LH 300 WinMag options: Build or Buy


Nov 27, 2018
Auburn, CA
So, I have spent a couple years building up a couple rifles. Built then RH because I figured that I will be handing them down, and my son is RH. I shoot LH, so am THINKING about getting/building me a rifle. Here is my current "options" and why I am hesitating with each.

To start with I am just hesitating in general, since I have been shooting RH rifles all my life, and I have build 2 that are lights out. I ask myself "Do I really need a LH rifle?" I am still internally battling that decision, but this post is assuming I come up with "Yes! You can never have too many rifles"

General "wants" and "biases" starting out:
  • 300WM because I already have all the handloading material I will need, and since I have been actively looking for primers for over 6 months, and they essentially seem to have become extinct, I went with 300WM
  • 300WM because it is a tried and true cartridge that I can literally use for any game in NA
  • I want to hand load to get max performance out of a load. I am in Cali, so need to load dev for non-lead projectiles
  • I have legal access to a suppressor outside of CA, so will run it suppressed in those hunts
  • I'd like gun that can reach out to 900y and that is sub-moa
  • I backpack hunt, so want it reasonably light
  • I want it to be LH
  • My current 300WM meets all of that, but is RH
With that, here are my current thoughts/options:

OptionRough CostProCon
Build a semi-custom: Tikka action, Mesa Altitude Stock, CarbonSix 1:8 22" barrel, Ross Muzzle Break$2700I have built one. It shoots .5 moa. it weighs 8.5# scoped and recoils like my 6.5CM. I get the 22" barrel that I can run suppressed, and I get the 1:8 twist rate for the longer projectilesThe COAL is limited to ~3.37 with OEM Mag & BM. I have to have all of this stuff built and assembled
Same Tikka, but with RedSnake BM and AICS Mag$3000More COAL ability to 3.50Still limited to 3.50, and my Hammer Hunter was 3.570. Same "build" issues
Christensen Arms Mesa FFT, replace stock with MPA Altitude or another$2550Sub-MOA guarantee. No build needed, just a stock swap. 5.5# stock. COAL of ~3.70
1:10 twist means I can't use some of the newer projectiles. Not a CF barrel.
APR Altitude 300 Win Mag: Defiance anTi, Proof barrel 1:9, AG Composite Adjustable Hunter, 7lb 6oz. Trigger Tech Trigger (1-3#)$40001:9, 7lb 6oz. It is available. COAL 3.85. It's built.$$$ compared to others. I also no nothing about the company and their guns, but the components are top notch. 24" barrel is longer than I want.

I'd be real curious as to a few thoughts on if for handload and hunting performance is the COAL or the Twist Rate more important?

Any thoughts on those (are others similar), is appreciated. The $4k is about the top (actually slightly above) of what I am willing to spend.
I'm surprised no one answered this, I'm just seeing this now. I'm a lefty too, take a look at the new Weatherby Apex, It comes in a left hand version including the 300 Win Mag. If I had more coin one of those in 338 RPM would be already ordered. The 6 lug guns are 6.5 lbs and the 9 lug 300 Win Mag is listed at 7.5 lbs with a #3 contour barrel the same as the Accumark.

Just another option for you and it sounds like those Wyoming Weatherby's are fantastic rifles.
I'm surprised no one answered this, I'm just seeing this now. I'm a lefty too, take a look at the new Weatherby Apex, It comes in a left hand version including the 300 Win Mag. If I had more coin one of those in 338 RPM would be already ordered. The 6 lug guns are 6.5 lbs and the 9 lug 300 Win Mag is listed at 7.5 lbs with a #3 contour barrel the same as the Accumark.

Just another option for you and it sounds like those Wyoming Weatherby's are fantastic rifles.

Good idea, but … 1:10 and long barrel (I want to run suppresses when out of CA) are show stoppers for me.

Appreciate the suggestion though.
