Springfield Armory Waypoint 2020 Pre Review.

Sorry to hear about the loss Joel. I simply could not imagine what you are going through.

And for all continuing to share your experiences with this rifle, I certainly appreciate it. I’m in Canada, so I don’t have high hopes of getting my hands on one anytime soon, but one in 6.5 PRC is on my list.
I was going to buy a Waypoint in 6mm creedmoor, as everything about the rifle really appealed to me for a small compact Pronghorn/coyote rifle, however I never could find one in stock so I put a call into my gunsmith and ended up building pretty much the same rifle minus the carbon fiber barrel as my gunsmith drills and cut rifles his own barrels and they shoot absolutely phenomenal.
Joel. Thank you for sharing.

now I am on the lookout for this in 308 stainless and adjustable.
I have had my 2020 in 308 since last fall and had to send it in to SA for repair, the plastic cocking piece had broke and needed replaced. Got the rifle back in 3 weeks and back to shooting.
Just as an update, tested another box of Hornady Precision Hunter 143 gr. ELD-X in my SA Waypoint in 6.5 CM @ 100 yds. Pretty decent group for a rushed trip to the range at lunch, only shot 3 rounds, then 3 clicks right. Spot on. Love the Waypoint.
One of my hunting partners, who is new to hunting, bought a 6.5CM Waypoint. I have been to our range with him all spring and summer prepping for an Alaska trip on 9/1/22.

I am impressed at how accurate the gun is despite his relative newness to shooting. Prone, sitting with gun on sticks, or on the bench, the WP2020 is shooting one inch groups for him. Wish I needed another rifle, which I don't.......
After testing probably 40 different loads I think I've settled on 55.3 grains of H1000, Nosler brass Fed 210's, and 143 ELD-X's. Shooting 2927 fps I just have to load up a few more and see what they do at distance. Hoping to get it figured out before Wyoming antelope starts.
Ballistic-X-Export-2022-08-18 16_04_50.665210.jpg
Great info! I’ve been looking to get one but the only ones I’ve seen pop up are in the evergreen camp, would prefer the ridgeline camp. They don’t plan on doing just a black action do they?
I have three Springfield Armory guns, two handguns and an AR15. Fit, finish and accuracy are great and the guns are well thought out. Good customer service too. That has been my experience with them. Looks like their entry into bolt actions is following suit. Very nice rifle. Congrats!

I purchased a 1911 from them last year. It arrived with a rear sight that was off center. When I called them about it, they didn't care.

My gunsmith fixed it, but I was not impressed with them.
The last Springfield 1911 that I bought looked great, hopefully that was just a issue with that one!
Nice rifle! I picked up a Waypoint in 6.5 PRC. How’re you like the Leupold MK5? I was think about going with the MK5 for mine as well but I’m still not too sure yet. I like Zeiss optics for hunting purposes.
I just saw the steel barreled version at Scheel’s today. They are nice looking rifles. If I saw a carbon barreled one in person it would be awfully tempting!
Anyone have an idea if there will be more made in the ridgeline camo version? I am looking to pick one of these up either way as I am a big springfield fan.