look at TC Contender with a 4-6” barrel. Other than that, a Ruger Single Six of some flavor.
Ruger SP 101 .22 revolver is a decent sized woods carry small game piece. Trigger is a little heavy. I really like mine. If willing to go used an older H&R revolver would fit the bill as well.
I use a TC Contender with a 10" octagon barrel and a 1.5x scope with .22 shorts and it's murder on squirrels. If you want to suppress it, look at the bull barrel model and have it trimmed to a handy length and threaded.
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I have a NAA Hogleg that I use in PA for this exact purpose. I also have a Anschutz 17P. The Anschutz is a bigger gun. Here is link to the NAA. https://www.northamericanarms.com/shop/naa-1860-6c/
Those NAAs are actually very good shooters. They make a 4" Mini Master with adjustable sights that would shoot as well as any just about any other open sighted pistol and weighs 11 oz.
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I wish someone would make an ultralight threaded .22 break action for just this purpose. Those little NAA pistols are just the right size and weight, but a revolver won’t suppress well.

They could easily sell the lightest quietest pistol in town, and would make a perfect squirrel getter!
Subs out of my ruger mark iv turn it into a manually operated pistol.
Unfortunately it sounds like the keystone chipmunk or tc contender are your only real options.

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