Split or 3 under how do you roll!!!


May 15, 2013
Was a 3 under guy, but anything past 25 yards was not working, headed to the high country for mule deer this year 30 and 35 needed to be money, switched to split and to my surprise I am more accurate than I was 3 under.

Plus the bow is way quieter and more efficient, had the best day of my shooting career yesterday, 30 and 35 were lights out.
I don't shoot traditional, but there was an article written by a fairly well known traditional hunter a couple years back. It may have been in Eastmans. This archer shot both, 3 under out to a certain distance and then split finger for the longer ones. He didn't shoot instinctive, but shot off a gap system and point of arrow. The two styles allowed him to be able to keep his long range gaps more manageable.
Yeah, the split gives a more conducive anchor for long range for sure, Olympic archers shot split anchor under the chin. I found split to feel more natural, more control over the bow and arrow, and got the arrow away from my eye, the arrow was in my peripheral but it confused me or had something to do with my focus. I missed 2 150" whitetails this year, both under 15 yards. I needed a change anyway.

When I shot a compound, I could never shot a multiple pin set up, it confused me. I ran a single pin. Must be my brain wiring.
I started out shooting split, then moved to 3 under. More accurate for me, but I shoot mostly instinctive.
I shot split with my compound, but 3 under with traditional. I shoot a gap and my point on is 25 yards... which is my effective range. I mess around with the system Rosinbag described... but don't have any business shooting at animals past 25. Ed F
I shot split for years, now 3 under. Anyone I teach to shoot it will be 3 under. I agree that after 30 yards it gets tough. I will just have to get closer. :)
I just got into traditional just over a year ago and still learning and trying different methods. Most recently I have gone from split with a glove to a tab and three under. The three under just feels best for me, but I need more time and practice to figure it out. I shoot instinctive. Basically training myself to shoot by watching videos. No way I can shoot out past 20 yards at my current level. 10-15 is my comfort range right now.
I shoot gap, and as such shoot 3 under. My issue, is that I have a long face, and my point on with a 32" arrow is still 40+ yards. With split, my point on was closer to 60.

I'm going to start messing around with my anchor some to see if I can get my point on down closer to 30, as my gap at 20 yards is currently in the 24" range, which can be tough at times. That said, i have virutally the same gap (peak of arrow arc), within 4" or so, from 15-25, which makes those shots fairly consistent.
I've shot both but have been exclusively shooting three under for the past year and a half. Much more consistent for me. I don't gap. I shoot instinctive. If I was going to use the point on method I would just put a single pin sight on it as I see no difference between the two.
I just started shooting traditional. I had been shooting split, but my form is not up to par and the arrow would come out of the rest. I tried 3 under and everything is good, so I'm going 3 under now.
I started out shooting split and instinctive but lost patience and went to 3 under and gap and my accuracy and consistency greatly improved, enough infanct to feel confident hunting with the recurve which resulted in my first deer harvest with it on the 2cd day of season.
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