Spotting Scope & Tripod Recommendations?

Ok. So, I have found where I can get a brand new Vortex Razor 27-60x85 for $1000. The Meopta S2 brand new is $2600 and I can possibly get a used one for around $2000. If you were going to use this spotter maybe a couple times a year for family vacation purposes, would you still spend the extra $1000-$1600 to get the Meopta? Or, would you get the Vortex?
I’d spit the diff and get a Kowa 77, it’s a great spotting scope, as good as the swaro ats/sts. Skip Vortex, its not worth it.
Ok. So, I have found where I can get a brand new Vortex Razor 27-60x85 for $1000. The Meopta S2 brand new is $2600 and I can possibly get a used one for around $2000. If you were going to use this spotter maybe a couple times a year for family vacation purposes, would you still spend the extra $1000-$1600 to get the Meopta? Or, would you get the Vortex?
If you can wait, be patient for sales and watch the classifieds for an S2. They do come up occasionally in the $1800 range.

The only vortex spotter I’ve owned is the 11-33x50 razor so I can not speak to the larger ones, but I can’t tell you how many reports I’ve read of people moving from those to the Kowa 77 or Meopta S2 describing the huge difference. Unlike binoculars, where there’s definitely a point of diminishing returns past the $500-1000 range, spotters really do get much better all the way up around $2-2.5k. That’s usually the point where folks can’t tell a difference between theirs and their friends $3-4k system and never need to shop for another spotter in their lifetime.
I’d spit the diff and get a Kowa 77, it’s a great spotting scope, as good as the swaro ats/sts. Skip Vortex, its not worth it.

I also recommend the Kowa 77. I went to the 773 from an ATS 65HD Swaro, and to me personally, the Kowa is better in every way.
(Granted 77 vs 65 I know)

So much so, I have no desire to “upgrade” what so ever.

It checks all the boxes 👍🏻
I have searched for the same topic but haven't found one that fits my circumstances, so I thought I'd post another one. I am going to buy a spotting scope in the next few months. I'm leaning toward the Vortex Razor 22-48x65 or the 27-60x85. I am going to be exclusively using it to take on family trips and watching wildlife from afar. I don't have a ton of money to spend which is why I'm looking at the Vortex spotter instead of something more high end. Of course, I'm also going to need a tripod that's good for it.

Please give me your recommendations on a good spotter and tripod and why that one is the one you'd recommend. I have absolutely zero knowledge of this but I want to have a good experience for my family when we do go on a trip. For instance, we are going to Yellowstone next year and are in hopes of setting up and viewing wolves, bears, buffalo, antelope, etc. Thanks everyone for the help!
We appreciate you checking out our spotters! Both of those you mentioned would be perfect for what it sounds like you'll be using them for. If you plan on packing them with while going on trips or hiking in Yellowstone, the 65 mm version might be the better choice as it will save you a bit on weight. As far as tripods go, The High Country II Tripod would be a great entry level tripod. If weight is a concern the Ridgeview Carbon Tripod would be another great option.

If you have any questions on our products, please let me know.